scusette.lua 6.9 KB

  1. package.path = package.path .. ";/<include_path>/?.lua"
  2. driver = require('luasql.sqlite3')
  3. BOT_TOKEN = '<bot_token>'
  4. API_URL = ''..BOT_TOKEN..'/'
  5. CHANNEL = '<channel_id>'
  6. ADMINS_CHAT = {<admin_chat>}
  7. ADMINS_ID = {<admin_id>}
  8. HTDOCS = '<path>/htdocs/'
  9. SYNC = '<path>/htdocs/scusette/'
  10. APP = '<path>/app/scusette/'
  11. DB = APP..'db/scusette.sqlite3'
  12. URL = ''
  13. env = assert(driver.sqlite3())
  14. con = assert(env:connect(DB))
  15. ingiurie = { "Coglione!",
  16. "Oh ma ce la fai?",
  17. "Ti ripigli?",
  18. "Ma quanto sei ritardato?",
  19. "Sei proprio un @w00tw00t",
  20. "Messaggio ricevuto, sei ritardato",
  21. "Per caso lavori in Accenture?",
  22. "Senior Manager in Spike Reply vero?",
  23. "",
  24. "Hai l'aria di uno che fa Big Data per KPMG",
  25. "Mandato il CV a Deloitte?"
  26. }
  27. help = [[
  28. <strong></strong> bot
  29. Per ricevere una scusetta random
  30. <pre>
  31. /random
  32. </pre>
  33. Per cercare una scusetta
  34. <pre>
  35. /query
  36. keyword
  37. </pre>
  38. Per inviare una scusetta invia un messaggio col seguente formato:
  39. <pre>
  40. /invia
  41. titolo scusetta
  42. corpo scusetta
  43. </pre>
  44. <em>Linee guida</em>:
  45. * Utilizza grammatica e capitalizzazione corrette
  46. * Il titolo e' il fatto e il corpo e' la scusetta in prima persona, prendi spunto da quelle gia' pubblicate
  47. * Valuta se anche se scontestualizzata la scusetta e' divertente lo stesso
  48. * La scusetta deve essere stata usata
  49. * Le scusette saranno pubblicate solo previa approvazione di un admin
  50. * Sta calmo e non piangere pls
  51. ]]
  52. function rows(connection, sql_statement)
  53. local cursor = assert(connection:execute(sql_statement))
  54. return function()
  55. return cursor:fetch()
  56. end
  57. end
  58. function generate(con)
  59. scusette = ""
  60. n = con:execute("select count(id) from scusette"):fetch()
  61. for id, slug, title, body, author, date in rows(con, "select id, slug, title, body, author, date from scusette where approved order by id desc") do
  62. scusette = scusette.."\t\t<hr><h3 id=\""..slug.."\"><a href=\""..URL.."#"..slug.."\">"..title.."</a></h3>\n\t\t<aside><small>"", scusettebot</small></aside>\n\t\t<p>"..body.."</p>\n"
  63. end
  64. file ="template/header.html", "r")
  65. io.input(file)
  66. header ="*all")
  67. header = header:gsub("#scusettenumber#", tostring(n))
  68. io.close(file)
  69. file ="template/footer.html", "r")
  70. io.input(file)
  71. footer ="*all")
  72. io.input(file)
  73. file ="index.html", "w")
  74. io.output(file)
  75. io.write(header..scusette..footer)
  76. io.close(file)
  77. file ="scusette.html", "w")
  78. io.output(file)
  79. io.write(header..scusette..footer)
  80. io.close(file)
  81. end
  82. function is_admin(id)
  83. for _, admin_id in ipairs(ADMINS_ID) do
  84. if admin_id == id then
  85. return true
  86. else
  87. return false
  88. end
  89. end
  90. end
  91. function reply (chatid, reply)
  92. local reply = ngx.escape_uri(reply)
  93. local httpc = require("resty.http").new()
  94. local res, err = httpc:request_uri(API_URL.."sendmessage", {
  95. method = "POST",
  96. body = "chat_id="..chatid.."&text="..reply.."&parse_mode=HTML",
  97. headers = {
  98. ["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
  99. },
  100. })
  101. ngx.say(err)
  102. end
  103. ngx.req.read_body()
  104. content = ngx.req.get_body_data()
  105. if not content then
  106. ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
  107. end
  108. local json_local = require "json"
  109. update = json_local.decode(content)
  110. if not update["message"] or not update["message"]["chat"] or not update["message"]["from"] or not update["message"]["text"] then
  111. ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
  112. end
  113. chatid = update["message"]["chat"]["id"]
  114. fromid = update["message"]["from"]["id"]
  115. fromusername = update["message"]["from"]["username"];
  116. message = update["message"]["text"]
  117. lines = {}
  118. for l in message:gmatch("[^\n]+") do
  119. table.insert(lines, l)
  120. end
  121. command = lines[1]
  122. if command == "/start" then
  123. resp = help
  124. elseif command == "/invia" then
  125. title = lines[2]
  126. body = lines[3]
  127. if title and body then
  128. slug = lines[2]:gsub('%W','-'):lower()
  129. author = fromid
  130. --stmt = con:prepare("inserto into scusette (slug, title, body, author, approved, rejected) values(:slug, :title, :body, :author, 0, 0)")
  131. --stmt:bind({slug=slug, title=title, body=body, author=author}):exec()
  132. r, e = con:execute("insert into scusette (slug, title, body, author, date, approved, rejected) values ('"..con:escape(slug).."', '"..con:escape(title).."', '"..con:escape(body).."', '"..con:escape(author).."', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 0, 0)")
  133. if r then
  134. resp = "Scusetta inviata, se verra' approvata riceverai una notifica e la vedrai pubblicata!"
  135. else
  136. resp = "Qualcosa e' andato storto, contatta un admin"
  137. end
  138. for _, admin_chat_id in ipairs(ADMINS_CHAT) do
  139. id = con:getlastautoid()
  140. scusetta = string.format("<em>%s</em> - <pre>%s</pre> by @%s\n<em>%s</em>\n%s\n\n", id, slug, author, title, body)
  141. reply(admin_chat_id, "Nuova scusetta in coda, controlla con /list\n\n"..scusetta)
  142. end
  143. else
  144. resp = "Scusetta non valida, controlla la sintassi con /start"
  145. end
  146. elseif command == "/list" then
  147. if is_admin(fromid) then
  148. list = ""
  149. for id, slug, title, body, author in rows (con, "select id, slug, title, body, author from scusette where not approved and not rejected") do
  150. list = list..string.format("<strong>%s</strong> by @%s\n<em>%s</em>\n%s\n\n", id, author, title, body)
  151. resp = list
  152. end
  153. end
  154. --reply(chatid, "NON sei admin! "..fromid.." value: "..tostring(test).."0: "..tostring(type(ADMINS_ID[1])).." 1: "..tostring(type(fromid)))
  155. elseif command == "/approve" then
  156. id = lines[2]
  157. if is_admin(fromid) and id then
  158. con:execute("update scusette set approved = 1 where id = "..con:escape(tonumber(id)))
  159. generate(con)
  160. for id, slug, title, body, author in rows (con, "select id, slug, title, body, author from scusette where id = "..con:escape(tonumber(id))) do
  161. scusetta = "<strong>"..title.."</strong>\n"..body.."\n\n"..URL.."/#"..slug
  162. reply(author, "Scusetta approvata!")
  163. -- reply(CHANNEL, scusetta);
  164. end
  165. resp = "Operazione eseguita"
  166. else
  167. resp = "Nope"
  168. end
  169. elseif command == "/delete" then
  170. id = lines[2]
  171. if is_admin(fromid) and id then
  172. con:execute("update scusette set rejected = 1 where id = "..con:escape(tonumber(id)))
  173. resp = "Scusetta eliminata"
  174. else
  175. resp = "Nope"
  176. end
  177. elseif command == "/rebuild" then
  178. if is_admin(fromid) then
  179. generate(con)
  180. end
  181. elseif command == "/random" then
  182. for id, slug, title, body, author in rows (con, "select id, slug, title, body, author from scusette order by random() limit 1") do
  183. resp = string.format("<i><em>"..title.."</em></i>\n"..body.."\n\n"..slug)
  184. end
  185. elseif command == "/query" then
  186. query = lines[2]
  187. for id, slug, title, body, author in rows (con, "select id, slug, title, body, author from scusette where title like '%"..con:escape(query).."%' or '%"..con:escape(query).."%' order by random() limit 1") do
  188. resp = string.format("<i><em>"..title.."</em></i>\n"..body.."\n\n"..slug)
  189. end
  190. else
  191. if is_admin(fromid) then
  192. resp = "A rapporto!"
  193. else
  194. resp = ingiurie[math.random(#ingiurie)]
  195. end
  196. end
  197. con:commit()
  198. con:close()
  199. env:close()
  200. reply(chatid, resp)