qubes_core 2.9 KB

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. #
  3. # chkconfig: 345 90 90
  4. # description: Executes Qubes core scripts at VM boot
  5. #
  6. # Source function library.
  7. . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
  8. start()
  9. {
  10. echo -n $"Executing Qubes Core scripts:"
  11. if ! [ -x /usr/bin/xenstore-read ] ; then
  12. echo "ERROR: /usr/bin/xenstore-read not found!"
  13. exit 1
  14. fi
  15. # Set permissions to /proc/xen/xenbus, so normal user can use xenstore-read
  16. chmod 666 /proc/xen/xenbus
  17. mkdir -p /var/run/xen-hotplug
  18. name=$(/usr/bin/xenstore-read name)
  19. if ! [ -f /etc/this_is_dvm ] ; then
  20. # we don't want to set hostname for DispVM
  21. # because it makes some of the pre-created dotfiles invalid (e.g. .kde/cache-<hostname>)
  22. # (let's be frank: nobody's gonna use xterm on DispVM)
  23. hostname $name
  24. (grep -v "\<$name\>" /etc/hosts; echo " $name") > /etc/hosts
  25. fi
  26. # Set IP address again (besides action in udev rules); this is needed by
  27. # DispVM (to override DispVM-template IP) and in case when qubes_ip was
  28. # called by udev before loading evtchn kernel module - in which case
  29. # xenstore-read fails
  30. INTERFACE=eth0 /usr/lib/qubes/setup_ip
  31. mkdir -p /var/run/qubes
  32. if [ -e /dev/xvdb ] ; then
  33. mount /rw
  34. if ! [ -d /rw/home ] ; then
  35. echo
  36. echo "--> Virgin boot of the VM: Linking /home to /rw/home"
  37. mkdir -p /rw/config
  38. touch /rw/config/rc.local
  39. mkdir -p /rw/home
  40. cp -a /home.orig/user /home
  41. mkdir -p /rw/usrlocal
  42. cp -a /usr/local.orig/* /usr/local
  43. touch /var/lib/qubes/first_boot_completed
  44. fi
  45. fi
  46. /usr/lib/qubes/qrexec_agent 2>/var/log/qubes/qrexec_agent.log &
  47. [ -x /rw/config/rc.local ] && /rw/config/rc.local
  48. if ! [ -f /home/user/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/.scripts_created ] ; then
  49. echo "Creating symlinks for nautilus actions..."
  50. su user -c 'mkdir -p /home/user/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts'
  51. su user -c 'ln -s /usr/lib/qubes/qvm-copy-to-vm.gnome /home/user/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/"Copy to other AppVM"'
  52. su user -c 'ln -s /usr/bin/qvm-open-in-dvm /home/user/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/"Open in DisposableVM"'
  53. su user -c 'touch /home/user/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/.scripts_created'
  54. fi
  55. if ! [ -f /home/user/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/.scripts_created2 ] ; then
  56. # as we have recently renamed tools, the symlinks would need to be fixed for older templates
  57. su user -c 'ln -sf /usr/lib/qubes/qvm-copy-to-vm.gnome /home/user/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/"Copy to other AppVM"'
  58. su user -c 'ln -sf /usr/bin/qvm-open-in-dvm /home/user/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/"Open in DisposableVM"'
  59. su user -c 'touch /home/user/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/.scripts_created2'
  60. fi
  61. success
  62. echo ""
  63. start_ntpd=$(/usr/bin/xenstore-read qubes-service/ntpd 2> /dev/null)
  64. if [ "$start_ntpd" == "1" ]; then
  65. /sbin/service ntpd start
  66. fi
  67. return 0
  68. }
  69. stop()
  70. {
  71. return 0
  72. }
  73. case "$1" in
  74. start)
  75. start
  76. ;;
  77. stop)
  78. stop
  79. ;;
  80. *)
  81. echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
  82. exit 3
  83. ;;
  84. esac
  85. exit $RETVAL