#!/usr/bin/python2 # # The Qubes OS Project, http://www.qubes-os.org # # Copyright (C) 2011 Marek Marczykowski <marmarek@mimuw.edu.pl> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along # with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # import subprocess import PyQt4.QtGui # pylint: disable=import-error # TODO description in tooltip # TODO icon # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods class AppListWidgetItem(PyQt4.QtGui.QListWidgetItem): def __init__(self, name, ident, parent=None): super(AppListWidgetItem, self).__init__(name, parent) # self.setToolTip(command) self.ident = ident @classmethod def from_line(cls, line): ident, _icon_name, name = line.strip().split(maxsplit=2) return cls(name=name, ident=ident) class AppmenuSelectManager: def __init__(self, vm, apps_multiselect): self.vm = vm self.app_list = apps_multiselect # this is a multiselect wiget self.whitelisted = None self.fill_apps_list() def fill_apps_list(self): self.whitelisted = [line for line in subprocess.check_output( ['qvm-appmenus', '--get-whitelist', self.vm.name] ).decode().strip().split('\n') if line] # Check if appmenu entry is really installed # whitelisted = [a for a in whitelisted # if os.path.exists('%s/apps/%s-%s' % # (self.vm.dir_path, self.vm.name, a))] self.app_list.clear() available_appmenus = [AppListWidgetItem.from_line(line) for line in subprocess.check_output(['qvm-appmenus', '--get-available', '--i-understand-format-is-unstable', self.vm.name]).decode().splitlines()] for app in available_appmenus: if app.ident in self.whitelisted: self.app_list.selected_list.addItem(app) else: self.app_list.available_list.addItem(app) self.app_list.available_list.sortItems() self.app_list.selected_list.sortItems() def save_appmenu_select_changes(self): new_whitelisted = [self.app_list.selected_list.item(i).ident for i in range(self.app_list.selected_list.count())] if set(new_whitelisted) == set(self.whitelisted): return False p = subprocess.Popen([ 'qvm-appmenus', '--set-whitelist', '-', '--update', self.vm.name], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) p.communicate('\n'.join(new_whitelisted).encode()) if p.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError('qvm-appmenus --set-whitelist failed') return True