GlobalSettings 0 0 1047 599 Qubes Global Settings true 0 140 System defaults 0 0 Dom0 UpdateVM: This is updateVM ONLY for dom0; if you want to change updateVMs for other VMs, use /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.UpdatesProxy ClockVM: Default netVM: 0 0 Default template: Default DisposableVM Template: Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok true 0 140 Memory Balancer Settings true Minimal qube memory: true MiB 999999999 50 true Additional memory allocated to dom0 by Qubes Memory Balancer. MiB 999999999 50 true Additional memory allocated to dom0 by Qubes Memory Balancer. Additional dom0 memory: Memory balancing is used for dom0 and all qubes that have memory balancing enabled (by default all qubes, except for those with PCI devices connected, such as sys-net and sys-usb). true true Kernel QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow Default kernel: Updates Stable updates Testing updates (security only) Testing updates Unstable updates Disable checking for updates for all qubes Check for dom0 updates false Default value for new qubes; to change it for existing qubes, use buttons below. Check for qube updates by default Enable checking for updates for all qubes ITL template updates ITL template updates (testing) (Community templates disabled) Community template updates Community template updates (testing) update_vm_combo clock_vm_combo default_netvm_combo default_template_combo default_dispvm_combo min_vm_mem dom0_mem_boost default_kernel_combo updates_dom0 updates_vm disable_updates_all enable_updates_all buttonBox buttonBox accepted() GlobalSettings accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() GlobalSettings reject() 316 260 286 274