2021-05-30 22:12:15 +02:00
package.path = package.path .. " ;/<include_path>/?.lua "
driver = require ( ' luasql.sqlite3 ' )
BOT_TOKEN = ' <bot_token> '
API_URL = ' https://api.telegram.org/bot ' .. BOT_TOKEN .. ' / '
CHANNEL = ' <channel_id> '
ADMINS_CHAT = { < admin_chat > }
ADMINS_ID = { < admin_id > }
HTDOCS = ' <path>/htdocs/ '
SYNC = ' <path>/htdocs/scusette/ '
APP = ' <path>/app/scusette/ '
DB = APP .. ' db/scusette.sqlite3 '
URL = ' https://scusette.it/ '
env = assert ( driver.sqlite3 ( ) )
con = assert ( env : connect ( DB ) )
ingiurie = { " Coglione! " ,
" Oh ma ce la fai? " ,
" Ti ripigli? " ,
" Ma quanto sei ritardato? " ,
" Sei proprio un @w00tw00t " ,
" Messaggio ricevuto, sei ritardato " ,
" Per caso lavori in Accenture? " ,
" Senior Manager in Spike Reply vero? " ,
" http://www.gtfo.org " ,
" Hai l'aria di uno che fa Big Data per KPMG " ,
" Mandato il CV a Deloitte? "
help = [ [
< strong > Scusette.it </ strong > bot
Per ricevere una scusetta random
< pre >
/ random
</ pre >
Per cercare una scusetta
< pre >
/ query
</ pre >
Per inviare una scusetta invia un messaggio col seguente formato :
< pre >
/ invia
titolo scusetta
corpo scusetta
</ pre >
< em > Linee guida </ em > :
* Utilizza grammatica e capitalizzazione corrette
* Il titolo e ' il fatto e il corpo e ' la scusetta in prima persona , prendi spunto da quelle gia ' pubblicate
* Valuta se anche se scontestualizzata la scusetta e ' divertente lo stesso
* La scusetta deve essere stata usata
* Le scusette saranno pubblicate solo previa approvazione di un admin
* Sta calmo e non piangere pls
] ]
function rows ( connection , sql_statement )
local cursor = assert ( connection : execute ( sql_statement ) )
return function ( )
return cursor : fetch ( )
function generate ( con )
scusette = " "
n = con : execute ( " select count(id) from scusette " ) : fetch ( )
for id , slug , title , body , author , date in rows ( con , " select id, slug, title, body, author, date from scusette where approved order by id desc " ) do
scusette = scusette .. " \t \t <hr><h3 id= \" " .. slug .. " \" ><a href= \" " .. URL .. " # " .. slug .. " \" > " .. title .. " </a></h3> \n \t \t <aside><small> " .. date .. " , scusettebot</small></aside> \n \t \t <p> " .. body .. " </p> \n "
file = io.open ( APP .. " template/header.html " , " r " )
io.input ( file )
header = io.read ( " *all " )
header = header : gsub ( " #scusettenumber# " , tostring ( n ) )
io.close ( file )
file = io.open ( APP .. " template/footer.html " , " r " )
io.input ( file )
footer = io.read ( " *all " )
io.input ( file )
file = io.open ( HTDOCS .. " index.html " , " w " )
io.output ( file )
io.write ( header .. scusette .. footer )
io.close ( file )
file = io.open ( SYNC .. " scusette.html " , " w " )
io.output ( file )
io.write ( header .. scusette .. footer )
io.close ( file )
function is_admin ( id )
for _ , admin_id in ipairs ( ADMINS_ID ) do
if admin_id == id then
return true
return false
function reply ( chatid , reply )
local reply = ngx.escape_uri ( reply )
local httpc = require ( " resty.http " ) . new ( )
local res , err = httpc : request_uri ( API_URL .. " sendmessage " , {
method = " POST " ,
body = " chat_id= " .. chatid .. " &text= " .. reply .. " &parse_mode=HTML " ,
headers = {
[ " Content-Type " ] = " application/x-www-form-urlencoded " ,
} ,
} )
ngx.say ( err )
ngx.req . read_body ( )
content = ngx.req . get_body_data ( )
if not content then
ngx.exit ( ngx.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST )
local json_local = require " json "
update = json_local.decode ( content )
if not update [ " message " ] or not update [ " message " ] [ " chat " ] or not update [ " message " ] [ " from " ] or not update [ " message " ] [ " text " ] then
ngx.exit ( ngx.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST )
chatid = update [ " message " ] [ " chat " ] [ " id " ]
fromid = update [ " message " ] [ " from " ] [ " id " ]
fromusername = update [ " message " ] [ " from " ] [ " username " ] ;
message = update [ " message " ] [ " text " ]
lines = { }
for l in message : gmatch ( " [^ \n ]+ " ) do
table.insert ( lines , l )
command = lines [ 1 ]
if command == " /start " then
resp = help
elseif command == " /invia " then
title = lines [ 2 ]
body = lines [ 3 ]
if title and body then
slug = lines [ 2 ] : gsub ( ' %W ' , ' - ' ) : lower ( )
author = fromid
2021-05-30 22:35:25 +02:00
r , e = con : execute ( string.format ( " insert into scusette (slug, title, body, author, date, approved, rejected) values ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 0, 0) " , con : escape ( slug ) , con : escape ( title ) , con : escape ( body ) , con : escape ( author ) ) )
2021-05-30 22:12:15 +02:00
if r then
resp = " Scusetta inviata, se verra' approvata riceverai una notifica e la vedrai pubblicata! "
resp = " Qualcosa e' andato storto, contatta un admin "
for _ , admin_chat_id in ipairs ( ADMINS_CHAT ) do
id = con : getlastautoid ( )
scusetta = string.format ( " <em>%s</em> - <pre>%s</pre> by @%s \n <em>%s</em> \n %s \n \n " , id , slug , author , title , body )
reply ( admin_chat_id , " Nuova scusetta in coda, controlla con /list \n \n " .. scusetta )
resp = " Scusetta non valida, controlla la sintassi con /start "
elseif command == " /list " then
if is_admin ( fromid ) then
list = " "
for id , slug , title , body , author in rows ( con , " select id, slug, title, body, author from scusette where not approved and not rejected " ) do
list = list .. string.format ( " <strong>%s</strong> by @%s \n <em>%s</em> \n %s \n \n " , id , author , title , body )
resp = list
elseif command == " /approve " then
id = lines [ 2 ]
if is_admin ( fromid ) and id then
2021-05-30 22:35:25 +02:00
con : execute ( string.format ( " update scusette set approved = 1 where id = '%s' " , con : escape ( tonumber ( id ) ) ) )
2021-05-30 22:12:15 +02:00
generate ( con )
for id , slug , title , body , author in rows ( con , " select id, slug, title, body, author from scusette where id = " .. con : escape ( tonumber ( id ) ) ) do
2021-05-30 22:35:25 +02:00
scusetta = string.format ( " <strong>%s</strong> \n %s \n \n %s/#%s " , title , body , URL , slug )
2021-05-30 22:12:15 +02:00
reply ( author , " Scusetta approvata! " )
2021-05-30 22:35:25 +02:00
reply ( CHANNEL , scusetta ) ;
2021-05-30 22:12:15 +02:00
resp = " Operazione eseguita "
resp = " Nope "
elseif command == " /delete " then
id = lines [ 2 ]
if is_admin ( fromid ) and id then
2021-05-30 22:35:25 +02:00
con : execute ( string.format ( " update scusette set rejected = 1 where id = '%s' " , con : escape ( tonumber ( id ) ) ) )
2021-05-30 22:12:15 +02:00
resp = " Scusetta eliminata "
resp = " Nope "
elseif command == " /rebuild " then
if is_admin ( fromid ) then
generate ( con )
elseif command == " /random " then
for id , slug , title , body , author in rows ( con , " select id, slug, title, body, author from scusette order by random() limit 1 " ) do
2021-05-30 22:35:25 +02:00
resp = string.format ( " <i><em>%s</em></i> \n %s \n \n https://scusette.it/#%s " , title , body , slug )
2021-05-30 22:12:15 +02:00
elseif command == " /query " then
query = lines [ 2 ]
for id , slug , title , body , author in rows ( con , " select id, slug, title, body, author from scusette where title like '% " .. con : escape ( query ) .. " %' or '% " .. con : escape ( query ) .. " %' order by random() limit 1 " ) do
2021-05-30 22:35:25 +02:00
resp = string.format ( " <i><em>%s</em></i> \n %s \n \n https://scusette.it/#%s " , title , body , slug )
2021-05-30 22:12:15 +02:00
if is_admin ( fromid ) then
resp = " A rapporto! "
resp = ingiurie [ math.random ( # ingiurie ) ]
con : commit ( )
con : close ( )
env : close ( )
reply ( chatid , resp )