123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576 |
- #!/usr/bin/python2 -O
- # vim: fileencoding=utf-8
- #
- # The Qubes OS Project, https://www.qubes-os.org/
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2016
- # Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <marmarek@invisiblethingslab.com>
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- #
- import logging
- import os
- import socket
- import subprocess
- from distutils import spawn
- import daemon
- import qubesdb
- import sys
- import signal
- class RuleParseError(Exception):
- pass
- class RuleApplyError(Exception):
- pass
- class FirewallWorker(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.terminate_requested = False
- self.qdb = qubesdb.QubesDB()
- self.log = logging.getLogger('qubes.firewall')
- self.log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr))
- def init(self):
- '''Create appropriate chains/tables'''
- raise NotImplementedError
- def cleanup(self):
- '''Remove tables/chains - reverse work done by init'''
- raise NotImplementedError
- def apply_rules(self, source_addr, rules):
- '''Apply rules in given source address'''
- raise NotImplementedError
- def read_rules(self, target):
- '''Read rules from QubesDB and return them as a list of dicts'''
- entries = self.qdb.multiread('/qubes-firewall/{}/'.format(target))
- assert isinstance(entries, dict)
- # drop full path
- entries = dict(((k.split('/')[3], v) for k, v in entries.items()))
- if 'policy' not in entries:
- raise RuleParseError('No \'policy\' defined')
- policy = entries.pop('policy')
- rules = []
- for ruleno, rule in sorted(entries.items()):
- if len(ruleno) != 4 or not ruleno.isdigit():
- raise RuleParseError(
- 'Unexpected non-rule found: {}={}'.format(ruleno, rule))
- rule_dict = dict(elem.split('=') for elem in rule.split(' '))
- if 'action' not in rule_dict:
- raise RuleParseError('Rule \'{}\' lack action'.format(rule))
- rules.append(rule_dict)
- rules.append({'action': policy})
- return rules
- def list_targets(self):
- return set(t.split('/')[2] for t in self.qdb.list('/qubes-firewall/'))
- @staticmethod
- def is_ip6(addr):
- return addr.count(':') > 0
- def log_error(self, msg):
- self.log.error(msg)
- subprocess.call(
- ['notify-send', '-t', '3000', msg],
- env=os.environ.copy().update({'DISPLAY': ':0'})
- )
- def handle_addr(self, addr):
- try:
- rules = self.read_rules(addr)
- self.apply_rules(addr, rules)
- except RuleParseError as e:
- self.log_error(
- 'Failed to parse rules for {} ({}), blocking traffic'.format(
- addr, str(e)
- ))
- self.apply_rules(addr, [{'action': 'drop'}])
- except RuleApplyError as e:
- self.log_error(
- 'Failed to apply rules for {} ({}), blocking traffic'.format(
- addr, str(e))
- )
- # retry with fallback rules
- try:
- self.apply_rules(addr, [{'action': 'drop'}])
- except RuleApplyError:
- self.log_error(
- 'Failed to block traffic for {}'.format(addr))
- @staticmethod
- def dns_addresses(family=None):
- with open('/etc/resolv.conf') as resolv:
- for line in resolv.readlines():
- line = line.strip()
- if line.startswith('nameserver'):
- if line.count('.') == 3 and (family or 4) == 4:
- yield line.split(' ')[1]
- elif line.count(':') and (family or 6) == 6:
- yield line.split(' ')[1]
- def main(self):
- self.terminate_requested = False
- self.init()
- # initial load
- for source_addr in self.list_targets():
- self.handle_addr(source_addr)
- self.qdb.watch('/qubes-firewall/')
- try:
- for watch_path in iter(self.qdb.read_watch, None):
- # ignore writing rules itself - wait for final write at
- # source_addr level empty write (/qubes-firewall/SOURCE_ADDR)
- if watch_path.count('/') > 2:
- continue
- source_addr = watch_path.split('/')[2]
- self.handle_addr(source_addr)
- except OSError: # EINTR
- # signal received, don't continue the loop
- pass
- self.cleanup()
- def terminate(self):
- self.terminate_requested = True
- class IptablesWorker(FirewallWorker):
- supported_rule_opts = ['action', 'proto', 'dst4', 'dst6', 'dsthost',
- 'dstports', 'specialtarget', 'icmptype']
- def __init__(self):
- super(IptablesWorker, self).__init__()
- self.chains = {
- 4: set(),
- 6: set(),
- }
- @staticmethod
- def chain_for_addr(addr):
- '''Generate iptables chain name for given source address address'''
- return 'qbs-' + addr.replace('.', '-').replace(':', '-')
- def run_ipt(self, family, args, **kwargs):
- # pylint: disable=no-self-use
- if family == 6:
- subprocess.check_call(['ip6tables'] + args, **kwargs)
- else:
- subprocess.check_call(['iptables'] + args, **kwargs)
- def run_ipt_restore(self, family, args):
- # pylint: disable=no-self-use
- if family == 6:
- return subprocess.Popen(['ip6tables-restore'] + args,
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- else:
- return subprocess.Popen(['iptables-restore'] + args,
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- def create_chain(self, addr, chain, family):
- '''
- Create iptables chain and hook traffic coming from `addr` to it.
- :param addr: source IP from which traffic should be handled by the
- chain
- :param chain: name of the chain to create
- :param family: address family (4 or 6)
- :return: None
- '''
- self.run_ipt(family, ['-N', chain])
- self.run_ipt(family,
- ['-A', 'QBS-FORWARD', '-s', addr, '-j', chain])
- self.chains[family].add(chain)
- def prepare_rules(self, chain, rules, family):
- '''
- Helper function to translate rules list into input for iptables-restore
- :param chain: name of the chain to put rules into
- :param rules: list of rules
- :param family: address family (4 or 6)
- :return: input for iptables-restore
- :rtype: str
- '''
- iptables = "*filter\n"
- fullmask = '/128' if family == 6 else '/32'
- dns = list(addr + fullmask for addr in self.dns_addresses(family))
- for rule in rules:
- unsupported_opts = set(rule.keys()).difference(
- set(self.supported_rule_opts))
- if unsupported_opts:
- raise RuleParseError(
- 'Unsupported rule option(s): {!s}'.format(unsupported_opts))
- if 'dst4' in rule and family == 6:
- raise RuleParseError('IPv4 rule found for IPv6 address')
- if 'dst6' in rule and family == 4:
- raise RuleParseError('dst6 rule found for IPv4 address')
- if 'proto' in rule:
- protos = [rule['proto']]
- else:
- protos = None
- if 'dst4' in rule:
- dsthosts = [rule['dst4']]
- elif 'dst6' in rule:
- dsthosts = [rule['dst6']]
- elif 'dsthost' in rule:
- addrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo(rule['dsthost'], None,
- (socket.AF_INET6 if family == 6 else socket.AF_INET))
- dsthosts = set(item[4][0] + fullmask for item in addrinfo)
- else:
- dsthosts = None
- if 'dstports' in rule:
- dstports = rule['dstports'].replace('-', ':')
- else:
- dstports = None
- if rule.get('specialtarget', None) == 'dns':
- if dstports not in ('53:53', None):
- continue
- else:
- dstports = '53:53'
- if not dns:
- continue
- if protos is not None:
- protos = {'tcp', 'udp'}.intersection(protos)
- else:
- protos = {'tcp', 'udp'}
- if dsthosts is not None:
- dsthosts = set(dns).intersection(dsthosts)
- else:
- dsthosts = dns
- if 'icmptype' in rule:
- icmptype = rule['icmptype']
- else:
- icmptype = None
- # make them iterable
- if protos is None:
- protos = [None]
- if dsthosts is None:
- dsthosts = [None]
- # sorting here is only to ease writing tests
- for proto in sorted(protos):
- for dsthost in sorted(dsthosts):
- ipt_rule = '-A {}'.format(chain)
- if dsthost is not None:
- ipt_rule += ' -d {}'.format(dsthost)
- if proto is not None:
- ipt_rule += ' -p {}'.format(proto)
- if dstports is not None:
- ipt_rule += ' --dport {}'.format(dstports)
- if icmptype is not None:
- ipt_rule += ' --icmp-type {}'.format(icmptype)
- ipt_rule += ' -j {}\n'.format(
- str(rule['action']).upper())
- iptables += ipt_rule
- iptables += 'COMMIT\n'
- return iptables
- def apply_rules_family(self, source, rules, family):
- '''
- Apply rules for given source address.
- Handle only rules for given address family (IPv4 or IPv6).
- :param source: source address
- :param rules: rules list
- :param family: address family, either 4 or 6
- :return: None
- '''
- chain = self.chain_for_addr(source)
- if chain not in self.chains[family]:
- self.create_chain(source, chain, family)
- iptables = self.prepare_rules(chain, rules, family)
- try:
- self.run_ipt(family, ['-F', chain])
- p = self.run_ipt_restore(family, ['-n'])
- (output, _) = p.communicate(iptables)
- if p.returncode != 0:
- raise RuleApplyError(
- 'iptables-restore failed: {}'.format(output))
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
- raise RuleApplyError('\'iptables -F {}\' failed: {}'.format(
- chain, e.output))
- def apply_rules(self, source, rules):
- if self.is_ip6(source):
- self.apply_rules_family(source, rules, 6)
- else:
- self.apply_rules_family(source, rules, 4)
- def init(self):
- # make sure 'QBS_FORWARD' chain exists - should be created before
- # starting qubes-firewall
- try:
- self.run_ipt(4, ['-nL', 'QBS-FORWARD'])
- self.run_ipt(6, ['-nL', 'QBS-FORWARD'])
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- self.log_error('\'QBS-FORWARD\' chain not found, create it first')
- sys.exit(1)
- def cleanup(self):
- for family in (4, 6):
- self.run_ipt(family, ['-F', 'QBS-FORWARD'])
- for chain in self.chains[family]:
- self.run_ipt(family, ['-F', chain])
- self.run_ipt(family, ['-X', chain])
- class NftablesWorker(FirewallWorker):
- supported_rule_opts = ['action', 'proto', 'dst4', 'dst6', 'dsthost',
- 'dstports', 'specialtarget', 'icmptype']
- def __init__(self):
- super(NftablesWorker, self).__init__()
- self.chains = {
- 4: set(),
- 6: set(),
- }
- @staticmethod
- def chain_for_addr(addr):
- '''Generate iptables chain name for given source address address'''
- return 'qbs-' + addr.replace('.', '-').replace(':', '-')
- def run_nft(self, nft_input):
- # pylint: disable=no-self-use
- p = subprocess.Popen(['nft', '-f', '/dev/stdin'],
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- stdout, _ = p.communicate(nft_input)
- if p.returncode != 0:
- raise RuleApplyError('nft failed: {}'.format(stdout))
- def create_chain(self, addr, chain, family):
- '''
- Create iptables chain and hook traffic coming from `addr` to it.
- :param addr: source IP from which traffic should be handled by the
- chain
- :param chain: name of the chain to create
- :param family: address family (4 or 6)
- :return: None
- '''
- nft_input = (
- 'table {family} {table} {{\n'
- ' chain {chain} {{\n'
- ' }}\n'
- ' chain forward {{\n'
- ' {family} saddr {ip} jump {chain}\n'
- ' }}\n'
- '}}\n'.format(
- family=("ip6" if family == 6 else "ip"),
- table='qubes-firewall',
- chain=chain,
- ip=addr,
- )
- )
- self.run_nft(nft_input)
- self.chains[family].add(chain)
- def prepare_rules(self, chain, rules, family):
- '''
- Helper function to translate rules list into input for iptables-restore
- :param chain: name of the chain to put rules into
- :param rules: list of rules
- :param family: address family (4 or 6)
- :return: input for iptables-restore
- :rtype: str
- '''
- assert family in (4, 6)
- nft_rules = []
- ip_match = 'ip6' if family == 6 else 'ip'
- fullmask = '/128' if family == 6 else '/32'
- dns = list(addr + fullmask for addr in self.dns_addresses(family))
- for rule in rules:
- unsupported_opts = set(rule.keys()).difference(
- set(self.supported_rule_opts))
- if unsupported_opts:
- raise RuleParseError(
- 'Unsupported rule option(s): {!s}'.format(unsupported_opts))
- if 'dst4' in rule and family == 6:
- raise RuleParseError('IPv4 rule found for IPv6 address')
- if 'dst6' in rule and family == 4:
- raise RuleParseError('dst6 rule found for IPv4 address')
- nft_rule = ""
- if 'proto' in rule:
- if family == 4:
- nft_rule += ' ip protocol {}'.format(rule['proto'])
- elif family == 6:
- proto = 'icmpv6' if rule['proto'] == 'icmp' \
- else rule['proto']
- nft_rule += ' ip6 nexthdr {}'.format(proto)
- if 'dst4' in rule:
- nft_rule += ' ip daddr {}'.format(rule['dst4'])
- elif 'dst6' in rule:
- nft_rule += ' ip6 daddr {}'.format(rule['dst6'])
- elif 'dsthost' in rule:
- addrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo(rule['dsthost'], None,
- (socket.AF_INET6 if family == 6 else socket.AF_INET))
- nft_rule += ' {} daddr {{ {} }}'.format(ip_match,
- ', '.join(set(item[4][0] + fullmask for item in addrinfo)))
- if 'dstports' in rule:
- dstports = rule['dstports']
- if len(set(dstports.split('-'))) == 1:
- dstports = dstports.split('-')[0]
- else:
- dstports = None
- if rule.get('specialtarget', None) == 'dns':
- if dstports not in ('53', None):
- continue
- else:
- dstports = '53'
- if not dns:
- continue
- nft_rule += ' {} daddr {{ {} }}'.format(ip_match, ', '.join(
- dns))
- if 'icmptype' in rule:
- if family == 4:
- nft_rule += ' icmp type {}'.format(rule['icmptype'])
- elif family == 6:
- nft_rule += ' icmpv6 type {}'.format(rule['icmptype'])
- # now duplicate rules for tcp/udp if needed
- # it isn't possible to specify "tcp dport xx || udp dport xx" in
- # one rule
- if dstports is not None:
- if 'proto' not in rule:
- nft_rules.append(
- nft_rule + ' tcp dport {} {}'.format(
- dstports, rule['action']))
- nft_rules.append(
- nft_rule + ' udp dport {} {}'.format(
- dstports, rule['action']))
- else:
- nft_rules.append(
- nft_rule + ' {} dport {} {}'.format(
- rule['proto'], dstports, rule['action']))
- else:
- nft_rules.append(nft_rule + ' ' + rule['action'])
- return (
- 'flush chain {family} {table} {chain}\n'
- 'table {family} {table} {{\n'
- ' chain {chain} {{\n'
- ' {rules}\n'
- ' }}\n'
- '}}\n'.format(
- family=('ip6' if family == 6 else 'ip'),
- table='qubes-firewall',
- chain=chain,
- rules='\n '.join(nft_rules)
- ))
- def apply_rules_family(self, source, rules, family):
- '''
- Apply rules for given source address.
- Handle only rules for given address family (IPv4 or IPv6).
- :param source: source address
- :param rules: rules list
- :param family: address family, either 4 or 6
- :return: None
- '''
- chain = self.chain_for_addr(source)
- if chain not in self.chains[family]:
- self.create_chain(source, chain, family)
- self.run_nft(self.prepare_rules(chain, rules, family))
- def apply_rules(self, source, rules):
- if self.is_ip6(source):
- self.apply_rules_family(source, rules, 6)
- else:
- self.apply_rules_family(source, rules, 4)
- def init(self):
- # make sure 'QBS_FORWARD' chain exists - should be created before
- # starting qubes-firewall
- nft_init = (
- 'table {family} qubes-firewall {{\n'
- ' chain forward {{\n'
- ' type filter hook forward priority 0;\n'
- ' }}\n'
- '}}\n'
- )
- nft_init = ''.join(
- nft_init.format(family=family) for family in ('ip', 'ip6'))
- self.run_nft(nft_init)
- def cleanup(self):
- nft_cleanup = (
- 'delete table ip qubes-firewall\n'
- 'delete table ip6 qubes-firewall\n'
- )
- self.run_nft(nft_cleanup)
- def main():
- if spawn.find_executable('nft'):
- worker = NftablesWorker()
- else:
- worker = IptablesWorker()
- context = daemon.DaemonContext()
- context.stderr = sys.stderr
- context.detach_process = False
- context.files_preserve = [worker.qdb.watch_fd()]
- context.signal_map = {
- signal.SIGTERM: lambda _signal, _stack: worker.terminate(),
- }
- with context:
- worker.main()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()