106 lines
2.6 KiB
106 lines
2.6 KiB
#pragma once
#include <mumlib.hpp>
#include <log4cpp/Category.hh>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
// 0 = mumble users connected at start; 1 = connect at dial-in
// TODO: fix mumlib::TransportException when this option is enabled
namespace mumble {
class Exception : public std::runtime_error {
Exception(const char *message) : std::runtime_error(message) { }
class MumlibCallback;
struct MumbleCommunicatorConfig {
std::string user;
std::string password;
std::string host;
int opusEncoderBitrate;
int port = 0;
bool autodeaf;
std::string comment;
int max_calls = 1;
std::string authchan; // config.ini: channelAuthExpression
// This is the subset that is of interest to us
struct MumbleUserState {
int32_t mute;
int32_t deaf;
int32_t suppress;
int32_t self_mute;
int32_t self_deaf;
int32_t priority_speaker;
int32_t recording;
class MumbleCommunicator : boost::noncopyable {
boost::asio::io_service &ioService);
void connect(MumbleCommunicatorConfig &config);
void onConnect();
void onDisconnect();
void onCallerAuth();
//void onCallerUnauth();
virtual ~MumbleCommunicator();
void sendPcmSamples(int16_t *samples, unsigned int length);
* This callback is called when communicator has received samples.
* Arguments: call ID, session ID, sequence number, PCM samples, length of samples
std::function<void(int, int, int, int16_t *, int)> onIncomingPcmSamples;
* This callback is called when a channel state message (e.g. Channel
* information) is received. Arguments: channel_id, name
std::function<void(std::string, int)> onIncomingChannelState;
std::function<void()> onServerSync;
std::function<void()> onUserState;
void sendTextMessage(std::string message);
void joinChannel(int channel_id);
void sendUserState(mumlib::UserState field, bool val);
MumbleUserState userState;
int callId;
boost::asio::io_service &ioService;
log4cpp::Category &logger;
MumbleCommunicatorConfig mumbleConf;
mumlib::MumlibConfiguration mumConfig;
std::shared_ptr<mumlib::Mumlib> mum;
std::unique_ptr<MumlibCallback> callback;
friend class MumlibCallback;