# .\download\ini_parser.c # .\download\download_api.c "Uploading..." = "上传中..." "Downloading..." = "下载中..." "Uninstall" = "卸载" "Installing..." = "正在安装..." "No Such File" = "文件不存在" "Illegal Sig Info" = "签名信息非法" "Unknown Error!" = "未知错误" "Invalid Format" = "非法格式" "Permission Denied" = "无法访问" "Illegal Parameter" = "非法参数" "Handle is Invalid" = "非法句柄" "Parameters Error" = "参数错误" # .\download\download.c "Download by TCP" = "TCP下载" "Input Port" = "输入端口号" "Port is in Use" = "端口被占用" "Select COM Port" = "选择串口" "Downloading..." = "正在下载" "TCP Port:" = "侦听端口:" "COM:" = "串口:" "[Cancel] to exit" = "[取消]键退出" "Eth Not Connected" = "网络未连接" "Eth Not Configured" = "网络未配置" "Network Config" = "网络配置" "U-Disk Download" = "U盘下载" "Download Error" = "下载异常中止" "Request Timeout" = "请求超时" "Disconnected" = "连接中断" "Upgrade Failed" = "升级失败" "Pls Insert U-Disk" = "请插入U盘" "U-Disk Detected" = "检测到U盘" "Please Confirm:" = "请确认:" "Is there system.list?" = "存在system.list?" "Config File Err" = "配置文件错误" "Download Finished" = "下载完成" "Install Failed" = "安装失败" "No Such User" = "无此用户" "Total :" = "总计:" "Failed :" = "失败:" "Succeeded :" = "成功:" "COM Port" = "串口" "USB" = "USB" "U-Disk" = "U盘" "TCP/IP" = "网络" "Download" = "下载" "Download List" = "下载列表" "Cancel to exit" = "Cancel键退出" "Enter to continue" = "Enter键继续" "or" = "或" # .\do_xml\parse_xml_config.c # .\ped\ped_op.c "Change Pwd" = "修改密码" "INJECT TLK" = "注入TLK" "INJECT TRK" = "注入TRK" "Key Config" = "密钥配置" "Key Download" = "密钥下载" "PED" = "PED" # .\do_ui\menu.c # .\do_ui\get_string.c "Invalid Addr" = "非法地址" "Not enough data" = "位数不足" # .\do_ui\display.c "NO -[Cancel]" = "否-[取消]" "YES-[Enter ]" = "是-[确认]" "Confirm" = "[确认]" "[OK]" = "[确认]" # .\do_ui\color_manage.c # .\do_ui\lng.c # .\diagnose\diagnose.c "Track Error!" = "磁道错误!" "Magcard Reader" = "磁条卡" "Please Swipe" = "请刷卡" "Open Failed" = "打开设备失败" "Track is OK!" = "磁道正常" "Detection Error" = "发生异常" "User Card" = "用户卡" "Opening the device.." = "正在打开设备" "Pls Insert Card" = "请插入卡" "Card Inserted" = "有卡插入" "Initialization Fail" = "初始化失败" "Exchanging Data.." = "命令执行中.." "Exchange Failed" = "命令执行失败" "Exchange Succeeded" = "命令执行成功" "Card Test Done" = "卡片测试完成" "SAM CARD" = "SAM卡" "SAM Card" = "SAM卡" "ICC Reader" = "IC卡" "Detected:" = "检测到:" "Return Code:" = "返回码:" "MIFARE 1" = "MIFARE 1" "MIFARE 1 Card" = "M1卡" "Set Card Failed" = "设置卡片失败" "Verify Failed" = "校验失败" "Verified OK" = "校验成功" "Block Value:" = "块中数据:" "A Type Card" = "A卡" "Type A" = "A卡" "B Type Card" = "B卡" "Type B" = "B卡" "FeliCa" = "FeliCa" "FeliCa Card" = "FeliCa" "Cannot Activate" = "卡片无法激活" "Reading data..." = "正在读取数据" "Read Failed" = "读取失败" "Read Succeeded" = "读取成功" "RF Reader" = "射频卡" "Card Readers" = "读卡器" "Synchronous" = "同步" "Asynchronous" = "异步" "Modem" = "Modem" "Data Rate" = "通讯速率" "Dialing Canceled!" = "拨号被取消!" "Timeout (sec):" = "超时(秒):" "Phone Number:" = "电话号码:" "Dial Attempts:" = "拨号次数:" "Send Attempts:" = "发送次数:" "Dialing..." = "正在拨号..." "Line Busy!" = "线路忙!" "Disconnected!" = "连接断开!" "Connected!" = "已连接!" "Sending data..." = "正在发送数据" "Data sent!" = "发送成功" "No Response!" = "没有响应" "Access Point Name" = "访问点名称" "Enter Username" = "请输入用户名" "Enter Password" = "请输入密码" "Destination IP" = "远端IP" "Enter Data Length" = "数据长度" "Mobile Network" = "移动网络" "Test OK" = "测试完成" "Ping Timeout!" = "PING超时!" "Starting Net..." = "正在启动网络" "Select the Slot Fail" = "通道选择失败" "Closing Net..." = "正在关闭网络" "Server IP:" = "服务器IP:" "Server Port:" = "服务器端口:" "Subnet Mask:" = "子网掩码:" "Gateway IP Adrr:" = "网关IP:" "Local IP Adrr:" = "本地IP:" "Destination IP:" = "远端IP:" "Timeout(ms):" = "超时(毫秒):" "Duration(s):" = "持续时间(秒):" "Ethernet" = "以太网" "Testing Ethernet" = "以太网测试" "PING Times:" = "PING次数:" "ETH Detection done" = "以太网测试完成" "Wireless" = "无线网络" "Communication" = "通讯" "Printer" = "打印机" "Printing..." = "正在打印" "Keyboard" = "键盘" "Press Any Key" = "请按任意键" "Key Value:" = "键值:" "[1]Twice To Exit" = "连按[1]两次退出" "Speaker" = "扬声器" "Playing Audio..." = "正在播放音频" "Detection Done" = "测试完成" "Speaker Error" = "扬声器异常" "LCD" = "显示器" "Touch Screen" = "触摸屏" "User Interface" = "用户接口" "Battery" = "电池" "No Battery" = "没有电池" "Unsupported" = "不支持" "Charging..." = "正在充电" "Discharging" = "正在放电" "Version:" = "版本:" "Verifying..." = "正在校验" "Signed Correctly" = "签名正确" "Application List" = "应用列表" "No Application" = "没有应用" "Application" = "应用" "Module Test" = "模块检测" # .\main\hot_plug.c # .\main\tm.c "System Report" = "系统报告" "Ped Reg Attack Report" = "PED触发报告" "Crash Report" = "Crash报告" "Upload Exception" = "上传异常中止" "Upload Finished" = "上传完成" "System Config" = "系统配置" "Terminal Info" = "终端信息" "Security Info" = "安全信息" "Main Menu" = "主菜单" "Quit TM?" = "退出TM?" # .\main\common.c "No Font File" = "缺少字体文件" "Printer Busy" = "打印机忙" "Out of Paper" = "打印机缺纸!" "Printer Overheat" = "打印机过热!" "High Voltage" = "高压" "Print Finished" = "打印完成" "Print" = "打印" "Timeout" = "超时" "Dev Not Available" = "设备不可用" "Device Occupied" = "设备已被占用" "Device Not Open" = "设备未打开" "No Specify Font" = "指定的字体不存在" "User Cancel" = "用户取消" "Disconnected" = "未连接" "Memory Error" = "内存错误" "Config Error" = "配置失败" "Screen not Open" = "触摸屏未打开" "LRC Error" = "LRC校验失败" "Date Error" = "日期校验失败" "IP Service Error" = "IP服务异常" "IP Service Busy" = "IP服务忙" "Routing Not Set" = "未设置路由" "Too Many Conns." = "连接太多" "Unavailable Link" = "链路不可用" "Disconnected" = "连接断开" "Password Error" = "密码错误" "User Disconnect" = "用户断开连接" "Failed to Get IP" = "未能分配到IP" "DHCP Not Started" = "DHCP未启动" "DNS Failure" = "DNS查找失败" "Port is In Use" = "端口被占用" "DNS Not Set" = "未配置DNS" "Server Disconn." = "服务端关闭连接" "Timeout" = "连接超时" "PPP Disconnected" = "PPP断开连接" "No PPPoE Server" = "没有PPPoE服务" "No Resources" = "资源不存在" "SIM Requires PIN" = "需要PIN" "Response Error" = "响应错误" "No Response" = "没有响应" "SIM Requires PUK" = "需要PUK" "PIN Error" = "SIM卡PIN错误" "No SIM Card" = "未插入SIM卡" "Cannot Identify" = "无法识别" # .\sysconfig\sysconfig.c "Date" = "日期" "Current Date" = "当前日期" "Set Failed!" = "设置失败!" "Try Again?" = "重试?" "Set successfully" = "设置成功" "Time" = "时间" "Current Time" = "当前时间" "Date&Time" = "日期时间" "English" = "英语" "Chinese(Simp)" = "简体中文" "Chinese(Trad)" = "繁体中文" "Language" = "系统语言" "White-black" = "白底黑字" "Yellow-blue" = "黄底蓝字" "White-blue" = "白底蓝字" "White-red" = "白底红字" "UI Layout" = "配色方案" "Password" = "密码" "Enter Old Pwd" = "输入旧密码" "Pwd Error!" = "密码错误" "Enter New Pwd" = "输入新密码" "Re-Enter New Pwd" = "再次输入新密码" "Not Matching!" = "两次输入不一致" "It's the old one" = "和旧密码相同" "System Setting" = "系统设置" "Enter Password:" = "输入密码:" "Brightness" = "亮度" "Volume" = "音量" "OFF" = "关" "ON" = "开" "Keytone" = "按键音" "Key Backlight" = "按键背光" "LCD Sleep Time" = "LCD背光时间" "0-Never" = "0-从不" "Calibrate Screen" = "触屏校准" "Media" = "媒体" "Can’t Start DHCP" = "启动DHCP失败" "DHCP" = "DHCP" "Getting IP Addr" = "正在获取IP" "Config Finished" = "配置完成" "Config Failed" = "配置失败" "Static" = "静态" "Configuring..." = "正在配置" "IP Address" = "IP地址" "Old IP Address:" = "旧IP:" "New IP Address:" = "新IP:" "Netmask" = "掩码" "Old Netmask:" = "旧掩码:" "New Netmask:" = "新掩码:" "Gateway" = "网关" "Old Gateway:" = "旧网关:" "New Gateway:" = "新网关:" "Primary DNS" = "主DNS" "Old DNS:" = "旧DNS:" "New DNS:" = "新DNS:" "Secondary DNS" = "从DNS" "Subnet Mask" = "子网掩码" "Auto" = "自动" "10M Half-Duplex" = "10M半双工" "10M Full-Duplex" = "10M全双工" "100M Half-Duplex" = "100M半双工" "100M Full-Duplex" = "100M全双工" "Transfer Rate" = "传输速率" "Current" = "当前状态" "Open" = "开" "1.Close" = "1.关" "Signal Strength:" = "信号强度:" "Close" = "关" "1.Open" = "1.开" "Switch SIM Slot" = "切换SIM卡槽" "SIM Slot" = "SIM卡槽" "SLOT1" = "卡槽1" "SLOT2" = "卡槽2" "Card Slot Options" = "卡槽选项" "APN" = "APN" "APN Username" = "APN用户名" "APN Password" = "APN密码" "Old APN:" = "旧APN:" "New APN:" = "新APN:" "Old APN Username:" = "旧用户名:" "New APN Username:" = "新用户名:" "Old APN Password" = "旧密码:" "New APN Password" = "新密码:" "SIM Card Pwd" = "SIM卡密码" "Enter SIM Pwd:" = "输入SIM卡密码" "Switch" = "开关" "Network Mode" = "网络模式" "Hybrid Mode" = "混合模式" "CDMA Mode" = "CDMA模式" "Reset Config" = "还原出厂设置" "Restore?" = "重置?" "Sync-mode Mount" = "同步挂载" "Async-mode Mount" = "异步挂载" "Mount Parameters" = "挂载参数" "G6x0 Update" = "G6x0 升级" "Firmware Update" = "模块升级" "Show Config" = "显示配置" "Remote Load" = "远程下载" # .\sysinfo\sysinfo.c "SVN Info" = "SVN信息" "System Info" = "系统信息" "U-Disk Load" = "U盘下载" "XCB Service" = "下载调试服务" "Close Service" = "关闭服务" "COM Console" = "串口控制台" "Release Version" = "商用版本" "Unsupported!" = "不支持控制台!" "Network" = "网络" "Network Config" = "网络配置" "Close Console," = "请先关闭控制台," "Reboot & Retry" = "然后重启再试" "Signal is weak!" = "信号太弱" "Switch" = "开关" "Initializing..." = "正在初始化..." "Cannot Load Lib" = "加载动态库失败" "Undefined Symbol" = "符号未定义" "Error!" = "应用错误" "Segfault" = "段错误" "[ENTER] start TM" = "按确认键进入TM" "MAINAPP" = "主应用" "Verify Error" = "校验失败" "Screen Saver"="屏保时间" "Sleep Time"="休眠时间" "Sleep Delay"="休眠等待时间" "Power Saving"="电源管理" "Dim Screen After"="当前时间" "Sleep After"="当前时间" "Fall Asleep After"="当前时间"