Improved format strings

This commit is contained in:
Giulio 2021-05-30 22:35:25 +02:00
parent 276ba6c709
commit 4f690b5255

View File

@ -143,9 +143,7 @@ elseif command == "/invia" then
if title and body then
slug = lines[2]:gsub('%W','-'):lower()
author = fromid
--stmt = con:prepare("inserto into scusette (slug, title, body, author, approved, rejected) values(:slug, :title, :body, :author, 0, 0)")
--stmt:bind({slug=slug, title=title, body=body, author=author}):exec()
r, e = con:execute("insert into scusette (slug, title, body, author, date, approved, rejected) values ('"..con:escape(slug).."', '"..con:escape(title).."', '"..con:escape(body).."', '"..con:escape(author).."', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 0, 0)")
r, e = con:execute(string.format("insert into scusette (slug, title, body, author, date, approved, rejected) values ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 0, 0)", con:escape(slug), con:escape(title), con:escape(body), con:escape(author)))
if r then
resp = "Scusetta inviata, se verra' approvata riceverai una notifica e la vedrai pubblicata!"
@ -167,16 +165,15 @@ elseif command == "/list" then
resp = list
--reply(chatid, "NON sei admin! "..fromid.." value: "..tostring(test).."0: "..tostring(type(ADMINS_ID[1])).." 1: "..tostring(type(fromid)))
elseif command == "/approve" then
id = lines[2]
if is_admin(fromid) and id then
con:execute("update scusette set approved = 1 where id = "..con:escape(tonumber(id)))
con:execute(string.format("update scusette set approved = 1 where id = '%s'", con:escape(tonumber(id))))
for id, slug, title, body, author in rows (con, "select id, slug, title, body, author from scusette where id = "..con:escape(tonumber(id))) do
scusetta = "<strong>"..title.."</strong>\n"..body.."\n\n"..URL.."/#"..slug
scusetta = string.format("<strong>%s</strong>\n%s\n\n%s/#%s", title, body, URL, slug)
reply(author, "Scusetta approvata!")
-- reply(CHANNEL, scusetta);
reply(CHANNEL, scusetta);
resp = "Operazione eseguita"
@ -185,7 +182,7 @@ elseif command == "/approve" then
elseif command == "/delete" then
id = lines[2]
if is_admin(fromid) and id then
con:execute("update scusette set rejected = 1 where id = "..con:escape(tonumber(id)))
con:execute(string.format("update scusette set rejected = 1 where id = '%s'", con:escape(tonumber(id))))
resp = "Scusetta eliminata"
resp = "Nope"
@ -196,12 +193,12 @@ elseif command == "/rebuild" then
elseif command == "/random" then
for id, slug, title, body, author in rows (con, "select id, slug, title, body, author from scusette order by random() limit 1") do
resp = string.format("<i><em>"..title.."</em></i>\n"..body.."\n\n"..slug)
resp = string.format("<i><em>%s</em></i>\n%s\n\n", title, body, slug)
elseif command == "/query" then
query = lines[2]
for id, slug, title, body, author in rows (con, "select id, slug, title, body, author from scusette where title like '%"..con:escape(query).."%' or '%"..con:escape(query).."%' order by random() limit 1") do
resp = string.format("<i><em>"..title.."</em></i>\n"..body.."\n\n"..slug)
resp = string.format("<i><em>%s</em></i>\n%s\n\n", title, body, slug)
if is_admin(fromid) then