#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from collections import namedtuple try: FileNotFoundException = FileNotFoundError except NameError: FileNotFoundException = IOError Format = { 'text': 0, 'grep': 1, 'json': 2 } Tech = namedtuple('Tech', ['name', 'version']) class ConnectionException(Exception): pass class UpdateInBurpException: pass def caseinsensitive_in(element, elist): """ Given a list and an element, return true if the element is present in the list in a case-insensitive flavor """ return element.lower() in map(str.lower, elist) def dict_from_caseinsensitivedict(cidict): # This is pretty bad, but in Python2 we don't have CaseInsensitiveDict and with Burp we cannot use requests's implementation d = {} for key, value in cidict.items(): d[key.lower()] = (value, key) return d