SettingsDialog 0 0 836 665 Settings :/root.png:/root.png true 0 Basic true General QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow 15 Type: 50 false --- Installed by RPM: 50 false --- true Disk storage 15 true <html><head/><body><p>Values displayed using the binary definition of gigabyte and megabyte, i.e. 1024<span style=" vertical-align:super;">3</span> and 1024<span style=" vertical-align:super;">2 </span>bytes respectively.</p></body></html> Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 1048576 1024 true System storage max. size: true <html><head/><body><p>Values displayed using the binary definition of gigabyte and megabyte, i.e. 1024<span style=" vertical-align:super;">3</span> and 1024<span style=" vertical-align:super;">2 </span>bytes respectively.</p></body></html> Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 0 1048576 1024 0 Private storage max. size: max_priv_storage Qt::Vertical 20 73 Networking QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow 15 IP: Netmask: 50 false --- Gateway: 50 false --- 50 false --- Virtual DNS: --- <html><head/><body><p><span style=" color:#ff0000;">* </span><span style=" color:#000000;">Cannot be changed while the qube is running</span></p></body></html> background-color: qlineargradient(spread:pad, x1:1, y1:1, x2:1, y2:0, stop:0 rgba(255, 179, 179, 255), stop:1 rgba(255, 108, 108, 255)); border-color: rgb(170, 0, 0); border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; Delete qube Clone qube Settings 15 true Start qube automatically on boot <html><head/><body><p>Template<span style=" color:#ff0000;">*</span>:</p></body></html> template_name <html><head/><body><p>Some applications enabled in the Applications tab cannot be found in the current template. The most likely cause is a template change - to restore them, install them in the template.</p></body></html> :/warning.png <html><head/><body><p>Name &amp;&amp; label<span style=" color:#ff0000;">*</span>:</p></body></html> vmname <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Caution:</span> The Default DisposableVM Template (see the Advanced tab) has a different Networking setting than this qube. This configuration may result in unexpected network access. For example, you may have set this qube's Networking to &quot;none&quot; in order to prevent any data from being transmitted out. However, if the Default DisposableVM Template's Networking is set to &quot;sys-firewall,&quot; then a DisposableVM started from this qube may be able to transmit data out, contrary to your intention. You may wish to set the Default DisposableVM Template for this qube to one with equally restrictive Networking settings.</p></body></html> :/warning.png ---- 32 Rename <html><head/><body><p>&quot;default ([name])&quot; denotes system-wide default - if the default is changed in Global Settings, the networking qube will change. <br/>If you want to keep using a given networking qube regardless of system settings, select &quot;[name]&quot;.</p></body></html> true Include in backups by default true Networking: netVM Shut down when idle for more than 15 minutes true Advanced true 0 0 Memory/CPU 15 true Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 1 0 0 VCPUs no.: vcpus true Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter MB 0 10000000 50 400 true Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter MB 0 1000000 50 256 true Include in memory balancing 75 true true color:rgb(255, 0, 0) Dynamic memory balancing can result in some devices not working! true true 0 0 Initial memory: init_mem 0 0 Max memory: max_mem_size Other QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow 15 Provides network <html><head/><body><p>Allows using this qube as a template for DisposableVMs. The DisposableVMs will inherit the VM's state (configuration, installed programs etc.), but their state will not persist between restarts. </p><p>Setting this option will cause this qube to be listed as an option in the &quot;Default DisposableVM Template&quot; dropdown for all other qubes. </p></body></html> Disposable VM Template Boot qube from CDROM Windows (with Qubes Windows Tools installed) only. The qube must be running to enable seamless mode; this setting is not persistent. Enable seamless mode Windows (with Qubes Windows Tools installed) only. The qube must be running to disable seamless mode; this setting is not persistent. Disable seamless mode <html><head/><body><p>Which qube should be used by default as a template for DisposableVMs started from this one? DisposableVMs will inherit their template's configuration and installed programs.<br/>For a qube to to appear in this list, it must have the &quot;DisposableVM Template&quot; checkbox enabled. </p></body></html> Default DisposableVM Template default_dispvm 0 0 <html><head/><body><p>Which qube should be used by default as a template for DisposableVMs started from this one? DisposableVMs will inherit their template's configuration and installed programs.<br/>For a qube to to appear in this list, it must have the &quot;DisposableVM Template&quot; checkbox enabled. </p></body></html> Run in debug mode Qt::Vertical 20 40 QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint 0 0 0 Window Options <html><head/><body><p>Allow fullscreen<span style=" color:#ef2929;">*</span>:</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Allow UTF-8 window titles<span style=" color:#ef2929;">*</span>:</p></body></html> 0 0 true <html><head/><body><p><span style=" color:#ef2929;">*</span><span style=" font-style:normal; color:#000000;"> Requires restart</span></p></body></html> true 0 0 Kernel QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow 15 Kernel: kernel 0 0 75 true true WARNING: PVH mode requires Linux 4.11 or newer. true 0 0 Kernel opts: 0 0 50 true false [] true 0 0 Virtualization QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow 15 Mode: virt_mode 0 0 75 true true color:rgb(255, 0, 0) Using PV mode exposes more hypervisor attack surface! true 0 0 75 true true PVH mode is hidden since it doesn't support PCI passthrough. true 0 0 true PVH mode is recommended if possible (Linux kernel 4.11 or newer, no PCI passthrough). For Windows qubes always use HVM. true Qt::Vertical 20 40 :/firewall.png:/firewall.png Firewall rules true 0 0 0 Allow full access for min 5 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 NOTE: To block all network access, set Networking to (none) on the Basic settings tab. This tab provides a very simplified firewall configuration. All DNS requests and ICMP (pings) will be allowed. For more granular control, use the command line tool qvm-firewall. Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter true 255 0 0 255 0 0 139 142 142 75 true true This qube has no networking - it will not have any network access anyway. true Qt::Horizontal List of allowed (whitelisted) addresses: 255 0 0 255 0 0 139 142 142 75 true true Networking qube does not support 'qubes-firewall' - firewall restrictions will not be applied. 255 0 0 255 0 0 139 142 142 75 true true Firewall has been modified manually - please use qvm-firewall for any further configuration. QLayout::SetMaximumSize false false false true true true 40 false :/add.png:/add.png 24 24 :/pencil.png:/pencil.png 24 24 Changing firewall settings does NOT affect existing connections. :/remove.png:/remove.png 24 24 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Allow all outgoing Internet connections Changing firewall settings does NOT affect existing connections. Limit outgoing Internet connections to ... 239 41 41 239 41 41 190 190 190 75 true true This qube has direct network access and Qubes Firewall settings will not be used. Configure other qubes' network access in their network settings or in a dedicated firewall qube. true true :/storagevm.png:/storagevm.png Devices 75 true true color: rgb(255, 0, 0) You've enabled dynamic memory balancing, some devices might not work! 75 true true To modify PCI devices you have to turn off the qube. 75 true true Currently PVH qubes don't support PCI passthrough. Select another virtualization mode if you want to add PCI devices Configure strict reset for PCI devices :/apps.png:/apps.png Applications 0 0 Refresh Applications true Services 0 0 Checked services will be turned on. Unlisted services will follow default settings. Unchecked services will be turned off. Select a service: 0 0 Services listed here are explicitly supported by the qube. Additional services may be added with the '+' button on the right. Add :/add.png:/add.png 24 24 Remove service :/remove.png:/remove.png 24 24 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Apply|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok SizeSpinBox QSpinBox
tabWidget vmname rename_vm_button vmlabel template_name netVM include_in_backups autostart_vm max_priv_storage root_resize delete_vm_button clone_vm_button init_mem max_mem_size vcpus include_in_balancing run_in_debug_mode provides_network_checkbox dvm_template_checkbox default_dispvm boot_from_device_button seamless_on_button seamless_off_button allow_fullscreen allow_utf8 kernel virt_mode policy_allow_radio_button policy_deny_radio_button rulesTreeView temp_full_access temp_full_access_time new_rule_button edit_rule_button delete_rule_button no_strict_reset_button refresh_apps_button service_line_edit add_srv_button services_list remove_srv_button buttonBox accepted() SettingsDialog accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() SettingsDialog reject() 316 260 286 274