Renamed qubes-mount-home service and mount-home.sh script to qubes-mount-dirs service and mount-dirs.sh. Because mount-home.sh also processed /rw/usrlocal. preparation to fix the following issues: - upstream bind-directories functionality to Qubes - https://phabricator.whonix.org/T414 - Bind mount /rw/usrlocal -> /usr/local instead of symlink - https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/1150 - /bin/sync hangs forever in whonix-ws-dvm - https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/1328
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# check if private.img (xvdb) is empty - all zeros
private_size_512=`blockdev --getsz /dev/xvdb`
if dd if=/dev/zero bs=512 count=$private_size_512 2>/dev/null | diff /dev/xvdb - >/dev/null; then
# the device is empty, create filesystem
echo "--> Virgin boot of the VM: creating filesystem on private.img"
mkfs.ext4 -m 0 -q /dev/xvdb || exit 1
tune2fs -m 0 /dev/xvdb
mount /rw
resize2fs /dev/xvdb 2> /dev/null || echo "'resize2fs /dev/xvdb' failed"
if ! [ -d /rw/home ] ; then
echo "--> Virgin boot of the VM: Populating /rw/home"
mkdir -p /rw/config
touch /rw/config/rc.local
cat > /rw/config/rc.local <<EOF
# This script will be executed at every VM startup, you can place your own
# custom commands here. This include overriding some configuration in /etc,
# starting services etc.
# You need to make this script executable to have it enabled.
# Example for overriding the whole CUPS configuration:
# rm -rf /etc/cups
# ln -s /rw/config/cups /etc/cups
# systemctl --no-block restart cups
touch /rw/config/qubes-firewall-user-script
cat > /rw/config/qubes-firewall-user-script <<EOF
# This script is called in ProxyVM after firewall every update (configuration
# change, starting some VM etc). This is good place to write own custom
# firewall rules, in addition to autogenerated one. Remember that in most cases
# you'll need to insert the rules at the beginning (iptables -I) to have it
# efective.
# You need to make this script executable to have it enabled.
touch /rw/config/suspend-module-blacklist
cat > /rw/config/suspend-module-blacklist <<EOF
# You can list here modules you want to be unloaded before going to sleep. This
# file is used only if the VM has any PCI device assigned. Modules will be
# automatically loaded after resume.
mkdir -p /rw/home
cp -a /home.orig/user /rw/home
mkdir -p /rw/usrlocal
cp -a /usr/local.orig/* /rw/usrlocal
touch /var/lib/qubes/first-boot-completed
# Chown home if user UID have changed - can be the case on template switch
HOME_USER_UID=`ls -dn /rw/home/user | awk '{print $3}'`
if [ "`id -u user`" -ne "$HOME_USER_UID" ]; then
find /rw/home/user -uid "$HOME_USER_UID" -print0 | xargs -0 chown user:user
# Old Qubes versions had symlink /home -> /rw/home; now we use mount --bind
if [ -L /home ]; then
rm /home
mkdir /home
if [ -e /var/run/qubes-service/qubes-dvm ]; then
mount --bind /home_volatile /home
touch /etc/this-is-dvm
#If user have customized DispVM settings, use its home instead of default dotfiles
if [ -e /rw/home/user/.qubes-dispvm-customized ]; then
cp -af /rw/home/user /home/
cat /etc/dispvm-dotfiles.tbz | tar -xjf- --overwrite -C /home/user --owner user 2>&1 >/tmp/dispvm-dotfiles-errors.log
mount /home