# mumlib - simple Mumble client library Fairy simple Mumble library written in C++, using *boost::asio* asynchronous networking framework. Library supports: * audio streaming through TCP and UDP channel * text messaging Todo: * channel support * user information * remaining server messages (ACL, user stats etc) ## Dependencies * Boost libraries * OpenSSL * *log4cpp* * Opus library * Google Protobuf: libraries and compiler * CMake ## Build The library uses CMake build system: ``` mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make ``` ## Usage Sample usage is covered in *mumlib_example.cpp* file. Basically, you should extend *mumlib::Callback* class to implement your own handlers. ## Credits 2015 Michał Słomkowski. The code is published under the terms of Lesser General Public License Version 3. The library contains code from following 3rd party projects: * official Mumble Client: https://github.com/mumble-voip/mumble * *libmumble*: https://github.com/cornejo/libmumble