Browse Source

First compiling version

Giulio 2 years ago
5 changed files with 688 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 668 0
  2. BIN
  3. 20 0
  4. 0 0
  5. BIN

+ 668 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
+# use TERM to exit on error
+trap "exit 1" TERM
+export TOP_PID=$$
+# coreboot repo
+# dependencies
+DEPS_BASE=(dmidecode wget sha256sum gzip)
+DEPS_FLASH=(git build-essential libpci-dev libudev-dev zlib1g-dev)
+DEPS_FLASH_FEDORA=(git gcc g++ make xz bzip2 pciutils-devel)
+DEPS_COREBOOT=(gnat m4 bison flex libncurses5-dev python python2)
+DEPS_COREBOOT_FEDORA=(gcc-gnat bison flex ncurses-devel zlib-devel python python2 patch)
+DEPS_GRUB2=(autoconf automake autopoint libfreetype-dev fonts-unifont)
+DEPS_GRUB2_FEDORA=(autoconf automake gettext-devel freetype-devel unifont-fonts)
+#local dirs
+LOCAL_TEMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d)"
+# locally compiled coreboot utils
+# functions, functions, functions
+check_root() {
+    if [[ "$EUID" != 0 ]]; then
+        die "This script must be run as root; re-run prefixed with sudo"
+    fi
+print_info () {
+        clear
+        echo "################################################"
+        echo "##       Purism Librem coreboot Utility         "
+        echo "################################################"
+        if [[ "${LIBREM_MODEL^^}" != "UNKNOWN" ]]; then
+        model=${LIBREM_MODEL^}
+        echo "#    Device: Librem ${model//_/ }"
+        echo "#    Serial: ${DMIDECODE_SERIAL_NUMBER}"
+        echo "#  Firmware: ${FW_TYPE_STRING}"
+        echo "#   Version: ${CURRENT_FW_VER} ${CURRENT_FW_DATE}"
+        echo "################################################"
+        fi
+initial_setup () {
+    # get model, firmware version, serial # via dmidecode
+    vendor=$(dmidecode -s bios-vendor)
+    model=$(dmidecode -s system-product-name | grep -i Librem)
+    CURRENT_FW_VER=$(dmidecode -s bios-version)
+    CURRENT_FW_DATE=$(dmidecode -s bios-release-date)
+    DMIDECODE_SERIAL_NUMBER=$(dmidecode -t 1 | grep "Serial Number" | cut -d' ' -f 3-)
+    # set CURRENT_FW_TYPE type
+    if [ "$vendor" = "coreboot" ]; then
+        case ${CURRENT_FW_VER^^} in
+            *"PUREBOOT"* )
+                CURRENT_FW_TYPE="HEADS";;
+            *"HEADS"* )
+                CURRENT_FW_TYPE="HEADS";;
+            *"GRUB2"* )
+                CURRENT_FW_TYPE="GRUB2";;
+            * )
+                CURRENT_FW_TYPE="STANDARD";;
+        esac
+    else
+    fi
+    FW_UPDATE=""
+    case $CURRENT_FW_TYPE in
+        "HEADS" )
+            FW_TYPE_STRING="PureBoot (coreboot+Heads)"
+            CURR_FW_NUM=`echo ${CURRENT_FW_VER} | sed -e "s/^PureBoot-beta-//" -e "s/^PureBoot-Release-//"`
+            UPD_FW_NUM=`echo ${COREBOOT_HEADS_VERSION} | sed -e "s/^PureBoot-beta-//" -e "s/^PureBoot-Release-//"`
+            [[ "$UPD_FW_NUM" > "$CURR_FW_NUM" ]] \
+                && FW_UPDATE=`echo ${COREBOOT_HEADS_VERSION} | tr '-' ' '`
+            CURRENT_FW_VER=`echo ${CURRENT_FW_VER#PureBoot-} | tr '-' ' '`
+            CURRENT_FW_DATE=""
+            ;;
+        "STANDARD" )
+            FW_TYPE_STRING="Standard (coreboot+SeaBIOS)"
+            [[ "$COREBOOT_SEABIOS_VERSION" > "$CURRENT_FW_VER" ]] \
+            ;;
+        "GRUB2" )
+            FW_TYPE_STRING="Grub2 (coreboot+Grub2)"
+            [[ "$COREBOOT_GRUB2_VERSION" > "$CURRENT_FW_VER" ]] \
+                && FW_UPDATE="$COREBOOT_GRUB2_VERSION";
+            ;;
+        * )
+            FW_TYPE_STRING="Unknown" ;;
+    esac
+    # strip leading 'librem' + space/underscore
+    model=`echo ${model,,} | sed -e "s/^librem//" -e "s/^ //" -e "s/^_//"`
+    case ${model} in
+        "14")
+            LIBREM_MODEL="14";
+            PLATFORM="CML";
+            MODEL_INDEX="9";;
+        *)
+            LIBREM_MODEL="unknown";
+            PLATFORM="UNK";
+            MODEL_INDEX="0";;
+    esac
+cleanup() {
+    # ensure all files owned by calling/non-root user
+    chown -R -f $(logname). .
+die () {
+    local msg=$1
+    if [ ! -z "$msg" ]; then
+    echo ""
+        echo -e "$msg"
+    echo ""
+    fi
+    kill -s TERM $TOP_PID
+    cleanup
+    exit 1
+get_flashrom () {
+    # check if flashrom exists on system
+    echo ""
+    echo "Checking for usable version of flashrom"
+    FLASHROM_CMD=$(which flashrom)
+    if [[ ! -z "$FLASHROM_CMD" && "$PLATFORM" != "CML" ]]; then
+        #check version
+        version=$($FLASHROM_CMD -R | awk -F" " '{print $2;exit}' | grep "1.")
+        if [[ "$version" > "v1.1" ]]; then
+            # verify build supports logging (some PureOS/Debian versions broken)
+            if $FLASHROM_CMD -L -o /tmp/flashrom.log >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+                #use system flashrom
+                echo "Found built-in flashrom version $version"
+                return
+            fi
+        fi
+    fi
+    # no system flashrom, not version 1.2+, or PLATFORM == CML:
+    # build from upstream flashrom source
+    # check deps first
+    check_dependencies "flashrom"
+    if [ ! -d ${LOCAL_TOOLS_PATH}/flashrom ]; then
+        (   
+            mkdir -p ${LOCAL_TOOLS_PATH}
+            cd ${LOCAL_TOOLS_PATH}
+            echo -n "Cloning flashrom git repo..."
+            git clone --single-branch --branch master >/dev/null
+            [ $? -ne 0 ] && die "Error cloning flashrom repo from git"
+            echo "done"
+        )
+    fi
+    (
+        echo -n "Building flashrom from source..."
+        cd ${LOCAL_TOOLS_PATH}/flashrom
+        git fetch origin >/dev/null 2>&1
+        if ! git show c64486b >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+            cd ..
+            rm -rf ./flashrom
+            git clone --single-branch --branch master >/dev/null
+            [ $? -ne 0 ] && die "Error cloning flashrom repo from git"
+            cd flashrom
+        fi
+        git reset --hard c64486b >/dev/null 2>&1
+        [ $? -ne 0 ] && die "Error checking out flashrom via git"
+        [ $? -ne 0 ] && die "Error building flashrom (missing build dependency libpci-dev?)"
+        echo "done"
+    )
+    FLASHROM_CMD="${LOCAL_TOOLS_PATH}/flashrom/flashrom"
+get_serial () {
+    if [ "$PLATFORM" = "BDW" ]; then
+        #no serial to set, clear file if exists
+        rm -f ${LOCAL_TEMP_DIR}/serial_number.txt >/dev/null
+        return;
+    fi
+    #prompt user for serial # selection/entry
+    echo ""
+    echo "Set the device serial number:"
+    echo ""
+    if [ "$DMIDECODE_SERIAL_NUMBER" != "" ]; then
+        NO_SERIAL_OPT=3
+        echo "${DMIDECODE_SERIAL_OPT} - Extracted from your local system (${DMIDECODE_SERIAL_NUMBER})"
+    else
+        NO_SERIAL_OPT=2
+    fi
+    echo "${MANUAL_SERIAL_OPT} - Enter serial number manually"
+    echo "${NO_SERIAL_OPT} - Do not set a serial number"
+    echo ""
+    serial=0
+    [ ${MODEL_INDEX} = 0 ] && default=2 || default=1
+    while [ "$serial" == "0" ]; do
+        read -r -p "Enter your choice (default: $default): " serial
+        [ "$serial" = "" ] && serial=$default
+        case $serial in
+            ${DMIDECODE_SERIAL_OPT} )
+                if [ "$DMIDECODE_SERIAL_OPT" = 1 ]; then
+                    echo -n "$DMIDECODE_SERIAL_NUMBER" > ${LOCAL_TEMP_DIR}/serial_number.txt
+                else
+                    echo "Invalid option"
+                    serial=0
+                fi
+                ;;
+            ${MANUAL_SERIAL_OPT} )
+                read -r -p "Enter the machine's serial number : " serial_number
+                echo -n "$serial_number" > ${LOCAL_TEMP_DIR}/serial_number.txt
+                ;;
+            ${NO_SERIAL_OPT} )
+                echo -n "" > ${LOCAL_TEMP_DIR}/serial_number.txt
+                ;;
+            * )
+                echo "Invalid option"
+                serial=0
+                ;;
+        esac
+    done
+    echo ""
+flashrom_progress() {
+    local current=0
+    local total_bytes=0
+    local percent=0
+    local IN=''
+    local spin='-\|/'
+    local spin_idx=0
+    local progressbar=''
+    local progressbar2=''
+    local status='init'
+    local prev_word=''
+    local prev_prev_word=''
+    progressbar2=$(for ((i=0; i < 49; i++)) do echo -ne ' ' ; done)
+    echo "Initializing internal Flash Programmer"
+    while true ; do
+        prev_prev_word=$prev_word
+        prev_word=$IN
+        read -r -d' ' IN || break
+        if [ "$total_bytes" != "0" ]; then
+            current=$(echo "$IN" | grep -E -o '0x[0-9a-f]+-0x[0-9a-f]+:.*' | grep -E -o "0x[0-9a-f]+" | tail -n 1)
+            if [ "${current}" != "" ]; then
+                percent=$((100 * (current + 1) / total_bytes))
+                progressbar=$(for ((i=0; i < $((percent / 2)); i++)) do echo -ne '#' ; done)
+                progressbar2=$(for ((i=0; i < $((49 - percent / 2)); i++)) do echo -ne ' ' ; done)
+            fi
+        else
+            if [ "$prev_prev_word"  == "Reading" ] && [ "$IN" == "bytes" ]; then
+                total_bytes=$prev_word
+                echo "Total flash size : $total_bytes bytes"
+            fi
+        fi
+        if [ "$percent" -eq 100 ]; then
+            spin_idx=4
+        else
+            spin_idx=$(( (spin_idx+1) %4 ))
+        fi
+        if [ "$status" == "init" ]; then
+            if [ "$IN" == "contents..." ]; then
+                status="reading"
+                echo "Reading old flash contents. Please wait..."
+            fi
+        fi
+        if [ "$status" == "reading" ]; then
+            if echo "${IN}" | grep "done." > /dev/null ; then
+                status="writing"
+            fi
+        fi
+        if [ "$status" == "writing" ]; then
+            echo -ne "Flashing: [${progressbar}${spin:$spin_idx:1}${progressbar2}] (${percent}%)\\r"
+            if echo "$IN" | grep "Verifying" > /dev/null ; then
+                status="verifying"
+                echo ""
+                echo "Verifying flash contents. Please wait..."
+            fi
+            if echo "$IN" | grep "identical" > /dev/null ; then
+                status="done"
+		        echo ""
+                echo "The flash contents are identical to the image being flashed."
+            fi
+        fi
+        if [ "$status" == "verifying" ]; then
+            if echo "${IN}" | grep "VERIFIED." > /dev/null ; then
+                status="done"
+                echo "The flash contents were verified and the image was flashed correctly."
+            fi
+        fi
+    done
+    echo ""
+    if [ "$status" == "done" ]; then
+        return 0
+    else
+        echo 'Error flashing coreboot -- see timestampped flashrom log in current directory for more info'
+        echo ""
+        return 1
+    fi
+set_serial_number () {
+    # pass in full path of file in which to inject serial 
+    [[ -z "$1" || ! -f "$1" ]] && die "Error: a valid firmware filename is required"
+    # check if we have a serial # to add to cbfs
+    if [ -f ${LOCAL_TEMP_DIR}/serial_number.txt ]; then
+        # get cbfstool if needed
+        get_cbfstool
+        # inject serial into coreboot image
+        echo "Injecting serial number into firmware image"
+        $CBFSTOOL_BIN "$1" remove -n serial_number -r COREBOOT >/dev/null 2>&1
+        $CBFSTOOL_BIN "$1" add -n serial_number -t raw -f ${LOCAL_TEMP_DIR}/serial_number.txt -r COREBOOT >/dev/null 2>&1
+        [ $? -ne 0 ] && die "Error adding serial number to  file ${1}"
+    fi
+backup_firmware () {
+    # assume FLASHROM_CMD exists/is set already, LOCAL_TEMP_DIR set up
+    mkdir -p ${BACKUP_DIR}
+    DATE_FIX=$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
+    $FLASHROM_CMD -p internal:ich_spi_mode=hwseq -r ${BACKUP_DIR}/backup-${DATE_FIX}.bin -o ${BACKUP_DIR}/backup-$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S').log >/dev/null 2>&1
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        die "Error reading current firmware; see flashrom log for more info."
+    fi
+flash_firmware_internal () {
+    # assume FLASHROM_CMD exists/is set already
+    # pass in full path of file to be flashed
+    [[ -z "$1" || ! -f "$1" ]] && die "Error: a valid filename to be flashed is required"
+    $FLASHROM_CMD -p internal:ich_spi_mode=hwseq -w "$1" -V -o "./flashrom-$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S').log" 2>&1 | flashrom_progress
+    return $?
+update_serial_number () {
+    # ensure using SeaBIOS
+    if [[ "${CURRENT_FW_TYPE}" != "STANDARD" ]]; then
+        echo "This feature is only valid for use with the standard/SeaBIOS firmware"
+        echo ""
+        return
+    fi
+    # show serial  menu / create serial.txt
+    get_serial
+    # check for / get flashrom
+    get_flashrom
+    # read current firmware
+    echo ""
+    if [ ! -f ${LOCAL_TEMP_DIR}/${CURRENT_FW_BIN} ]; then
+        echo "Reading current firmware..."
+        read_current_firmware
+    else
+        echo "Current firmware already read from flash"
+    fi
+    # inject into current firmware
+    set_serial_number "${LOCAL_TEMP_DIR}/${CURRENT_FW_BIN}"
+    # prompt to update
+    echo ""
+    flash=0
+    while [ "$flash" != "y" ] && [ "$flash" != "n" ]; do
+        read -r -p "Do you want to update the serial number now (Y/n) ?  " flash
+        [[ "$flash" == "N" ]] && flash="n"
+        [[ "$flash" = "" || "$flash" == "Y" ]] && flash="y"
+    done
+    if [ "$flash" == "y" ]; then
+        echo ""
+        echo "coreboot flashing in progress. Do NOT interrupt this process."
+        echo ""
+        flash_firmware_internal "${LOCAL_TEMP_DIR}/${CURRENT_FW_BIN}"
+        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then 
+            echo "Serial number successfully updated; change will take effect on next boot"
+            echo ""
+        fi
+    fi
+update_crossgcc_toolchain() {
+    # assume called from coreboot root dir
+    local GCC_FILE='util/crossgcc/xgcc/bin/i386-elf-gcc'
+    local TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION="$(git log -n 1 --pretty=%h util/crossgcc)"
+    if [ -f "${GCC_FILE}" ]; then
+       CURRENT_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=$(${GCC_FILE} --version | grep -m 1 'coreboot toolchain' \
+	               | cut -f2 -d'v' | cut -f2 -d'_' | cut -f1 -d')')
+    fi
+        echo "coreboot toolchain version changed from ${CURRENT_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION} to ${TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION}"
+        echo "Cleaning crossgcc compiler before rebuilding it"
+        make crossgcc-clean
+        retries=0
+        until [ "$retries" -ge 5 ]
+        do
+            make crossgcc-i386 CPUS=$(nproc) && break
+            retries=$((retries+1)) 
+        done
+        [ $? -ne 0 ] && die "Error building coreboot toolchain" || true
+    fi
+build_coreboot() {
+    # extract / set device serial # to be injected later
+    get_serial
+    echo ""
+    echo "Checking out/updating coreboot repo..."
+    echo ""
+    # check dir, clone if needed
+    if [ ! -d coreboot ]; then
+        echo ""
+        git clone --branch ${COREBOOT_REPO_TAG} ${COREBOOT_REPO_PURISM} coreboot
+        [ $? -ne 0 ] && die "Error cloning coreboot git repo"
+        (
+            cd coreboot
+            # It can fail if you don't have a git global setup
+            make gitconfig 2>/dev/null || true
+            # init/update submodules
+            git submodule update --init --force --checkout >/dev/null 2>&1
+            [ $? -ne 0 ] && die "Error checking out/updating coreboot submodules"
+        )
+    fi
+    # check out correct branch
+    (
+        cd coreboot
+        git fetch 2>/dev/null
+        [ $? -ne 0 ] && die "Error fetching coreboot git repo"
+        git fetch --tags 2>/dev/null
+        [ $? -ne 0 ] && die "Error fetching coreboot git repo"
+        git checkout --detach ${COREBOOT_REPO_TAG} 2>/dev/null
+        [ $? -ne 0 ] && die "Error checking out coreboot git repo"
+        # ensure submodules sane
+        if [[ "`git diff 3rdparty`" != "" ]]; then
+            git submodule update --force --checkout >/dev/null 2>&1
+            [[ "`git diff 3rdparty`" != "" ]] && \
+                die "submodules have been modified; build would not be reproducible"
+        fi
+        #build cbfstool and ifdtool
+        (
+            cd util/cbfstool
+            make
+            [ $? -ne 0 ] && die "Error building cbfstool"
+        )
+        (
+            cd util/ifdtool
+            make
+            [ $? -ne 0 ] && die "Error building ifdtool"
+        )
+    )
+    # build coreboot
+    (
+        # set pwd
+        cd coreboot
+        # let user know this will take a few
+        echo -e "\n\n"
+        echo "Ready to build coreboot - this will take some time depending on your connection"
+        echo "speed and CPU/RAM, esp if the toolchain needs to be built."
+        echo ""
+        # check/build toolchain
+        update_crossgcc_toolchain || die
+        # get git version
+        GIT_VERSION=$(git describe --tags --dirty)
+        # do a clean build
+        make distclean
+        # copy config
+        cp ../resources/config .config
+        # copt grub config
+        cp ../resources/grub.cfg grub.cfg
+        echo "CONFIG_LOCALVERSION=\"${GIT_VERSION}\"" >> .config
+        make olddefconfig >/dev/null
+        # build coreboot and payload(s)
+        make
+        [ $? -ne 0 ] && die "Error building coreboot"
+        # copy to root dir
+        #cp build/coreboot.rom ../${COREBOOT_IMAGE}
+    )
+    # calculate hash of BIOS region before injecting bootorder/serial
+    bios_sha=$(sha256sum flashregion_1_bios.bin | awk '{print $1}')
+    rm -f flashregion*.bin
+    # set serial
+    set_serial_number ${COREBOOT_IMAGE}
+    #set boot delay
+    # add an 8s boot delay for the Librem Mini so splash screen
+    # actually shown on displays with sluggish init
+    if [[ ${LIBREM_MODEL^^} == "MINI"* ]]; then
+        ${CBFSTOOL_CB} ${COREBOOT_IMAGE} add-int -i 8000 -n etc/boot-menu-wait >/dev/null
+    fi
+    # print CBFS contents
+    echo ""
+    echo ""
+    echo "Finished building coreboot for Librem ${LIBREM_MODEL^}"
+    echo ""
+    if [ "${bios_sha}" != "${COREBOOT_BIOS_SHA}" ]; then
+        echo "WARNING: Built coreboot image hash does not match expected reproducible build hash"
+        echo "Built: ${bios_sha}"
+        echo "Expected: ${COREBOOT_BIOS_SHA}"
+    else
+        echo "Built coreboot image hash matches expected reproducible build hash"
+    fi
+    # prompt to flash 
+    echo ""
+    if [ ${CURRENT_FW_TYPE} != "HEADS" ]; then
+        flash=0
+        while [ "$flash" != "y" ] && [ "$flash" != "n" ]; do
+            read -r -p "Do you want to flash the coreboot update now (y/N) ?  " flash
+            if [ "$flash" = "" ] || [ "$flash" == "N" ]; then
+                flash="n"
+            fi
+            if [ "$flash" == "Y" ]; then
+                flash="y"
+            fi
+        done
+        if [ "$flash" == "y" ]; then
+            # check for / get flashrom
+            get_flashrom
+            echo ""
+            echo "coreboot flashing in progress. Do NOT interrupt this process."
+            echo ""
+            flash_firmware_internal ${COREBOOT_IMAGE}
+            if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then 
+                echo ""
+                echo "You must reboot for the coreboot update to take effect."
+                echo ""
+                read -r -p "Reboot now? (y/N) ?  " rb
+                if [ "$rb" = "Y" ] || [ "$rb" == "y" ]; then
+                    cleanup
+                    reboot
+                fi
+            fi
+        else
+            echo ""
+        fi
+    else
+        echo "You may now copy the coreboot update file ($COREBOOT_IMAGE) to USB for updating via Heads."
+        echo ""
+        read -ep "Press [Enter] to exit."
+        cleanup
+        exit 0
+    fi
+check_dependencies() {
+    local dep_type=$1
+    local DEPS
+    local use_dnf=false
+    [[ `which dnf 2>/dev/null` ]] && use_dnf=true
+    case $dep_type in
+        "base")
+            DEPS=${DEPS_BASE[@]} ;;
+        "flashrom")
+            if [ $use_dnf = true ]; then
+                DEPS=(${DEPS_BASE[@]} ${DEPS_FLASH_FEDORA[@]}) ;
+            else
+                DEPS=(${DEPS_BASE[@]} ${DEPS_FLASH[@]}) ;
+            fi
+            ;;
+        "coreboot")
+            if [ $use_dnf = true ]; then
+                DEPS=(${DEPS_BASE[@]} ${DEPS_FLASH_FEDORA[@]} ${DEPS_GRUB2_FEDORA[@]}) ;
+            else
+                DEPS=(${DEPS_BASE[@]} ${DEPS_FLASH[@]} ${DEPS_COREBOOT[@]} ${DEPS_GRUB2[@]}) ;
+            fi
+            ;; 
+        *) 
+            ;;
+    esac
+    local pkg needed=()
+    for pkg in "${DEPS[@]}"; do
+        if [[ ! `which ${pkg} 2>/dev/null` \
+                &&  ! `dnf list installed 2>/dev/null | grep "^${pkg}"` \
+                &&  ! `apt list --installed 2>/dev/null | grep "^${pkg}"` \
+                &&  ! -f "/usr/share/doc/${pkg}/copyright" ]]; then
+            needed+=("${pkg}")
+        fi
+    done
+    if [[ "${#needed[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then
+        echo ""
+        echo "One or more required dependencies are missing: ${needed[@]}"
+        echo "The script will now attempt to install them for you"
+        echo ""
+        read -rp "Press [Enter] to continue " discard
+        echo ""
+        if [ $use_dnf = true ]; then
+            if ! sudo dnf -y install "${needed[@]}" ; then
+                die "Some required dependencies could not be installed automatically"
+            fi
+        elif which apt >/dev/null ; then
+            sudo apt-get update >/dev/null 2>&1
+            if ! sudo apt-get -y install "${needed[@]}" ; then
+                die "Some required dependencies could not be installed automatically"
+            fi
+        else
+            echo "The script was unable to install the required dependencies automatically"
+            echo ""
+            die "Please ensure all required dependencies are installed and re-run this script"
+        fi
+    fi
+# Start of main script
+# let's do stuff
+check_dependencies "base"
+check_dependencies "flashrom"
+check_dependencies "coreboot"


+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+CONFIG_GRUB2_EXTRA_MODULES="gcry_seed gcry_rijndael gcry_sha256 lvm luks cryptodisk jpeg gfxmenu gfxterm_menu gfxterm_background password password_pbkdf2 pbkdf2"

+ 0 - 0
