import requests from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify url = '' # Any registered username and password username = 'myBLfLEDraYh3Dq' password = '9GQLqu39EviKw' # default comment and any much longer string original = 'No description yet' description = 'stringadiversamapiulungastringadiversamapiulungastringa'.encode('ascii') # do login s = requests.session() r = + '/login', data={'username': username, 'password': password}) cur_iv = s.cookies['iv'] ciphertext1 = s.cookies['session'] # loop trough 256 requests to obtain a two time pad for i in range(int(cur_iv), int(cur_iv)+256): + '/user', data={'description': description}) if s.cookies['iv'] == cur_iv: ciphertext2 = s.cookies['session'] for i in range(0, len(ciphertext1), 2): if ciphertext1[i:i+1] != ciphertext2[i:i+1]: break # obtain new cookis with the original comment to flip the fals in true + '/user', data={'description': original}) cur_iv = s.cookies['iv'] uid = s.cookies['uid'] description = description.hex() ciphertext1 = ciphertext1[i:] ciphertext2 = ciphertext2[i:i+len(description)] # xor our known plaintext with the given ciphertext to recover part of the rc4 stream key = '{:x}'.format(int(ciphertext2, 16) ^ int(description, 16))[0:len(ciphertext1)] # xor our known rc4 stream with the default comment on the same iteration to decrypt the final parte of the cookie plaintext = unhexlify('{:x}'.format(int(key, 16) ^ int(ciphertext1, 16))) # print the plaintext and notice it has a show_flag parameter print('[*] Decrypted first cookie: ' + plaintext.decode('ascii')) # xor 'true ' with 'false' to calculate the value to use to flip the ciphertext flip = '{:x}'.format(int('true '.encode('ascii').hex(), 16) ^ int('false'.encode('ascii').hex(), 16)) cur_session = s.cookies['session'] # xor to obtain 'true ' from false' flip = '{:x}'.format(int(flip, 16) ^ int(cur_session[-12:-2], 16)) session = cur_session[0:-12] + flip + cur_session[-2:] # get the flag! flag = requests.get(url + '/user', cookies={'iv': cur_iv, 'uid': uid, 'session': session}) print('[*] Got the flag: ' + flag.text)