According to Desktop Entry Specification: NoDisplay means "this application exists, but don't display it in the menus". This can be useful to e.g. associate this application with MIME types, so that it gets launched from a file manager (or other apps), without having a menu entry for it (there are tons of good reasons for this, including e.g. the netscape -remote, or kfmclient openURL kind of stuff). Apparently over half of desktop files in default Fedora template have NoDisplay=true... Fixes QubesOS/qubes-issues#1348
10 lines
473 B
10 lines
473 B
find /usr/share/applications/ /usr/local/share/applications/ -name '*.desktop' 2>/dev/null | \
xargs awk '
BEGINFILE { entry="" }
/^\[/ { if (tolower($0) != "\[desktop entry\]") nextfile }
/^Exec=/ { entry = entry FILENAME ":Exec=qubes-desktop-run " FILENAME "\n"; next }
/^NoDisplay *= *true$/ { entry=""; nextfile }
/=/ { entry = entry FILENAME ":" $0 "\n" }
ENDFILE { print entry }
' 2> /dev/null