qubes-sysinit.sh 2.9 KB

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. # List of services enabled by default (in case of absence of qubesdb entry)
  3. DEFAULT_ENABLED_NETVM="network-manager qubes-network qubes-update-check qubes-updates-proxy"
  4. DEFAULT_ENABLED_PROXYVM="meminfo-writer qubes-network qubes-firewall qubes-netwatcher qubes-update-check"
  5. DEFAULT_ENABLED_APPVM="meminfo-writer cups qubes-update-check"
  7. DEFAULT_ENABLED="meminfo-writer"
  8. QDB_READ=qubesdb-read
  9. QDB_LS=qubesdb-multiread
  10. read_service() {
  11. $QDB_READ /qubes-service/$1 2> /dev/null
  12. }
  13. systemd_pkg_version=`systemctl --version|head -n 1`
  14. if ! dmesg | grep -q "$systemd_pkg_version running in system mode."; then
  15. # Ensure we're running right version of systemd (the one started by initrd may be different)
  16. systemctl daemon-reexec
  17. fi
  18. # Wait for evtchn initialization
  19. while [ ! -e /proc/xen/xenbus ]; do
  20. sleep 0.1
  21. done
  22. mkdir -p /var/run/qubes
  23. mkdir -p /var/run/qubes-service
  24. mkdir -p /var/run/xen-hotplug
  25. # Set permissions to /proc/xen/xenbus, so normal user can use qubesdb-read
  26. chmod 666 /proc/xen/xenbus
  27. [ -e /proc/u2mfn ] || modprobe u2mfn
  28. # Set permissions to files needed to listen at vchan
  29. chmod 666 /proc/u2mfn
  30. # Set default services depending on VM type
  31. TYPE=`$QDB_READ /qubes-vm-type 2> /dev/null`
  36. # Enable default services
  37. for srv in $DEFAULT_ENABLED; do
  38. touch /var/run/qubes-service/$srv
  39. done
  40. # Enable services
  41. for srv in `$QDB_LS /qubes-service/ 2>/dev/null |grep ' = 1'|cut -f 1 -d ' '`; do
  42. touch /var/run/qubes-service/$srv
  43. done
  44. # Disable services
  45. for srv in `$QDB_LS /qubes-service/ 2>/dev/null |grep ' = 0'|cut -f 1 -d ' '`; do
  46. rm -f /var/run/qubes-service/$srv
  47. done
  48. # Set the hostname
  49. name=`$QDB_READ /name`
  50. if [ -n "$name" ]; then
  51. hostname $name
  52. if [ -e /etc/debian_version ]; then
  53. ipv4_localhost_re="127\.0\.1\.1"
  54. else
  55. ipv4_localhost_re="127\.0\.0\.1"
  56. fi
  57. sed -i "s/^\($ipv4_localhost_re\(\s.*\)*\s\).*$/\1${name}/" /etc/hosts
  58. sed -i "s/^\(::1\(\s.*\)*\s\).*$/\1${name}/" /etc/hosts
  59. fi
  60. timezone=`$QDB_READ /qubes-timezone 2> /dev/null`
  61. if [ -n "$timezone" ]; then
  62. cp -p /usr/share/zoneinfo/$timezone /etc/localtime
  63. if [ -e /etc/debian_version ]; then
  64. echo "$timezone" > /etc/timezone
  65. else
  66. echo "# Clock configuration autogenerated based on Qubes dom0 settings" > /etc/sysconfig/clock
  67. echo "ZONE=\"$timezone\"" >> /etc/sysconfig/clock
  68. fi
  69. fi
  70. # Prepare environment for other services
  71. echo > /var/run/qubes-service-environment
  72. debug_mode=`$QDB_READ /qubes-debug-mode 2> /dev/null`
  73. if [ -n "$debug_mode" -a "$debug_mode" -gt 0 ]; then
  74. echo "GUI_OPTS=-vv" >> /var/run/qubes-service-environment
  75. fi
  76. exit 0