qubes-mount-dirs.service 582 B

  1. [Unit]
  2. Description=Initialize and mount /rw and /home
  3. # There is a dependency on dev-xvdb.device because
  4. # mount-dirs.sh calls setup-rwdev.sh which
  5. # must happen only when /dev/xvdb has appeared.
  6. After=qubes-sysinit.service dev-xvdb.device
  7. DefaultDependencies=no
  8. Before=local-fs.target rw.mount home.mount qubes-gui-agent.service
  9. [Service]
  10. Type=oneshot
  11. RemainAfterExit=yes
  12. ExecStart=/usr/lib/qubes/init/mount-dirs.sh
  13. # There is no need for an ExecStop because systemd
  14. # cleans up mount units in the right order, killing
  15. # processes as needed.
  16. [Install]
  17. WantedBy=multi-user.target