#!/usr/bin/env bash # for dependencies # apt install -t build-essential libncurses-dev bison flex libssl-dev libelf-dev #if [ $# -ne 3 ] # then # echo "No arguments supplied" #fi #flag1=$1 #flag2=$2 #flag3=$3 flag1="cc{prima_flag}" flag2="cc{seconda_flag}" flag3="cc{terza_flag}" password=`hexdump -n 32 -e '4/4 "%08X"' /dev/urandom` echo "[+] Starting build script..." mkdir -p target/overlay/var/www/html echo "[+] Cloning buildroot" git clone https://github.com/buildroot/buildroot.git target/buildroot echo "[+] Writing flags" sed -i "s/##FLAG1##/$flag1/g" target/overlay/var/www/html/include/config.php echo $flag2 > target/overlay/flag chmod 444 target/overlay/flag echo $flag3 > target/overlay/root/flag chmod 400 target/overlay/root/flag echo "[+] Adding customization files" cp -R buildroot/* target/buildroot # copy buildroot configs cp -R conf/* target/overlay # copy target system config files cp -R webpanel/* target/overlay/var/www/html # copy the webpanel cp -R update/update.sh target/overlay #copy the update script and certificate echo "[+] Building the keygen" mkdir -p target/overlay/usr/sbin gcc -o target/overlay/usr/sbin/cfgbin keygen/keygen.c -static -lm strip target/overlay/usr/sbin/cfgbin echo "[+] Generating Update Key" mkdir -p target/keys openssl genrsa -out target/keys/signingkey.pem 2048 openssl rsa -in target/keys/signingkey.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out target/keys/signingpub.pem cp target/keys/signingpub.pem target/overlay/pub.pem echo "[+] Generating Monitoring SSH Key" ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -f target/keys/sshkey -q -N "" mkdir -p target/overlay/root/.ssh cp target/keys/sshkey target/overlay/root/.ssh/authorized_keys chmod -R 600 target/overlay/root/.ssh/ echo "[+] Generating the root password" hash=`mkpasswd $password` echo $password > target/keys/rootpassword echo "[+] Building the image" N=`grep -c '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo` cd target/buildroot make pcengines_apu2_defconfig make -j$N