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tests: changing netvm and template via right click

Marek Marczykowski-Górecki %!s(int64=3) %!d(string=hai) anos
Modificáronse 1 ficheiros con 247 adicións e 3 borrados
  1. 247 3

+ 247 - 3

@@ -733,6 +733,241 @@ class QubeManagerTest(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(expected_number, actual_number,
                          "Incorrect number of vms shown for cleared search box")
+    @unittest.mock.patch('PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question')
+    @listen_for_events
+    def test_240_network_menu_single(self, mock_question):
+        mock_question.return_value = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes
+        target_vm_name = 'work'
+        self._run_command_and_process_events(
+            ['qvm-prefs', '-D', target_vm_name, 'netvm'], timeout=20)
+        self._select_vms(['work'])
+        selected_vm = self.qapp.domains[target_vm_name]
+        # reset to default even in case of failure
+        self.addCleanup(functools.partial(delattr, selected_vm, 'netvm'))
+        # this is the method to get '==' operator working on icons...
+        on_icon = QIcon(":/on.png").pixmap(64).toImage()
+        off_icon = QIcon().pixmap(64).toImage()
+        for action in self.dialog.network_menu.actions():
+            if action.text().startswith('default '):
+                self.assertEqual(action.icon().pixmap(64).toImage(), on_icon)
+                break
+        else:
+            self.fail('default netvm not found')
+        # change to specific value
+        for action in self.dialog.network_menu.actions():
+            if action.text() == 'sys-net':
+                self.assertEqual(action.icon().pixmap(64).toImage(), off_icon)
+                action.trigger()
+                break
+        else:
+            self.fail('sys-net netvm not found')
+        # process events
+        self.loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.sleep(0))
+        mock_question.assert_called()
+        self.assertEqual(str(selected_vm.netvm), 'sys-net')
+        mock_question.reset_mock()
+        # change to none
+        for action in self.dialog.network_menu.actions():
+            if action.text() == 'None':
+                self.assertEqual(action.icon().pixmap(64).toImage(), off_icon)
+                action.trigger()
+                break
+        else:
+            self.fail('"none" netvm not found')
+        # process events
+        self.loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.sleep(0))
+        mock_question.assert_called()
+        self.assertIsNone(selected_vm.netvm)
+        mock_question.reset_mock()
+        # then go back to the default
+        for action in self.dialog.network_menu.actions():
+            if action.text().startswith('default '):
+                self.assertEqual(action.icon().pixmap(64).toImage(), off_icon)
+                action.trigger()
+                break
+        # process events
+        self.loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.sleep(0))
+        mock_question.assert_called()
+        self.assertTrue(selected_vm.property_is_default('netvm'))
+    @unittest.mock.patch('PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question')
+    @listen_for_events
+    def test_241_network_menu_multiple(self, mock_question):
+        mock_question.return_value = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes
+        target_vm_names = ['work', 'personal', 'vault']
+        work = self.qapp.domains['work']
+        personal = self.qapp.domains['personal']
+        vault = self.qapp.domains['vault']
+        # reset to default even in case of failure
+        self.addCleanup(functools.partial(delattr, work, 'netvm'))
+        self.addCleanup(functools.partial(delattr, personal, 'netvm'))
+        self.addCleanup(functools.partial(setattr, vault, 'netvm', None))
+        self._run_command_and_process_events(
+            ['qvm-prefs', '-D', 'work', 'netvm'], timeout=5)
+        self._run_command_and_process_events(
+            ['qvm-prefs', '-D', 'personal', 'netvm'], timeout=5)
+        self._run_command_and_process_events(
+            ['qvm-prefs', 'vault', ''], timeout=5)
+        self._select_vms(target_vm_names)
+        # this is the method to get '==' operator working on icons...
+        on_icon = QIcon(":/on.png").pixmap(64).toImage()
+        transient_icon = QIcon(":/transient.png").pixmap(64).toImage()
+        off_icon = QIcon().pixmap(64).toImage()
+        for action in self.dialog.network_menu.actions():
+            if action.text().startswith('default '):
+                # work, personal
+                self.assertEqual(action.icon().pixmap(64).toImage(), transient_icon)
+            elif action.text() == 'None':
+                # vault
+                self.assertEqual(action.icon().pixmap(64).toImage(), transient_icon)
+            else:
+                self.assertEqual(action.icon().pixmap(64).toImage(), off_icon)
+        # change to specific value
+        for action in self.dialog.network_menu.actions():
+            if action.text() == 'sys-net':
+                self.assertEqual(action.icon().pixmap(64).toImage(), off_icon)
+                action.trigger()
+                break
+        else:
+            self.fail('sys-net netvm not found')
+        # process events
+        self.loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.sleep(0))
+        mock_question.assert_called()
+        self.assertEqual(str(work.netvm), 'sys-net')
+        self.assertEqual(str(personal.netvm), 'sys-net')
+        self.assertEqual(str(vault.netvm), 'sys-net')
+        mock_question.reset_mock()
+    @unittest.mock.patch('PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question')
+    @listen_for_events
+    def test_250_template_menu_single(self, mock_question):
+        mock_question.return_value = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes
+        target_vm_name = 'work'
+        selected_vm = self.qapp.domains[target_vm_name]
+        if selected_vm.is_running():
+            self.skipTest(
+                'VM {!s} is running, please stop it first'.format(selected_vm))
+        current_template = selected_vm.template
+        new_template = self._select_templatevm(
+            different_than=[str(current_template)])
+        self._select_vms(['work'])
+        # reset to previous value even in case of failure
+        self.addCleanup(functools.partial(
+            setattr, selected_vm, 'template', str(current_template)))
+        # this is the method to get '==' operator working on icons...
+        on_icon = QIcon(":/on.png").pixmap(64).toImage()
+        off_icon = QIcon().pixmap(64).toImage()
+        found = False
+        for action in self.dialog.template_menu.actions():
+            if action.text() == str(current_template):
+                self.assertEqual(action.icon().pixmap(64).toImage(), on_icon)
+                found = True
+            else:
+                self.assertEqual(action.icon().pixmap(64).toImage(), off_icon)
+        if not found:
+            self.fail(
+                'current template value ({!s}) not found in the menu'.format(
+                    current_template))
+        # change to specific value
+        for action in self.dialog.template_menu.actions():
+            if action.text() == str(new_template):
+                self.assertEqual(action.icon().pixmap(64).toImage(), off_icon)
+                action.trigger()
+                break
+        else:
+            self.fail('template {!s} not found in the menu'.format(new_template))
+        # process events
+        self.loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.sleep(0))
+        mock_question.assert_called()
+        # compare str(), to have better error message on mismatch
+        self.assertEqual(str(selected_vm.template), str(new_template))
+        mock_question.reset_mock()
+    @unittest.mock.patch('PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question')
+    @listen_for_events
+    def test_251_template_menu_multiple(self, mock_question):
+        mock_question.return_value = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes
+        target_vm_names = ['work', 'personal', 'untrusted']
+        work = self.qapp.domains['work']
+        personal = self.qapp.domains['personal']
+        untrusted = self.qapp.domains['untrusted']
+        if any(vm.is_running() for vm in [work, personal, untrusted]):
+            self.skipTest('Any of work, personal, untrusted VM is running')
+        old_template = work.template
+        new_template = self._select_templatevm(
+            different_than=[str(work.template),
+                            str(personal.template),
+                            str(untrusted.template)])
+        # reset to previous value even in case of failure
+        self.addCleanup(functools.partial(
+            setattr, work, 'template', str(work.template)))
+        self.addCleanup(functools.partial(
+            setattr, personal, 'template', str(personal.template)))
+        self.addCleanup(functools.partial(
+            setattr, untrusted, 'template', str(untrusted.template)))
+        # set all to the same value
+        self._run_command_and_process_events(
+            ['qvm-prefs', 'personal', 'template', str(work.template)], timeout=5)
+        self._run_command_and_process_events(
+            ['qvm-prefs', 'untrusted', 'template', str(work.template)], timeout=5)
+        self._select_vms(target_vm_names)
+        # this is the method to get '==' operator working on icons...
+        on_icon = QIcon(":/on.png").pixmap(64).toImage()
+        transient_icon = QIcon(":/transient.png").pixmap(64).toImage()
+        off_icon = QIcon().pixmap(64).toImage()
+        for action in self.dialog.template_menu.actions():
+            if action.text() == str(old_template):
+                self.assertIn(
+                    action.icon().pixmap(64).toImage(),
+                    (on_icon, transient_icon))
+            else:
+                self.assertEqual(action.icon().pixmap(64).toImage(), off_icon)
+        # make one different
+        self._run_command_and_process_events(
+            ['qvm-prefs', 'work', 'template', str(new_template)], timeout=5)
+        for action in self.dialog.template_menu.actions():
+            if action.text() == str(old_template):
+                self.assertEqual(action.icon().pixmap(64).toImage(), transient_icon)
+            elif action.text() == str(new_template):
+                self.assertEqual(action.icon().pixmap(64).toImage(), transient_icon)
+            else:
+                self.assertEqual(action.icon().pixmap(64).toImage(), off_icon)
+        # change all to the same value
+        for action in self.dialog.template_menu.actions():
+            if action.text() == str(new_template):
+                action.trigger()
+                break
+        else:
+            self.fail('{!s} template not found'.format(new_template))
+        # process events
+        self.loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.sleep(0))
+        mock_question.assert_called()
+        self.assertEqual(str(work.template), str(new_template))
+        self.assertEqual(str(personal.template), str(new_template))
+        self.assertEqual(str(untrusted.template), str(new_template))
     def test_300_clear_threads(self, mock_warning, mock_info):
@@ -1258,19 +1493,28 @@ class QubeManagerTest(unittest.TestCase):
                 return vm
         return None
-    def _select_templatevm(self, running=None):
+    def _select_templatevm(self, running=None, different_than=()):
         for row in range(self.dialog.table.model().rowCount()):
             template = self._get_table_item(row, "Template")
             vm = self._get_table_vm(row)
             if template == 'TemplateVM' and \
+                    (template not in different_than) and \
                     (running is None
-                     or (running and vm.is_running())
-                     or (not running and not vm.is_running())):
+                     or (bool(running) == bool(vm.is_running()))):
                 index = self.dialog.table.model().index(row, 0)
                 return vm
         return None
+    def _select_vms(self, vms: list):
+        self.dialog.table.selectionModel().clear()
+        mode = QtCore.QItemSelectionModel.Select | QtCore.QItemSelectionModel.Rows
+        for row in range(self.dialog.table.model().rowCount()):
+            vm = self._get_table_vm(row)
+            if str(vm) in vms:
+                index = self.dialog.table.model().index(row, 0)
+                self.dialog.table.selectionModel().select(index, mode)
     def __check_sorting(self, column_name):
         last_text = None
         last_vm = None