Oggetto: Re: GSoC Port Forwarding |
Mittente: Giulio |
Data: 17/07/2021, 21:52 |
A: Frédéric Pierret <frederic.pierret@qubes-os.org> |
CC: Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <marmarek@invisiblethingslab.com> |
I've not an alternative idea yet but, I'm wondering if leaking appvm names in "higher" untrusted appvms is reasonable, especially for confidentiality. Maybe simply use the destination appvm ip, here in your example that would be personal ip. dom0/GuiVM has access to the info so getting appvm name from ip should be simple.
Here too, I'm not sure adding such info is a good idea for security. What exactly do you have in mind for the last needs additional rules?
One more thing, maybe between internal hops it makes sense to randomize
the forwarded ports? This way we can prevent forwarding from different
appvm which shares the same network path or even just one hop from
overlapping, at least internally. Does it makes sense for you?