.PHONY kernel kernel: scripts/buildKernel.sh .PHONY filesystem filesystem: clean_img scripts/buildDebianFs.sh .PHONY kernel_inject kernel_inject: #Targets an already build .img and swaps the old kernel with the newly compiled kernel scripts/buildNewKernelIntoFS.sh .PHONY image image: clean_img scripts/buildKernel.sh scripts/buildDebianFs.sh .PHONY live_image live_image: echo "TODO" .PHONY kernel_config kernel_config: scripts/crossmenuconfig.sh .PHONY clean clean: echo "Enter one of:" echo " clean_kernel - which deletes the untar'd kernel folder from build" echo " clean_ath - which deletes the untar'd ath9k driver folder from build" echo " clean_img - which deletes the built PrawnOS images, this is ran when make image is ran" echo " clean_all - which does all of the above" echo " in most cases none of these need ot be used manually as most cleanup steaps are handled automatically" .PHONY clean_kernel clean_kernel: rm -rf build/linux-4.* .PHONY clean_ath clean_ath: rm -rf build/open-ath9k-htc-firmware .PHONY clean_img clean_img: rm PrawnOS-*-c201-libre-*GB.img .PHONY clean_all clean_all: clean_kernel clean_ath clean_img