VmManagerWindow 0 0 769 385 0 0 Qt::DefaultContextMenu Qube Manager true 0 0 false true QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint 0 0 6 6 Search: 0 0 16777215 16777215 200 30 Qt::CustomContextMenu false 0 Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded true QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection QAbstractItemView::SelectRows false Qt::NoPen true false 10 11 false 150 150 false false Nowy wiersz Name VM name State Update info Template VM's template NetVM VM's netVM Disk size Internal IP Backups Last backup 0 0 769 28 Qt::CustomContextMenu &System &View &Qube &Logs :/log.png:/log.png Attach/detach &block devices :/mount.png:/mount.png &About Qt::CustomContextMenu toolBar Qt::BottomToolBarArea|Qt::TopToolBarArea false TopToolBarArea false :/createvm.png:/createvm.png Create &New Qube Create a new Qube false :/removevm.png:/removevm.png &Delete Qube Remove an existing Qube (must be stopped first) false :/resumevm.png:/resumevm.png Start/Resu&me Qube Start/Resume selected Qube false :/pausevm.png:/pausevm.png &Pause Qube Pause selected Qube false :/shutdownvm.png:/shutdownvm.png &Shutdown Qube Shutdown selected Qube false :/restartvm.png:/restartvm.png Restar&t Qube Restart selected Qube false :/apps.png:/apps.png Add/remove app s&hortcuts Add/remove app shortcuts for this Qube false :/updateable.png:/updateable.png &Update Qube Update Qube system :/firewall.png:/firewall.png Edit Qube &firewall rules Edit Qube firewall rules true :/showcpuload.png:/showcpuload.png Show graphs Show Graphs Options View true true &Template true true &NetVM :/settings.png:/settings.png Qube s&ettings Qube Settings :/restore.png:/restore.png &Restore Qubes from backup Restore Qubes from backup :/backup.png:/backup.png &Backup Qubes Backup Qubes :/global-settings.png:/global-settings.png &Global settings :/networking.png:/networking.png &Qubes Network false true true &State :/killvm.png:/killvm.png &Kill Qube Kill selected Qube :/kbd-layout.png:/kbd-layout.png Set keyboard la&yout Set keyboard layout per Qube true true T&ype Qube Type true true &Label true true N&ame true true Show tool bar true true Show menu bar &Qubes OS true true Si&ze Size on Disk :/run-command.png:/run-command.png &Run command in Qube Run command in the specified Qube false :/templatevm.png:/templatevm.png &Clone Qube Clone Qube true true Inte&rnal Is an internal Qube false :/resumevm.png:/resumevm.png Start Qube for Window Tools installation Start Qube for Window Tools installation true true &IP true true Include in &backups true true Last back&up Search Ctrl+F :/outdated.png:/outdated.png Refresh Qube List Refresh Qube List