import json import requests def ds(h): g = "MNOPIJKL89+/4567UVWXQRSTEFGHABCDcdefYZabstuvopqr0123wxyzklmnghij" def f(m): l = [] o = 0 b = False m_len = len(m) while ((not b) and o < m_len): n = m[o] << 2 o += 1 k = -1 j = -1 if o < m_len: n += m[o] >> 4 o += 1 if o < m_len: k = (m[o - 1] << 4) & 255 k += m[o] >> 2 o += 1 if o < m_len: j = (m[o - 1] << 6) & 255 j += m[o] o += 1 else: b = True else: b = True else: b = True l.append(n) if k != -1: l.append(k) if j != -1: l.append(j) return l c = [] for e in h: c.append(g.index(e)) c_len = len(c) for e in range(c_len * 2 - 1, -1, -1): a = c[e % c_len] ^ c[(e + 1) % c_len] c[e % c_len] = a c = f(c) d = '' for e in c: d += chr(e) return d def get_settings(): settings = requests.get('') return settings.json()['data']['defaultStreamingServer'] def login(): login = requests.get('') return login.json()['data']['conn_id'] def get_info(show_id, conn_id): info = requests.get('' + str(show_id) + '/info/?conn_id=' + conn_id) info.encoding = 'utf-8' if info.json()['result'] == 'ok': return info.json()['data'] else: return False def get_seasons(show_id, conn_id): seasons = requests.get('' + str(show_id) + '/seasons/?conn_id=' + conn_id) if seasons.json()['result'] == 'ok' and seasons.json()['data'] and seasons.json()['data'][0]['episodes']: return seasons.json()['data'] else: return False def get_episodes(season_id, show_id, conn_id): episodes = requests.get('' + str(show_id) + '/season/' +str(season_id) + '?conn_id=' + conn_id) if episodes.json()['result'] == 'ok' and episodes.json()['data'] and episodes.json()['data'][0]['embed_info']: return episodes.json()['data'] else: return False vvvvid_stream_url = get_settings() with open('index.html', 'a') as out: out.write('''