2.7 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <schemalist gettext-domain="gnome-shell-extensions">
  3. <enum id="">
  4. <value value="0" nick="seethrough"/>
  5. <value value="1" nick="autohide"/>
  6. <value value="2" nick="jump-diagonally"/>
  7. <value value="3" nick="jump-horizontally"/>
  8. <value value="4" nick="jump-vertically"/>
  9. </enum>
  10. <enum id="">
  11. <value value="0" nick="top-left"/>
  12. <value value="1" nick="top-right"/>
  13. <value value="2" nick="bottom-right"/>
  14. <value value="3" nick="bottom-left"/>
  15. </enum>
  16. <schema path="/org/gnome/shell/extensions/window-corner-preview/" id="">
  17. <key name="behavior-mode" enum="">
  18. <default>"seethrough"</default>
  19. <summary>Mouse over behavior</summary>
  20. <description>Behavior when mouse is over the preview</description>
  21. </key>
  22. <key name="focus-hidden" type="b">
  23. <default>false</default>
  24. <summary>Hide when window is focused</summary>
  25. <description>Whether to automatically hide the preview when the mirrored window is on top.</description>
  26. </key>
  27. <key name="initial-zoom" type="d">
  28. <range min="0.10" max="0.75"/>
  29. <default>0.20</default>
  30. <summary>Initial zoom ratio</summary>
  31. <description>Initial zoom ratio</description>
  32. </key>
  33. <key name="initial-left-crop" type="d">
  34. <range min="0.0" max="0.85"/>
  35. <default>0.0</default>
  36. <summary>Initial Left Crop Ratio</summary>
  37. <description>Initial Left Crop Ratio</description>
  38. </key>
  39. <key name="initial-right-crop" type="d">
  40. <range min="0.0" max="0.85"/>
  41. <default>0.0</default>
  42. <summary>Initial Right Crop Ratio</summary>
  43. <description>Initial Right Crop Ratio</description>
  44. </key>
  45. <key name="initial-top-crop" type="d">
  46. <range min="0.0" max="0.85"/>
  47. <default>0.0</default>
  48. <summary>Initial Top Crop Ratio</summary>
  49. <description>Initial Top Crop Ratio</description>
  50. </key>
  51. <key name="initial-bottom-crop" type="d">
  52. <range min="0.0" max="0.85"/>
  53. <default>0.0</default>
  54. <summary>Initial Bottom Crop Ratio</summary>
  55. <description>Initial Bottom Crop Ratio</description>
  56. </key>
  57. <key name="initial-corner" enum="">
  58. <default>"top-right"</default>
  59. <summary>Initial Corner</summary>
  60. <description>Initial Corner</description>
  61. </key>
  62. <key name="last-window-hash" type="s">
  63. <default>""</default>
  64. <summary>Last Window</summary>
  65. <description>Last Window Hash</description>
  66. </key>
  67. </schema>
  68. </schemalist>