VmManagerWindow 0 0 1100 600 0 0 Qt::DefaultContextMenu Qube Manager .. true 0 0 false true QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint 0 0 16777215 16777215 200 30 Qt::CustomContextMenu false 0 Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded true QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection QAbstractItemView::SelectRows false Qt::NoPen true false false false false 6 6 Search: Show: Running true Halted true Network true Templates true Standalone true All true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 1100 24 Qt::CustomContextMenu &System &View &Qube &Logs :/log.png:/log.png &About 0 0 Qt::CustomContextMenu toolBar Qt::BottomToolBarArea|Qt::TopToolBarArea Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon false TopToolBarArea false :/createvm.png:/createvm.png &New qube Create a new qube false :/removevm.png:/removevm.png &Delete qube Remove an existing qube (must be stopped first) false :/resumevm.png:/resumevm.png Start/Resu&me Start/Resume selected qube false :/pausevm.png:/pausevm.png Emergency &pause <p>Pause selected qube</p><p>Stops all CPU activity in the selected VM until the VM is unpaused. This action does not change how much memory is allocated to the VM. (EXPERIMENTAL)</p> false :/shutdownvm.png:/shutdownvm.png &Shutdown Shutdown selected qube false :/restartvm.png:/restartvm.png Restar&t Restart selected qube false :/apps.png:/apps.png App s&hortcuts Add/remove app shortcuts for this qube false :/updateable.png:/updateable.png &Update Update qube system :/firewall.png:/firewall.png Edit &firewall Edit qube firewall rules true :/showcpuload.png:/showcpuload.png Show graphs Show Graphs Options View true true &Template true true &NetVM :/settings.png:/settings.png S&ettings Qube Settings :/restore.png:/restore.png &Restore Restore qubes from backup :/backup.png:/backup.png &Backup Backup qubes :/global-settings.png:/global-settings.png &Global settings :/networking.png:/networking.png &Qubes Network false true true &State :/killvm.png:/killvm.png &Kill Kill selected qube :/kbd-layout.png:/kbd-layout.png Keyboard la&yout Set keyboard layout per qube true true T&ype Qube Type true true &Label true true N&ame true true Show tool bar true true Show menu bar .. &Qubes OS true true Si&ze Size on disk :/run-command.png:/run-command.png &Run command in qube Run command in the specified qube false :/templatevm.png:/templatevm.png &Clone qube Clone qube true true Inte&rnal Is an internal qube false :/resumevm.png:/resumevm.png Start qube for Window Tools installation Start qube for Window Tools installation true true &IP true true Include in &backups true true Last back&up Search Ctrl+F &Exit Qube Manager Manage templates for qubes Launch a tool that allows multiple templates to be changed at once true true Default DisposableVM Template <html><head/><body><p>Default DisposableVM Template<br/><br/>Which qube should be used by default as a template for DisposableVMs started from this one? DisposableVMs will inherit their template's configuration and installed programs.</p></body></html> true true DisposableVM Template <html><head/><body><p>DisposableVM Template</p><p><br/></p><p>Allows using this qube as a template for DisposableVMs. The DisposableVMs will inherit the VM's state (configuration, installed programs etc.), but their state will not persist between restarts. </p></body></html> true true Virtualization Mode :/log.png :/log.png:/log.png Open console in qube Open a secure Xen console in the qube. Useful chiefly for debugging purposes: for normal operation, use "Run Terminal" from the Domains widget.