Combined with libreboot, an AR271 wifi dongle, and a libre OS (like Debian with the main repos, the one built by this) the asus c201 is a fully libre machine with no blobs, or microcode.
Build the `PrawnOS-...-.img` by running `sudo make image`
This has only been tested on a Debian stretch VM, and borrows some components from the host system to setup apt/debootstrap during the build process so I would recommend using a Debian Stretch VM to avoid any issues.
If you would like to install it to the internal emmc storage run:
WARNING! THIS WILL ERASE YOUR INTERNAL EMMC STORAGE (your chrome OS install or other linux install and all of the associated user data) MAke sure to back up any data you would like to keep before running this.
**This will show a bunch of scary red warnings that are a result of the emmc (internal storage) being touchy. They don't seem to effect anything longterm.
The device will then reboot, and should boot to the internal storage by default. If it doesn't, turn off the device and remove the flash drive before turning it on again.
Now login as root again and run:
cd /InstallResources
Which installs the lxqt desktop enviroment, wicd, sound, trackpad, and Xorg configurations as well as prompts you to make a new user that automatically gets sudo priviledges.
If you just want a basic enviroment without xfce or lxqt can skip running You can connect to wifi using wpa_supplicant by running the following commands:
(ALl of these should be ran as root or with sudo to avoid issues)
The makefile automates many processes that make debuggung the kernel or the filesystem easier.
TO begin with:
`make kernel_config` cross compiles `make menuconfig` Cross compiling is required for any of the linux kernel make options that edit the kernel config, as the linux kernel build system makes assumptions that change depending on what platform it is targeting.
`make kernel` builds just the kernel
`make filesystem` builds the filesystem and kernel into a PrawnOS.img
`make kernel_inject` Injects a newly built kernel into a previously build PrawnOS.img located in the root of the checkout