This causes the user to be self_mute and self_deaf when there is no SIP call active. Users in other Mumble groups can then see whether the user is active without moving to same group. Note: this needs the updated mumlib with the self_mute and self_deaf methods
117 lines
2.7 KiB
117 lines
2.7 KiB
#pragma once
#include "IncomingConnectionValidator.hpp"
#include "AudioFramesMixer.hpp"
#include <pjmedia.h>
#include <pjsua-lib/pjsua.h>
#include <pjsua2.hpp>
#undef isblank
#include <log4cpp/Category.hh>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <climits>
#include <bits/unique_ptr.h>
namespace sip {
constexpr int DEFAULT_PORT = 5060;
constexpr int SAMPLING_RATE = 48000;
class Exception : public std::runtime_error {
Exception(const char *title) : std::runtime_error(title) {
mesg += title;
Exception(std::string title) : std::runtime_error(title) {
mesg += title;
Exception(const char *title, pj_status_t status) : std::runtime_error(title) {
char errorMsgBuffer[500];
pj_strerror(status, errorMsgBuffer, sizeof(errorMsgBuffer));
mesg += title;
mesg += ": ";
mesg += errorMsgBuffer;
virtual const char *what() const throw() override {
return mesg.c_str();
std::string mesg;
class _LogWriter;
class _Account;
class _Call;
class _MumlibAudioMedia;
class PjsuaCommunicator : boost::noncopyable {
PjsuaCommunicator(IncomingConnectionValidator &validator, int frameTimeLength);
void connect(
std::string host,
std::string user,
std::string password,
unsigned int port = DEFAULT_PORT);
virtual ~PjsuaCommunicator();
void sendPcmSamples(
int sessionId,
int sequenceNumber,
int16_t *samples,
unsigned int length);
std::function<void(int16_t *, int)> onIncomingPcmSamples;
std::function<void(std::string)> onStateChange;
std::function<void(int)> onMuteDeafChange;
pj_status_t mediaPortGetFrame(pjmedia_port *port, pjmedia_frame *frame);
pj_status_t mediaPortPutFrame(pjmedia_port *port, pjmedia_frame *frame);
log4cpp::Category &logger;
log4cpp::Category &pjsuaLogger;
std::unique_ptr<mixer::AudioFramesMixer> mixer;
std::unique_ptr<_LogWriter> logWriter;
std::unique_ptr<_Account> account;
std::unique_ptr<_MumlibAudioMedia> media;
pj_caching_pool cachingPool;
pj::Endpoint endpoint;
IncomingConnectionValidator &uriValidator;
void registerAccount(std::string host,
std::string user,
std::string password);
friend class _Call;
friend class _Account;
friend class _MumlibAudioMedia;