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Tool import

Giulio 3 years ago
100 changed files with 3881 additions and 0 deletions
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+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+xmlaccess is a tool used for administering WebSphere Portal remotely trough an XML interface. Such interface is often exposed to the internet at the path `/wps/config`.
+Available command examples are in the `xml` folder.











+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2010.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+<request xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update">
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- uid must match uid attribute of portlet-app in portlet.xml -->
+        <web-app action="update" active="true" uid="">
+            <!-- uid must match uid attribute of concrete-portlet-app in portlet.xml -->	
+            <portlet-app action="update" active="true" uid="">
+                <!-- Name must match content of portlet-name subtag of concrete-portlet in portlet.xml -->		
+                <portlet action="update" active="true" objectid="thePortlet" name="Tag Cloud">				
+                </portlet>
+            </portlet-app>
+    </portal>

+ 30 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+	Use this sample to remove orphaned Credential Vault system slots
+    xmlns:xsi="" 
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="SystemSlotCleaner_1.0.xsd">

+ 50 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+	Use this sample to identify users and groups in your portal
+	database who have been removed from the user registry, but
+	not from the portal database, or users who have been muted,
+	for example after too many wrong password attempts. 
+	In order for the file to work properly, you must set both
+	attributes cleanup-users and export-users to true. Running
+	this sample file results in a file that lists those	users and
+	groups and marks them for deletion. 
+	The result file also lists all users who have been muted, for
+	example after too many wrong password attempts.
+	Before you re-import the file, check the file and remove all
+	users and groups that you want to keep in the portal database.
+    During XML import all users and groups that remain listed in
+    the file will be removed from the portal database.
+	NOTE: After deleting these entries via the modified XML script,
+	all customizations are lost for the deleted users and groups.  
+<request xmlns:xsi=""
+         xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.5.0.xsd"
+         type="export" export-users="true" cleanup-users="true">
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <user  action="export" objectid="*"/>
+        <group action="export" objectid="*"/>
+    </portal>

+ 108 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2010.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update">
+   Sample that clones an existing (concrete) portlet application.
+   This sample requires the 'DeployPortlet.xml' sample to be executed successfully. 
+   The 'Welcome Portlet' deployed in that sample will be cloned and and the 
+   new application will be activated along with its portlet.
+   To prove everything worked, a new page will be created containing the
+   cloned portlet. The page is linked to the 'My Portal' menu in the navigation.
+   The Welcome Portlet does not have any portlet settings, but normally you
+   would clone a portlet because you want to have a new version with
+   different settings.
+ -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- The web-app tag is taken from an export of the original portlet. 
+             The url and access-control tags were removed. -->
+        <web-app action="update" active="true" uid="">
+		<servlet action="locate" name="Tag Cloud" objectid="theReferencedServlet" referenceid="portletidviewer"/>
+		<!-- The name/ uid must be constructed from the original name/ uid appended with ".$cloned." 
+                 and appended with some id that makes the string unique. Optional you can set a unique name. -->
+            <portlet-app action="update" active="true" name="Xml Sample Portlet app.$cloned.1" uid="$cloned.1" 
+                         uniquename="$cloned.1">
+                <!-- The name must be constructed from the original name appended with ".$cloned." 
+                     and appended with some id that makes the string unique. Optional you can set a unique name. -->
+                <portlet action="update" active="true" defaultlocale="en" name="Tag Cloud.$cloned.1" objectid="theClonedPortlet"
+                         servletref="theReferencedServlet" uniquename="$cloned.1">
+                    <localedata locale="en">
+                        <title>WebSphere Portal Sample Portlet Clone</title>
+                        <description>Sample portlet clone</description>
+                        <keywords>${portlet.keywords}</keywords>
+                    </localedata>
+                    <parameter name="url" type="string" update="set">/WEB-INF/jsp/wps.jsp</parameter>
+                </portlet>
+            </portlet-app>
+        </web-app>
+        <!-- parent element under which the new page is inserted -->
+        <content-node action="locate" objectid="parentPage" uniquename="ibm.portal.Home"/>
+         <content-node action="update" active="true" allportletsallowed="true" content-parentref="parentPage" create-type="explicit" domain="rel" ordinal="last" type="staticpage" uniquename="ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage.3">
+            <localedata locale="en">
+              <title>Sample Portlet (Cloned)</title>
+            </localedata>
+            <!-- The content of static page in binary format 
+                 attribute markup can be set to one of portal server supported markups
+                 attribute display-option can be set to "inline" or "iframe" or "ajax".-->
+            <pagecontents markup="html" display-option="inline">
+                <content>UEsDBBQACAAIALKbTDcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAaW5kZXgxLmh0bWxtUE1rwzAMvQf6H0TuTeh1
+            </pagecontents>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[Yes]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="resourceaggregation.profile" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[profiles/profile_dojo_lightweight.json]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[staticpage2]]></parameter>
+            <!-- this parameter must match the name of static page -->
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[index1.html]]></parameter>
+            <access-control externalized="false" owner="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultwimfilebasedrealm" private="false"/>
+            <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="V" type="container">
+                <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="V" type="container"/>
+                <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="H" type="container">
+                    <!-- this parameter must match the portlet-container name in the static page -->
+                    <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletContainer1]]></parameter>
+                    <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" type="control">
+                        <!-- this parameter must match the portlet-window name in the static page -->
+                        <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletWindow1]]></parameter>
+                        <portletinstance action="update" domain="rel" portletref="theClonedPortlet" />
+                    </component>
+                </component>
+            </component>
+        </content-node>
+    </portal>

+ 72 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2010.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+<request xmlns:xsi="" create-oids="true" type="update" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd">
+    <portal action="locate">
+    	<!-- If we'd like another portlet on the page, we'd need to specify it here. -->
+        <web-app action="locate" domain="rel" objectid="Z1_NBV6J7T01GJF102SINIUOGNO00" uid="">
+            <portlet-app action="locate" domain="rel"  uid="">
+                <portlet action="locate" domain="rel" name="Tag Cloud" objectid="Z3_NBV6J7T01GJF102SINIUOG3P00"/>
+            </portlet-app>
+        </web-app>
+        <content-node action="locate" domain="rel" objectid="Z6_000000000000000000000000A0" uniquename="wps.content.root"/>
+        <content-node action="locate" domain="rel" objectid="Z6_NBV6J7T01GJF102SINIUOG3D10" uniquename="ibm.portal.Home"/>
+        <!-- objectid is removed. It will be created.-->
+	<content-node action="update" active="true" allportletsallowed="true" content-parentref="Z6_NBV6J7T01GJF102SINIUOG3D10" create-type="explicit" domain="rel" ordinal="1000" type="staticpage" uniquename="ibm.portal.ssa.AnotherSamplePage">
+            <localedata locale="en">
+            	<!-- updated the title -->
+                <title>Copied Sample Page</title>
+            </localedata>
+            <!-- The content of static page in binary format 
+                 attribute markup can be set to one of portal server supported markups
+                 attribute display-option can be set to "inline" or "iframe" or "ajax".-->
+            <pagecontents markup="html" display-option="inline">
+                <content>UEsDBBQACAAIALKbTDcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAaW5kZXgxLmh0bWxtUE1rwzAMvQf6H0TuTeh1
+            </pagecontents>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[Yes]]></parameter>
+	    <parameter name="resourceaggregation.profile" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[profiles/profile_dojo_lightweight.json]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[staticpage2]]></parameter>
+            <!-- this parameter must match the name of static page -->
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[index1.html]]></parameter>
+            <access-control externalized="false" owner="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultwimfilebasedrealm" private="false"/>
+            <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="V" type="container">
+                <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="V" type="container"/>
+                <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="H" type="container">
+                    <!-- this parameter must match the portlet-container name in the static page -->
+                    <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletContainer1]]></parameter>
+                    <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" type="control">
+                        <!-- this parameter must match the portlet-window name in the static page -->
+                        <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletWindow1]]></parameter>
+                        <portletinstance action="update" domain="rel" portletref="Z3_NBV6J7T01GJF102SINIUOG3P00" />
+                    </component>
+                </component>
+            </component>
+        </content-node>
+    </portal>

+ 64 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2011.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update">
+    <!-- This sample creates analytics tags and site compositions.
+         Related sample files:
+             ExportAnalyticsTags.xml 
+             DeleteAnalyticsTags.xml
+         NOTE: This sample file needs to be modified before execution.
+               Update the value of the 'owner' attributes of the 'access-control',
+               and 'tag' tags, and specify an existing user. 
+    -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- Locate the page. -->
+        <content-node action="locate" objectid="gettingStartedPage" uniquename="ibm.portal.Home.Getting Started"/>
+        <!--  NOTE:      
+            Pattern:  <tag-name>#<tag-value>
+            Special characters (including 'space') must be escaped!
+            All tag names must start with ''
+            Tag name for site promotions must be '' 
+        -->
+        <!-- Assignment of the site promotion "Christmas 2011" to the gettingStartedPage -->
+        <tag action="update" objectid="ZCI_B1L68B1A00DO80IG7PCV0I6000" resourceref="gettingStartedPage" domain="comm" owner="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultwimfilebasedrealm" locale="en"></tag>
+		<!-- Assignment of the analytics tag 'Target Audience#Young Professionals' to the gettingStartedPage -->
+        <tag action="update" objectid="ZCI_B1L68B1A00DO80IG7PCV0I7000" resourceref="gettingStartedPage" domain="comm" owner="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultwimfilebasedrealm" locale="en"></tag>
+    </portal>

+ 76 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2010.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+<request type="update" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.5.0.xsd">
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- 
+            Sample for registering a new application category underneath the application root category.
+            This variant registers a category by adding a label underneath the application category root label that serves as a container for child pages that hold the portlets that are supposed to become part of the category.
+        -->
+        <content-node action="locate" domain="rel" uniquename="wps.content.root"/>   
+        <content-node action="locate" domain="rel" uniquename="ibm.portal.HiddenPages"/>
+        <content-node action="locate" domain="rel" uniquename="ibm.portal.toolbar.applications.category.label.root"/>
+        <!-- add the label representing the new category -->
+        <content-node action="update" active="true" content-parentref="ibm.portal.toolbar.applications.category.label.root" domain="rel" ordinal="300" type="label" uniquename="ibm.portal.toolbar.applications.category.label.sample2">
+            <supported-markup markup="html" update="set"/>
+            <localedata locale="en" >
+              <title>Sample Category 2</title>
+            </localedata>            
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[false]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[true]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[86400]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[NON-SHARED]]></parameter>
+            <access-control externalized="false" owner="undefined" private="false">
+                <role actionset="User" update="set">
+                    <mapping subjectid="all authenticated portal users" subjecttype="user_group" update="set"/>
+                </role>
+            </access-control>            
+        </content-node>   
+        <!-- add a page that holds a portlet supposed to become part of the new category -->
+        <content-node action="update" active="true" content-parentref="ibm.portal.toolbar.applications.category.label.sample2" domain="rel" ordinal="300" type="page" uniquename="ibm.portal.toolbar.applications.category.label.sample2.about">
+            <supported-markup markup="html" update="set"/>
+            <localedata locale="en" >
+              <title>About WebSphere Portal</title>
+            </localedata>            
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[false]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[true]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[86400]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[NON-SHARED]]></parameter>
+            <access-control externalized="false" owner="undefined" private="false">
+                <role actionset="User" update="set">
+                    <mapping subjectid="all authenticated portal users" subjecttype="user_group" update="set"/>
+                </role>
+            </access-control>      
+            <component action="create" ordinal="100" type="container" orientation="H">
+                <component action="create" ordinal="100" type="control" skinref="undefined">
+                    <!-- portletref must match the objectid attribute of portlet -->
+                    <portletinstance action="update" portletref="wps.p.Welcome"/>
+                </component>
+            </component>                 
+        </content-node>
+    </portal>

+ 53 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2010.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+<request type="update" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.5.0.xsd">
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- 
+            Sample for registering a new application category underneath the application root category.
+            This variant registers a category by adding a label underneath the application category root label pointing to a feed returning a list of portlet definitions.
+        -->
+        <content-node action="locate" domain="rel" uniquename="wps.content.root"/>   
+        <content-node action="locate" domain="rel" uniquename="ibm.portal.HiddenPages"/>
+        <content-node action="locate" domain="rel" uniquename="ibm.portal.toolbar.applications.category.label.root"/>
+        <content-node action="update" active="true" content-parentref="ibm.portal.toolbar.applications.category.label.root" domain="rel" ordinal="300" type="external-url" uniquename="ibm.portal.toolbar.applications.category.label.sample1">
+            <!-- here you need to specify the URL that points to a feed returning a list of portlet definitions  -->
+            <supported-markup markup="html" update="set">pdl:all?rep=compact</supported-markup>
+            <localedata locale="en" >
+              <title>Sample Category 1</title>
+            </localedata>            
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[false]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[true]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[86400]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[NON-SHARED]]></parameter>
+            <access-control externalized="false" owner="undefined" private="false">
+                <role actionset="User" update="set">
+                    <mapping subjectid="all authenticated portal users" subjecttype="user_group" update="set"/>
+                </role>
+            </access-control>            
+        </content-node>        
+    </portal>

+ 340 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2010.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update"
+    create-oids="true">
+    <!-- Sample for creating a page that contains an existing portlet. 
+         This sample is very similar to DeployPortlet; the difference is that the portlet
+         is not deployed (update actions) but only found (locate action).
+         This sample also demonstrates how to set the skin for the new portlet and how 
+         NLS settings (page title and description) can be read from property files. -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- uid must match uid attribute of portlet-app in portlet.xml -->
+        <web-app action="locate" uid="">
+           <!-- uid must match uid attribute of concrete-portlet-app in portlet.xml -->
+           <portlet-app action="locate" uid="">
+                <!-- name must match content of portlet-name subtag  of concrete-portlet in portlet.xml -->
+                <portlet action="locate" objectid="theExamplePortlet" name="Tag Results">
+                </portlet>
+            </portlet-app>
+        </web-app>
+	<content-node action="locate" objectid="parentPage" uniquename="ibm.portal.Home"/>
+        <content-node action="update" active="true" allportletsallowed="true" content-parentref="parentPage" create-type="explicit" domain="rel" ordinal="2100" type="staticpage">
+            <localedata locale="en">
+                <title>Sample CSA page</title>
+            </localedata>
+            <pagecontents display-option="inline" markup="html">
+                <content>UEsDBBQACAAIADA1njwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAaWNvbi5naWbtk+lfkgcAgAFJ8EqM1lpDwmpA
+            </pagecontents>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[false]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[Yes]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[1273057363983]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[layout.html]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[1273057364340]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[html]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[dav:fs-type1/layout-templates/2ColumnEqual/]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[0]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[NON-SHARED]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[iwidget]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[2.0]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[layout.html]]></parameter>
+            <access-control externalized="false" owner="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultwimfilebasedrealm" private="false"/>
+            <component action="update" active="true" deletable="undefined" domain="rel" modifiable="undefined" ordinal="100" orientation="V" skinref="undefined" type="container" width="undefined">
+                <component action="update" active="true" deletable="undefined" domain="rel" modifiable="undefined" ordinal="100" orientation="V" skinref="undefined" type="container" width="undefined"/>
+                <component action="update" active="true" deletable="undefined" domain="rel" modifiable="undefined" ordinal="200" orientation="H" skinref="undefined" type="container" width="undefined">
+                    <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[ibmHiddenWidgets]]></parameter>
+                    <parameter name="css-classes" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[hiddenWidgetsContainer]]></parameter>
+                </component>
+                <component action="update" active="true" deletable="undefined" domain="rel" modifiable="undefined" ordinal="300" orientation="H" skinref="undefined" type="container" width="undefined">
+                    <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[ibmMainContainer]]></parameter>
+                    <parameter name="css-classes" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[ibm2Col]]></parameter>
+                    <component action="update" active="true" deletable="undefined" domain="rel" modifiable="undefined" ordinal="100" skinref="undefined" type="control" width="undefined">
+                        <portletinstance action="update" domain="rel" portletref="theExamplePortlet"/>
+                    </component>
+                </component>
+                <component action="update" active="true" deletable="undefined" domain="rel" modifiable="undefined" ordinal="400" orientation="H" skinref="undefined" type="container" width="undefined">
+                    <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[right]]></parameter>
+                    <parameter name="css-classes" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[ibm2Col ibmRightCol]]></parameter>
+                </component>
+            </component>
+        </content-node>
+    </portal>

+ 46 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi="" 
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update" create-oids="true">
+    <!-- Sample for creating a filter with some sample entries -->
+	<portal action="locate">
+        <!-- Add the two words 'badword1' and 'badword2' to the black list filter.
+             See information center for details concerning filter activation. -->
+        <filter-instance action="update" id="DefaultBlacklistFilter">
+            <filter-data value="badword1" action="update"/>
+            <filter-data value="badword2" action="update"/>        
+		</filter-instance>
+        <!-- Add the two words 'goodword1' and 'goodword2' to the white list filter.
+             See information center for details concerning filter activation. -->
+        <filter-instance action="update" id="DefaultWhitelistFilter">
+            <filter-data value="goodword1" action="update"/>
+            <filter-data value="goodword2" action="update"/>        
+		</filter-instance>
+	</portal>

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+<request xmlns:xsi="" 
+         type="update" 
+         xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd">
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <language action="update" bidi="false" domain="rel" locale="vi">
+            <localedata locale="en">
+                <title>Vietnamese</title>
+            </localedata>
+        </language>
+    </portal>

+ 69 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2010.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update"
+    create-oids="true">
+    <!-- Sample for creating a legacy page that contains an existing portlet. 
+         This sample is very similar to DeployPortlet; the difference is that the portlet
+         is not deployed (update actions) but only found (locate action).
+         This sample also demonstrates how to set the skin for the new portlet and how 
+         NLS settings (page title and description) can be read from property files. -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <skin action="locate" objectid="Standard" uniquename="ibm.portal.85Standard"/>
+        <web-app action="locate" uid="">
+           <!-- uid must match uid attribute of concrete-portlet-app in portlet.xml -->
+           <portlet-app action="locate" uid="">
+                <!-- name must match content of portlet-name subtag  of concrete-portlet in portlet.xml -->
+                <portlet action="locate" objectid="theExamplePortlet" name="Welcome Portlet">
+                </portlet>
+            </portlet-app>
+        </web-app>
+        <!-- Parent element under which the new page is inserted -->
+        <content-node action="locate" objectid="parentPage" uniquename="ibm.portal.Home"/>
+        <content-node action="update" uniquename="ibm.portal.legacy.SamplePage.2"  ordinal="last" content-parentref="parentPage" active="true" create-type="explicit" type="page">
+            <supported-markup markup="html" update="set"/>
+            <!-- The title and description for the page are read from property files. The property keys must end with the strings
+                 title, description, and keywords. (Pages do not support keywords.) The prefix attribute specifies a string that is
+                 prepended to the property key so that you can keep titles for different resources in the same property file. -->
+            <localedata locale="en" >
+              <title>Legacy page example</title>
+            </localedata>
+            <component action="create" ordinal="100" type="container" orientation="H">
+                <component action="create" ordinal="100" type="control" skinref="Standard">
+                    <!-- portletref must match the objectid attribute of portlet -->
+                    <portletinstance action="update" portletref="theExamplePortlet"/>
+                </component>
+            </component>
+        </content-node>
+    </portal>

+ 97 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2010.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update"
+    create-oids="true">
+    <!-- Sample for creating a page that contains an existing portlet. 
+         This sample is very similar to DeployPortlet; the difference is that the portlet
+         is not deployed (update actions) but only found (locate action).
+         This sample also demonstrates how to set the skin for the new portlet and how 
+         NLS settings (page title and description) can be read from property files. -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- uid must match uid attribute of portlet-app in portlet.xml -->
+        <web-app action="locate" uid="">
+           <!-- uid must match uid attribute of concrete-portlet-app in portlet.xml -->
+           <portlet-app action="locate" uid="">
+                <!-- name must match content of portlet-name subtag  of concrete-portlet in portlet.xml -->
+                <portlet action="locate" objectid="theExamplePortlet" name="Tag Cloud">
+                </portlet>
+            </portlet-app>
+        </web-app>
+        <!-- Parent element under which the new page is inserted -->
+        <content-node action="locate" objectid="parentPage" uniquename="ibm.portal.Home"/>
+        <!-- Note that the preceding elements are needed because the XML request uses ID generating mode
+             and the new page must refer to the portlet and the parent place, so the object IDs
+             thePortlet and wps.content.root.My_Portal must be defined.
+             If you use ID preserving mode and have the correct objectid values for these two resources,
+             you do not need to locate them. -->
+        <!-- The new page. contentparentref attribute must match the objectid of the parent. 
+             Change the uniquename attribute to create another page. -->
+        <content-node action="update" active="true" allportletsallowed="true" content-parentref="parentPage" create-type="explicit" domain="rel" ordinal="last" type="staticpage" uniquename="ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage.2">
+            <localedata locale="en" prefix="page.sample">
+                <url>file:///$server_root$/base/wp.xml/doc/xml-samples/</url>
+            </localedata>
+            <localedata locale="de" prefix="page.sample">
+                <url>file:///$server_root$/base/wp.xml/doc/xml-samples/</url>
+            </localedata>
+            <!-- The content of static page in binary format 
+                 attribute markup can be set to one of portal server supported markups
+                 attribute display-option can be set to "inline" or "iframe" or "ajax".-->
+            <pagecontents markup="html" display-option="inline">
+                <content>UEsDBBQACAAIALKbTDcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAaW5kZXgxLmh0bWxtUE1rwzAMvQf6H0TuTeh1
+            </pagecontents>
+            <parameter name="resourceaggregation.profile" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[profiles/profile_dojo_lightweight.json]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[Yes]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[staticpage2]]></parameter>
+            <!-- this parameter must match the name of static page -->
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[index1.html]]></parameter>
+            <access-control externalized="false" owner="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultwimfilebasedrealm" private="false"/>
+            <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="V" type="container">
+                <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="V" type="container"/>
+                <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="H" type="container">
+                    <!-- this parameter must match the portlet-container name in the static page -->
+                    <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletContainer1]]></parameter>
+                    <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" type="control">
+                        <!-- this parameter must match the portlet-window name in the static page -->
+                        <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletWindow1]]></parameter>
+                        <portletinstance action="update" domain="rel" portletref="theExamplePortlet" />
+                    </component>
+                </component>
+            </component>
+        </content-node>
+    </portal>

+ 80 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2010.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update"
+    create-oids="true">
+    <!-- Sample for creating a page that contains an existing portlet. 
+         This sample is very similar to DeployPortlet; the difference is that the portlet
+         is not deployed (update actions) but only found (locate action).
+         This sample also demonstrates how to set the skin for the new portlet and how 
+         NLS settings (page title and description) can be read from property files. -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- uid must match uid attribute of portlet-app in portlet.xml -->
+        <web-app action="locate" uid="">
+           <!-- uid must match uid attribute of concrete-portlet-app in portlet.xml -->
+           <portlet-app action="locate" uid="">
+                <!-- name must match content of portlet-name subtag  of concrete-portlet in portlet.xml -->
+                <portlet action="locate" objectid="theExamplePortlet" name="Tag Cloud">
+                </portlet>
+            </portlet-app>
+        </web-app>
+        <!-- Parent element under which the new page is inserted -->
+        <content-node action="locate" objectid="parentPage" uniquename="ibm.portal.Home"/>
+        <content-node action="update" active="true" allportletsallowed="true" content-parentref="parentPage" create-type="explicit" domain="rel" ordinal="last" type="staticpage" uniquename="ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage.Template">
+            <localedata locale="en" prefix="page.sample">
+                <url>file:///$server_root$/base/wp.xml/doc/xml-samples/</url>
+            </localedata>
+            <localedata locale="de" prefix="page.sample">
+                <url>file:///$server_root$/base/wp.xml/doc/xml-samples/</url>
+            </localedata>
+            <pagecontents display-option="inline" markup="html"/>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[Yes]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[staticpage2]]></parameter>
+            <!-- this parameter must match the name of static page -->
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[layout.html]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[dav:fs-type1/layout-templates/2ColumnEqual]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="resourceaggregation.profile" type="string" update="set">profiles/profile_full.json</parameter>
+            <access-control externalized="false" owner="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultwimfilebasedrealm" private="false"/>
+            <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="V" type="container">
+                <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="V" type="container"/>
+                <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="H" type="container">
+                    <!-- this parameter must match the portlet-container name in the static page -->
+                    <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[ibmMainContainer]]></parameter>
+                    <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" type="control">
+                        <!-- this parameter must match the portlet-window name in the static page -->
+                        <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletWindow1]]></parameter>
+                        <portletinstance action="update" domain="rel" portletref="theExamplePortlet" />
+                    </component>
+                </component>
+            </component>
+        </content-node>
+    </portal>

+ 90 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2010.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update"
+    create-oids="true">
+    <!-- Sample for creating a page that contains an existing portlet. 
+         This sample is very similar to DeployPortlet; the difference is that the portlet
+         is not deployed (update actions) but only found (locate action).
+         This sample also demonstrates how to set the skin for the new portlet and how 
+         NLS settings (page title and description) can be read from property files. -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- uid must match uid attribute of portlet-app in portlet.xml -->
+        <web-app action="locate" uid="">
+           <!-- uid must match uid attribute of concrete-portlet-app in portlet.xml -->
+           <portlet-app action="locate" uid="">
+                <!-- name must match content of portlet-name subtag  of concrete-portlet in portlet.xml -->
+                <portlet action="locate" objectid="theExamplePortlet" name="Tag Cloud">
+                </portlet>
+            </portlet-app>
+        </web-app>
+        <!-- Parent element under which the new page is inserted -->
+        <content-node action="locate" objectid="parentPage" uniquename="ibm.portal.Home"/>
+        <!-- Note that the preceding elements are needed because the XML request uses ID generating mode
+             and the new page must refer to the portlet and the parent place, so the object IDs
+             thePortlet and wps.content.root.My_Portal must be defined.
+             If you use ID preserving mode and have the correct objectid values for these two resources,
+             you do not need to locate them. -->
+        <!-- The new page. contentparentref attribute must match the objectid of the parent. 
+             Change the uniquename attribute to create another page. -->
+        <content-node action="update" active="true" allportletsallowed="true" content-parentref="parentPage" create-type="explicit" domain="rel" ordinal="last" type="staticpage" uniquename="ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage.2">
+            <localedata locale="en" prefix="page.sample">
+                <url>file:///$server_root$/base/wp.xml/doc/xml-samples/</url>
+            </localedata>
+            <localedata locale="de" prefix="page.sample">
+                <url>file:///$server_root$/base/wp.xml/doc/xml-samples/</url>
+            </localedata>
+            <!-- The content of static page in binary format 
+                 attribute markup can be set to one of portal server supported markups
+                 attribute display-option can be set to "inline" or "iframe" or "ajax".-->
+            <pagecontents markup="html" display-option="inline">
+                <url>file:///$server_root$/base/wp.xml/doc/xml-samples/</url>
+            </pagecontents>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[Yes]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[staticpage2]]></parameter>
+	    <parameter name="resourceaggregation.profile" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[profiles/profile_dojo_lightweight.json]]></parameter>
+            <!-- this parameter must match the name of static page -->
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[index1.html]]></parameter>
+            <access-control externalized="false" owner="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultwimfilebasedrealm" private="false"/>
+            <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="V" type="container">
+                <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="V" type="container"/>
+                <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="H" type="container">
+                    <!-- this parameter must match the portlet-container name in the static page -->
+                    <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletContainer1]]></parameter>
+                    <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" type="control">
+                        <!-- this parameter must match the portlet-window name in the static page -->
+                        <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletWindow1]]></parameter>
+                        <portletinstance action="update" domain="rel" portletref="theExamplePortlet" />
+                    </component>
+                </component>
+            </component>
+        </content-node>
+    </portal>

+ 100 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2009.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update">
+    <!-- This sample creates ratings and tags.
+         Related sample files:
+             ExportTagsAndRatings.xml 
+             DeleteTagsAndRatings.xml
+         NOTE: This sample file needs to be modified before execution.
+               Update the value of the 'owner' attributes of the 'access-control',
+               'rating', and 'tag' tags, and specify an existing user. 
+    -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- uid must match uid attribute of portlet-app in portlet.xml -->
+        <web-app action="locate" domain="rel" uid="BlurbPortlet.3088d83ae7690017105c9e64cce97eb8">
+            <servlet action="locate" domain="rel" referenceid="Portlet_1"/>
+            <portlet-app action="locate" domain="rel" name="Information Portlet Application" uid="BlurbPortlet.3088d83ae7690017105c9e64cce97eb8.1">
+                <!-- uniquename must match with portlet uniquename -->
+                <portlet action="locate" domain="rel" name="Welcome to WebSphere Portal" objectid="portlet1" uniquename="wps.p.Welcome To WebSphere Portal"/>
+            </portlet-app>
+        </web-app>
+        <!-- Parent element under which a new page for this sample is inserted. -->
+        <content-node action="locate" objectid="parentPage" uniquename="ibm.portal.Home"/>
+        <!-- A new empty page to which a tag and rating are assigned. -->
+        <content-node action="update" objectid="samplePageOID" uniquename="ibm.portal.SamplePage.TagsAndRatings" ordinal="last" content-parentref="parentPage" active="true" create-type="explicit" type="staticpage">
+            <supported-markup markup="html" update="set"/>
+            <localedata locale="en">
+                <title>Sample page for tag and rating creation</title>
+            </localedata>
+            <!-- The content of static page are read from zip file.
+            attribute markup can be set to one of portal server supported markups
+            attribute display-option can be set to "inline" or "iframe" or "ajax".-->
+            <pagecontents markup="html" display-option="inline">
+                <url>file:///$server_root$/base/wp.xml/doc/xml-samples/</url>
+            </pagecontents>
+            <!-- this parameter must match the name of static page -->
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[index1.html]]></parameter>
+            <access-control externalized="false" owner="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultwimfilebasedrealm" private="false" />
+            <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="V" type="container">
+            	<component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="V" type="container">
+            		<!--  this parameter must match the portlet-container name in the static page -->
+            		<parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletContainer1]]></parameter>
+            		<component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" type="control">
+            			<!-- this parameter must match the portlet-window name in the static page -->
+            			<parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletWindow1]]></parameter>
+            			<portletinstance action="update" domain="rel" portletref="portlet1" />
+            		</component>
+            	</component>
+            </component>
+        </content-node>
+        <!-- A custom resource can be used to assign tags and ratings to resources that are not managed by XMLAccess, but can be identified by an URI -->
+        <custom-resource action="update" objectid="ZCH_B1L68B1A00DO80IG7PCV0I1000" uri="book:mySampleBookURI">
+            <category-instance action="update" name="cookbook"/>
+            <category-instance action="update" name="hardcover"/>
+        </custom-resource>
+        <!-- Assignment of a rating value of 5 by user wpsadmin to the sample page -->
+        <rating action="update" objectid="ZCJ_B1L68B1A00DO80IG7PCV0I2000" resourceref="samplePageOID" domain="comm" value="5" owner="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultwimfilebasedrealm" />
+        <!-- Assignment of a rating value of 5 to the custom resource -->
+        <rating action="update" objectid="ZCJ_B1L68B1A00DO80IG7PCV0I3000" resourceref="ZCH_B1L68B1A00DO80IG7PCV0I1000" domain="comm" value="5" owner="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultwimfilebasedrealm"/>
+        <!-- Assignment of the tag 'sample' to the sample page -->
+        <tag action="update" objectid="ZCI_B1L68B1A00DO80IG7PCV0I4000" resourceref="samplePageOID" domain="comm" owner="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultwimfilebasedrealm" locale="en">sample</tag>
+        <!-- Assignment of the tag 'sample' to the custom resource -->
+        <tag action="update" objectid="ZCI_B1L68B1A00DO80IG7PCV0I5000" resourceref="ZCH_B1L68B1A00DO80IG7PCV0I1000" domain="comm" owner="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultwimfilebasedrealm" locale="en">sample</tag>
+    </portal>

+ 136 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2014.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+<request type="update" xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PCM_2.0.xsd">
+    <portal action="create">
+        <!-- Please note that this sample cannot be used as-is as the referenced resources do usually not exist (are fictive).
+             Thus, this sample serves as a kind of skeleton only. -->
+        <!-- definition of one or more dialogs -->
+        <dialog-set>
+            <!-- definition of a dialog with unique name dialog1 -->
+            <dialog name="dialog1">
+                <!-- access-control settings that apply to this particular dialog -->
+                <access-control externalized="false" owner="undefined" private="false">
+                    <role actionset="User" update="set">
+                        <mapping subjectid="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm" subjecttype="USER" update="set" />
+                    </role>
+                    <role actionset="Editor" update="set">
+                        <mapping subjectid="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm" subjecttype="USER" update="set" />
+                    </role>
+                </access-control>
+                <!-- default settings that apply if not overwritten by more specific settings further below -->
+                <default-settings>
+                    <transition-endpoint>
+                        <resource parent-uniquename="parent1" />
+                        <invocation type="dynamic" extension-node="extensionNode1" />
+                    </transition-endpoint>
+                </default-settings>                
+                <!-- transition-endpoints this particular dialog will makes use of -->
+                <!-- the transition-endpoint name needs to be unique within this particular dialog -->
+                <transition-endpoint name="diip">
+                    <!-- the resource uniquename needs to refer to an existing resource (page, portlet, etc.) with the specified unique name -->
+                    <resource uniquename="diip" />
+                    <!-- allowed invocation types are static and dynamic -->
+                    <invocation type="static" />
+                </transition-endpoint>
+                <transition-endpoint name="page1">
+                    <!-- custom localized titles and definitions are allowed to be specified -->
+                    <localedata locale="en">
+                        <title>titleEN1</title>
+                        <description>descriptionEN1</description>
+                    </localedata>                
+                    <resource uniquename="page1" />
+                    <invocation type="static" />
+                </transition-endpoint>
+                <transition-endpoint name="page2">
+                    <resource uniquename="page2" />
+                    <invocation type="static" />
+                </transition-endpoint>
+                <!-- transitions this particular dialog makes use of -->
+                <transition>
+                    <!-- transitions are comprised of sources... -->
+                    <source>
+                        <!-- sources needed to reference previously defined transition-endpoints -->
+                        <transition-endpoint nameref="diip">
+                            <!-- the event that should trigger the transition (if emitted by the encapsulating source) -->
+                          <event qname="START" />
+                        </transition-endpoint>
+                    </source>
+                    <!-- ...and targets -->
+                    <target>
+                        <!-- targets needed to reference previously defined transition-endpoints -->
+                        <transition-endpoint nameref="page1">
+                            <!-- the event the target should be initialized with -->
+                          <event qname="targetEvent0" />
+                        </transition-endpoint>
+                    </target>
+                </transition>
+                <transition>
+                    <source>
+                        <transition-endpoint nameref="page1">
+                          <!-- making use of dcx-keys and custom mappers --> 
+                          <event qname="sourceEvent1a" dcx-key="sourceEvent1aDCX" mapper-class="sourceEvent1aMapper" />
+                        </transition-endpoint>
+                    </source>
+                    <target>
+                        <transition-endpoint nameref="page2">
+                          <!-- propagating multiple events at once --> 
+                          <event qname="targetEvent1a" dcx-key="targetEvent1aDCX" mapper-class="targetEvent1aMapper" />
+                          <event qname="targetEvent1b" dcx-key="targetEvent1bDCX" mapper-class="targetEvent1bMapper" />
+                        </transition-endpoint>
+                    </target>
+                </transition>
+                <transition>
+                    <source>
+                        <transition-endpoint nameref="page2">
+                          <event qname="sourceEvent2" />
+                        </transition-endpoint>
+                    </source>
+                    <target>
+                        <transition-endpoint nameref="diip">
+                          <event qname="END" />
+                        </transition-endpoint>
+                    </target>
+                </transition>
+            </dialog>
+            <!-- (incomplete) definition of a dialog with unique name dialog2 -->
+            <dialog name="dialog2">
+            </dialog>
+        </dialog-set>
+    </portal>

+ 42 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2010.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+<request xmlns:xsi="" 
+	xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update">
+    <!-- Sample for creating a URL mapping context for "SamplePage." See DeployPortlet.xml.
+         NOTE: This sample expects that the DeployPortlet.xml sample was executed before.  
+     -->
+	<portal action="locate">
+		<!-- Locate the resource and name it "Favorites."-->
+	    <content-node action="locate" uniquename="ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage" objectid="SamplePage"/>
+	    <!-- The label defines the URL, e.g. <hostname>/wps/portal/<portal id>/samples. -->
+	    <url-mapping-context action="update" label="samples">
+	    	<!-- It's also accessible by <hostname>/wps/portal/<portal id>/examples. -->
+		    <additional-label>examples</additional-label>
+		    <!-- The link to the resource -->
+		    <portal-url resourceref="SamplePage" locale="en"/>
+		</url-mapping-context>
+	</portal>

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi="" 
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update" create-oids="true">
+    <!-- sample for creating a user and adding the user to a group -->
+	<portal action="locate">
+        <user action="update" name="sample_user" firstname="Sample" lastname="User" password="secret">
+            <description>My sample user</description>
+            <parameter name="preferredLanguage" type="string" update="set">en</parameter>
+            <parameter name="cn" type="string" update="set">sample</parameter>
+		</user>
+        <group action="update" name="sample_group">
+            <description>Member of the sample group</description>
+            <member-user update="set" id="sample_user"/>
+        </group>
+	</portal>

+ 41 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2007.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update">
+    <!-- Sample for creating a WSRP producer.
+         NOTE: This sample file needs to be modified before execution.
+               The 'wsdl-url' needs to be updated to point to an existing WSRP producer. 
+     -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <wsrp-producer action="update" uniquename="ibm.portal.SampleProducer">
+            <!-- The URL pointing to the producer's WSDL needs to be specified. -->
+            <wsdl-url></wsdl-url>
+        </wsrp-producer>
+    </portal>

+ 46 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2011.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update">
+    <!-- This sample deletes analytics tags.
+         Related sample files:
+             CreateAnalyticsTags.xml 
+             ExportAnalyticsTags.xml
+         NOTE: This sample assumes that the CreateAnalyticsTags.xml sample was executed before.  
+     -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- Delete the analytics tags created by sample CreateAnalyticsTags.xml -->
+        <tag action="delete" objectid="ZCI_B1L68B1A00DO80IG7PCV0I6000"/>
+        <tag action="delete" objectid="ZCI_B1L68B1A00DO80IG7PCV0I7000"/>
+        <!-- Delete all tags with a specific locale in the system -->
+        <!-- <tag action="delete" objectid="*" locale="SPECIFIC_LOCALE"/> -->
+    </portal>

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2010.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+<request xmlns:xsi="" type="update" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.5.0.xsd">
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- 
+            Sample for deregistering existing application categories.            
+        -->
+        <content-node action="delete" domain="rel" uniquename="ibm.portal.toolbar.applications.category.label.sample1"/>   
+        <content-node action="delete" domain="rel" uniquename="ibm.portal.toolbar.applications.category.label.sample2"/>   
+    </portal>

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi="" 
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update" create-oids="true">
+    <!-- sample for deleting a filter (with all its entries) -->
+	<portal action="locate">
+        <!-- Delete the database entries related to the black list filter.
+             See information center for details concerning filter activation/deactivation. -->
+        <!-- <filter-instance action="delete" id="DefaultBlacklistFilter"/> -->
+        <!-- Delete the database entries related to the white list filter.
+             See information center for details concerning filter activation/deactivation. -->
+        <!-- <filter-instance action="delete" id="DefaultWhitelistFilter"/> -->
+	</portal>

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2010.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update">
+    <!-- Sample for deleting the page with unique name 'ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage'.
+         NOTE: This sample expects that a page with the unique name 'ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage' exists.
+               For example the DeployPortlet.xml sample creates such a page.
+     -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <content-node action="delete" uniquename="ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage">
+        </content-node>
+    </portal>

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update">
+    <!-- sample for uninstalling a web module -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- uid must match uid attribute of portlet-app in portlet.xml -->
+       <web-app action="delete" uid="">
+       </web-app>
+    </portal>

+ 62 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2009.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update">
+    <!-- This sample deletes ratings and tags.
+         Related sample files:
+             CreateTagsAndRatings.xml 
+             ExportTagsAndRatings.xml
+         NOTE: This sample assumes that the CreateTagsAndRatings.xml sample was executed before.  
+     -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- Delete the custom resource created by sample CreateTagsAndRatings.xml -->
+        <custom-resource action="delete" objectid="ZCH_B1L68B1A00DO80IG7PCV0I1000"/>
+        <!-- Delete all custom resources in the system -->
+        <!-- <custom-resource action="delete" objectid="*"/> -->
+        <!-- Delete the ratings created by sample CreateTagsAndRatings.xml -->
+        <rating action="delete" objectid="ZCJ_B1L68B1A00DO80IG7PCV0I2000"/>
+        <rating action="delete" objectid="ZCJ_B1L68B1A00DO80IG7PCV0I3000"/>
+        <!-- Delete all ratings in the system -->
+        <!--  <rating action="delete" objectid="*"/> -->
+        <!-- Delete the tags created by sample CreateTagsAndRatings.xml -->
+        <tag action="delete" objectid="ZCI_B1L68B1A00DO80IG7PCV0I4000"/>
+        <tag action="delete" objectid="ZCI_B1L68B1A00DO80IG7PCV0I5000"/>
+        <!-- Delete all tags in the system -->
+        <!-- <tag action="delete" objectid="*"/> -->
+        <!-- Delete all tags with a specific locale in the system -->
+        <!-- <tag action="delete" objectid="*" locale="SPECIFIC_LOCALE"/> -->
+    </portal>

+ 54 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2014.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+<request type="update" xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PCM_2.0.xsd">
+    <!-- delete all dialog definitions that are currently deployed -->
+    <portal action="delete">
+        <dialog-set>
+            <dialog name="*" />
+        </dialog-set>
+    </portal>    
+    <!-- delete a single dialog definition with unique name dialog1 -->
+    <portal action="delete">
+        <dialog-set>
+            <dialog name="dialog1" />
+        </dialog-set>
+    </portal>
+    <!-- delete multiple dialog definitions with unique names dialog1 and dialog2 -->    
+    <portal action="delete">
+        <dialog-set>
+            <dialog name="dialog1" />
+            <dialog name="dialog2" />
+        </dialog-set>
+    </portal>
+    <!-- delete multiple dialog definitions with unique names matching a particular wildcard specification -->    
+    <portal action="delete">
+        <dialog-set>
+            <dialog name="dialog*" />
+        </dialog-set>
+    </portal>

+ 32 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi="" 
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update" create-oids="true">
+    <!-- sample for deleting users and groups -->
+	<portal action="locate">
+        <user action="delete" name="sample_user"/>
+        <group action="delete" name="sample_group"/>
+	</portal>

+ 85 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2010.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update"
+    create-oids="true">
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- Sample JSR 286 portlet -->
+        <!-- The uid must match uid attribute of portlet-app in portlet.xml. -->
+        <web-app action="update" active="true" uid="">
+           <url>file:///$server_root$/base/wp.cp.portlet.tagcloud/installableApps/wp.portlet.tagcloud.war</url>
+	   <!--url>file://localhost/$user_install_root$/PortalServer/deployed/archive/</url-->
+	   <!-- The uid must match uid attribute of concrete-portlet-app in portlet.xml. -->
+           <portlet-app action="update" active="true" uid="">
+              <!-- The name attribute must match content of portlet-name subtag  of concrete-portlet in portlet.xml. -->
+	      <portlet action="update" active="true" name="Tag Cloud" objectid="theExamplePortlet" />               
+              <portlet action="update" active="true" name="Tag Results" objectid="Z3_CGAH47L00OO150I2UJUL0S1OK0" />
+            </portlet-app>
+        </web-app>
+        <!-- Parent element under which the new page is inserted -->
+        <content-node action="locate" objectid="parentPage" uniquename="ibm.portal.Home"/>
+         <content-node action="update" active="true" allportletsallowed="true" content-parentref="parentPage" create-type="explicit" domain="rel" ordinal="1500" type="staticpage" uniquename="ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage">
+            <localedata locale="en"><title>Sample Page</title></localedata>
+            <!-- The content of static page in binary format 
+                 attribute markup can be set to one of portal server supported markups
+                 attribute display-option can be set to "inline" or "iframe" or "ajax".-->
+            <pagecontents markup="html" display-option="inline">
+                <content>UEsDBBQACAAIALKbTDcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAaW5kZXgxLmh0bWxtUE1rwzAMvQf6H0TuTeh1
+            </pagecontents>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[Yes]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[staticpage3]]></parameter>
+	    <parameter name="resourceaggregation.profile" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[profiles/profile_dojo_lightweight.json]]></parameter>
+            <!-- this parameter must match the name of static page -->
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[index1.html]]></parameter>
+            <access-control externalized="false" owner="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultwimfilebasedrealm" private="false"/>
+            <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="V" type="container">
+                <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="V" type="container"/>
+                <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="H" type="container">
+                    <!-- this parameter must match the portlet-container name in the static page -->
+                    <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletContainer1]]></parameter>
+                    <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" type="control">
+                        <!-- this parameter must match the portlet-window name in the static page -->
+                        <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletWindow1]]></parameter>
+                        <portletinstance action="update" domain="rel" portletref="theExamplePortlet" />
+                    </component>
+                </component>
+            </component>
+        </content-node>
+    </portal>

+ 46 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2008.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi="" 
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update" create-oids="true">
+	<portal action="locate">
+        <!-- Sample for deploying themes and skins in an XML script. Note that this only created the database entries;
+             you still need to provide the rendering JSPs under the resource root directories specified in the XML. -->
+		<skin action="update" active="true" objectid="hedgehogSkin" uniquename="" resourceroot="Hedgehog">
+			<localedata locale="en">
+				<title>Hedgehog</title>
+                <description>A skin with lots of spikes!</description>
+			</localedata>
+		</skin>
+		<theme action="update" active="true" defaultskinref="hedgehogSkin" uniquename="ibm.portal.theme.Forest" resourceroot="Forest">
+			<localedata locale="en">
+				<title>A natural theme</title>
+			</localedata>
+            <!-- There's only one skin that may be combined with this theme. -->
+			<allowed-skin skin="hedgehogSkin" update="set"/>
+		</theme>
+	</portal>

+ 49 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2008.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi="" 
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update" create-oids="true">
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- Sample for deploying themes and skins in an XML script.
+             Note that this only created the database entries;
+             you still need to provide the rendering JSPs by
+             deploying the corresponding web module under the
+             specified context root in the application server. -->
+        <skin action="update" active="true" objectid="hedgehogSkin" uniquename="" resourceroot="Hedgehog" context-root="/hh">
+            <localedata locale="en">
+                <title>Hedgehog</title>
+                <description>A skin with lots of spikes!</description>
+            </localedata>
+        </skin>
+        <theme action="update" active="true" defaultskinref="hedgehogSkin" uniquename="ibm.portal.theme.Forest" resourceroot="Forest" context-root="/hh">
+            <localedata locale="en">
+                <title>A natural theme</title>
+            </localedata>
+            <!-- There's only one skin that may be combined with this theme. -->
+            <allowed-skin skin="hedgehogSkin" update="set"/>
+        </theme>
+    </portal>

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi="" 
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="export"
+    export-users="false">
+    <!-- This exports the complete portal configuration (not including users). 
+         Exporting users is not desirable when you transfer configurations between different 
+         portal installations because the systems should be configured to use the same LDAP.
+         It may, however, be useful when transferring configurations between development
+         installations. See also: ExportAllUsers.xml -->
+    <portal action="export"/>

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2009.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+<request xmlns:xsi="" 
+	xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="export">
+    <!-- Example for using the wildcard * to export all policy-nodes.
+         Note: For policy-nodes the wildcard needs to be specified 
+               for the path attribute. -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <policy-node action="export" path="*"/>
+    </portal>

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi="" 
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="export">
+    <!-- Example for using the * wildcard to export all resources of a given type. This script exports all
+         Web modules (and their contained portlets) that are defined in the portal. -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <web-app objectid="*" action="export"/>
+    </portal>

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi="" 
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="export" export-users="true">
+    <!-- Example for exporting the complete user and group configuration of a portal. This example 
+         demonstrates that the export-users attribute in the request must be used, if you explicitly
+         want to export the full user configuration. (You do not need to set this attribute, if you
+         are only exporting selected individual users.)
+         Be aware that the export of the complete user configuration may take very long, if the portal
+         is configured to use a large LDAP directory as the user data store -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <user objectid="*" action="export"/>
+        <group objectid="*" action="export"/>
+    </portal>

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2011.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="export">
+    <!-- This sample exports all tags. 
+        In addition to all analytics tags (starting with '')
+        all tags (see tagging and rating) will be exported.
+         Related sample files:
+             CreateAnalyticsTags.xml 
+             DeleteAnalyticsTags.xml
+     -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <tag action="export" objectid="*"/>
+        <!-- Export all tags with a specific locale in the system -->
+        <!-- <tag action="export" objectid="*" locale="SPECIFIC_LOCALE"/> -->
+    </portal>

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi="" 
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="export-orphaned-data"
+    export-users="false">
+    <!-- This exports the complete portal configuration (not including users) and includes orphaned data.
+         This export cannot be imported again in any portal installation and is used exclusively as input
+         for the SLCheckerTool to cleanup orphaned data. See info center for details. -->
+    <portal action="export"/>

+ 50 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi="" 
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.5.0.xsd"
+    type="export"
+    domain="rel">
+    <!-- Example for the managed pages staging scenario.
+         Exports all resources that need to be staged via XMLAccess and ReleaseBuilder
+         before syndication and project publishing is started.
+    -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <language objectid="*" action="export"/>
+        <action objectid="*" action="export"/>
+        <virtual-resource objectid="*" action="export"/>
+        <resource-type objectid="*" action="export"/>
+        <markup objectid="*" action="export"/>
+        <client objectid="*" action="export"/>
+        <device-class objectid="*" action="export"/>
+        <skin objectid="*" action="export"/>
+        <theme objectid="*" action="export"/>
+        <wsrp-producer objectid="*" action="export"/>
+        <web-app objectid="*" action="export"/>
+        <federation-server objectid="*" action="export"/>
+        <credential-segment objectid="*" action="export"/>
+        <filter-instance objectid="*" action="export"/>
+        <proxy-config objectid="*" type="scoped" action="export"/>
+    </portal>

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2010.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="export">
+    <!-- sample for exporting a page -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <content-node action="export" uniquename="ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage"/>
+    </portal>

+ 57 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2008.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+<request type="update" version="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd">
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <web-app action="locate" domain="rel" objectid="Z1_CGAH47L00O9U30I2I5AQ9H0GL7" uid="">
+	    <servlet action="locate" domain="rel" name="Tag Cloud" objectid="ZV_CGAH47L008OQD0I2B9RPT42O45"/>
+            <portlet-app action="locate" domain="rel" name="" objectid="Z2_CGAH47L00OO150I2UJUL0S1O41" uid="">
+                <portlet action="locate" domain="rel" name="Tag Cloud" objectid="Z3_CGAH47L00O9U30I2I5AQ9H0GD2" />
+            </portlet-app>
+        </web-app>
+        <content-node action="locate" domain="rel" objectid="Z6_000000000000000000000000A0" uniquename="wps.content.root"/>
+        <content-node action="locate" domain="rel" objectid="Z6_CGAH47L000S090I2IP1SB130A7" uniquename="ibm.portal.Home"/>
+        <content-node action="update" active="true" allportletsallowed="true" content-parentref="Z6_CGAH47L000S090I2IP1SB130A7" create-type="explicit" domain="rel" objectid="Z6_2QC68B1A0GR170I26VOD950002" ordinal="1500" type="staticpage" uniquename="ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage">
+            <localedata locale="en">
+                <title>Sample Page</title>
+            </localedata>
+            <pagecontents display-option="inline" markup="html">
+            </pagecontents>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[Yes]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[staticpage2]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[index1.html]]></parameter>
+            <access-control externalized="false" owner="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultwimfilebasedrealm" private="false"/>
+            <component action="update" active="true" deletable="undefined" domain="rel" modifiable="undefined" objectid="Z7_2QC68B1A0GR170I26VOD950001" ordinal="100" orientation="V" skinref="undefined" type="container" width="undefined">
+                <component action="update" active="true" deletable="undefined" domain="rel" modifiable="undefined" objectid="Z7_2QC68B1A0GR170I26VOD950005" ordinal="100" orientation="V" skinref="undefined" type="container" width="undefined"/>
+                <component action="update" active="true" deletable="undefined" domain="rel" modifiable="undefined" objectid="Z7_2QC68B1A0GR170I26VOD950003" ordinal="100" orientation="H" skinref="undefined" type="container" width="undefined">
+                    <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletContainer1]]></parameter>
+                    <component action="update" active="true" deletable="undefined" domain="rel" modifiable="undefined" objectid="Z7_2QC68B1A0GR170I26VOD950007" ordinal="100" skinref="undefined" type="control" width="undefined">
+                        <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletWindow1]]></parameter>
+                        <portletinstance action="update" domain="rel" objectid="Z5_2QC68B1A0GR170I26VOD9500G0" portletref="Z3_CGAH47L00O9U30I2I5AQ9H0GD2"/>
+                    </component>
+                </component>
+            </component>
+        </content-node>
+    </portal>
+    <status element="all" result="ok"/>

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2010.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="export">
+    <!-- sample for exporting a page with portlet -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+    	<web-app action="export" uid=""/>
+        <content-node action="export" uniquename="ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage.2"/>
+    </portal>

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2007.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="export">
+    <!-- sample for exporting a page with portlet -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+    	<web-app action="export" uid="BlurbPortlet.3088d83ae7690017105c9e64cce97eb8"/>
+        <content-node action="export" uniquename="ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage.2"/>
+    </portal>

+ 32 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+	=================================================================
+	* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+	* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2006.  All rights reserved.
+	*
+	* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+	* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+	* Corp.
+	*
+	* DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+	* sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+	* not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+	* solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+	* your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+	* warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+	* arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+	* been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+	*
+	=================================================================
+<request xmlns:xsi=""
+	xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd" type="export"
+	domain="rel">
+	<!-- This sample file exports the complete portal configuration from the release domain 
+		as required by the portal ReleaseBuilder tool. 
+		For more information about using the ReleaseBuilder refer to the Information Center -->
+	<portal action="export" />

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2007.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="export">
+    <!-- sample for exporting a static page -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <content-node action="export" uniquename="ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage.2"/>
+    </portal>

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="export">
+    <!-- Sample for exporting subtree of the content hierarchy. This script exports the page customizer 
+         place with all contained pages. -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <content-node action="export" uniquename="ibm.portal.Home" export-descendants="true"/>
+    </portal>

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2009.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="export">
+    <!-- This sample exports all custom resources, ratings, and tags.
+         Related sample files:
+             CreateTagsAndRatings.xml 
+             DeleteTagsAndRatings.xml
+     -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <custom-resource action="export" objectid="*"/>
+        <rating action="export" objectid="*"/>
+        <tag action="export" objectid="*"/>
+        <!-- Export all tags with a specific locale in the system -->
+        <!-- <tag action="export" objectid="*" locale="SPECIFIC_LOCALE"/> -->
+    </portal>

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2009.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="export">
+    <!-- Sample to export the settings of scheduled tasks. -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <task action="export" name=""/>
+    </portal>

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2012.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ * 
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi="" 
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="export">
+    <!-- This sample exports all theme and skin definitions.  -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <skin action="export" objectid="*" />
+        <theme action="export" objectid="*" />
+    </portal>

+ 54 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2014.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+<request type="update" xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PCM_2.0.xsd">
+    <!-- export all dialog definitions that are currently deployed -->
+    <portal action="export">
+        <dialog-set>
+            <dialog name="*" />
+        </dialog-set>
+    </portal>
+    <!-- export a single dialog definition with unique name dialog1 -->
+    <portal action="export">
+        <dialog-set>
+            <dialog name="dialog1" />
+        </dialog-set>
+    </portal>
+    <!-- export multiple dialog definitions with unique names dialog1 and dialog2 -->
+    <portal action="export">
+        <dialog-set>
+            <dialog name="dialog1" />
+            <dialog name="dialog2" />
+        </dialog-set>
+    </portal>
+    <!-- export multiple dialog definitions with unique names matching a particular wildcard specification -->
+    <portal action="export">
+        <dialog-set>
+            <dialog name="dialog*" />
+        </dialog-set>
+    </portal>

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2012.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="export" domain="rel">
+    <!-- Sample for exporting the unique elements of a release. This script exports the Portal pages 
+	       and url-mappings. This script is useful for staging to production scenarios. -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <content-node action="export" uniquename="wps.content.root" export-descendants="true"/>
+        <cross-page-wire action="export" objectid="*"/>
+        <url-mapping-context action="export" objectid="*" />
+    </portal>

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="export">
+    <!-- Sample for exporting all resources a user owns.
+         NOTE: This sample file needs to be modified before execution.
+               Update the value of the 'owner' attribute of the 'user-resource' tag
+               and specify an existing user. 
+     -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- uid must match uid attribute of portlet-app in portlet.xml -->
+       <user-resource action="export" owner="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultwimfilebasedrealm" domain="cust"/>
+    </portal>

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2007.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="export">
+    <!-- Sample for exporting the customized 
+         portlet instances of a WSRP producer -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <wsrp-customized-portletinstance objectid="*" action="export"/>
+    </portal>

+ 37 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2007.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="export">
+    <!-- Sample for exporting a WSRP producer.
+         NOTE: This sample expects that the CreateWSRPProducer.xml sample was executed before.  
+     -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <wsrp-producer action="export" uniquename="ibm.portal.SampleProducer"/>
+    </portal>

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2007.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="export">
+    <!-- Sample for exporting all WSRP producers
+         and all WSRP consumed portlets. -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- Exports all WSRP producers. -->
+        <wsrp-producer action="export" objectid="*"/>
+        <!-- Exports all WSRP consumed portlets. -->
+        <web-app action="export" uid=""/>
+    </portal>

+ 32 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2011.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+<request type="update" xmlns:xsi="" 
+	xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd">
+	<portal action="locate">
+		<task action="create" name="">
+			<!-- Specify federatorIDs in case you only want to trigger the deletion for a dedicated set of federators -->
+			<!-- <parameter>federatorID</parameter> -->
+		</task>		
+	</portal>

+ 32 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2011.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+<request type="update" xmlns:xsi="" 
+	xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd">
+	<portal action="locate">
+		<task action="create" name="">
+			<!-- Specify federatorIDs in case you only want to trigger the import for a dedicated set of federators -->
+			<!-- <parameter>federatorID</parameter> -->
+		</task>
+	</portal>

+ 52 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2007.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update">
+    <!-- Sample for integrating a remote portlet via WSRP.
+         Replace REMOTE_HANDLE with the handle that
+         identifies the remote portlet on the producer.
+         NOTE: This sample file needs to be updated with values for an existing producer 
+               and an existing remote portlet.
+      -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+         <wsrp-producer action="locate" objectid="Producer_OID" uniquename="ibm.portal.SampleProducer"/>
+         <web-app action="locate" uid="">
+             <servlet action="update" objectid="Servlet_OID" remotehandle="REMOTE_HANDLE" wsrp-producerref="Producer_OID"/>
+             <portlet-app action="locate" uid="">
+                <portlet action="update" active="true" defaultlocale="en" 
+                   servletref="Servlet_OID" name="A_WSRP_Remote_Portlet_Name">
+                   <localedata locale="en">
+                       <title>A WSRP remote portlet title</title>
+                   </localedata>
+                   <access-control externalized="false" owner="undefined" private="false"/>
+                </portlet>
+             </portlet-app>
+          </web-app>
+    </portal>

+ 54 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+<!-- this is an exported portlet, which will be modified now.-->
+<request type="update" create-oids="true" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd">
+    <!-- Sample to update an existing portlet.
+         NOTE: This sample expects that the DeployPortlet.xml sample was executed before.  
+     -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- Sample IBM portlet API portlet -->
+        <!-- The uid must match uid attribute of portlet-app in portlet.xml. -->
+        <web-app action="update" active="true" uid="">
+           <url>file:///$server_root$/ap/wp.ap.welcome/installableApps/WelcomePortlet.war</url>
+           <!-- The uid must match uid attribute of concrete-portlet-app in portlet.xml. -->
+           <portlet-app action="update" active="true" uid="">
+              <!-- The name attribute must match content of portlet-name subtag of concrete-portlet in portlet.xml. -->
+              <portlet action="update" active="true" objectid="theIbmPortletApiPortlet" name="Welcome Portlet">
+                    <!-- Update the english title -->
+                    <localedata locale="en">
+                        <title>Welcome to WebSphere Portal</title>
+                        <description>Displays Version and Copyright Statement</description>
+                    </localedata>
+                    <!-- Add a parameter -->
+                    <parameter name="url" type="string" update="set">/WEB-INF/jsp/wps.jsp</parameter>
+                    <!-- update the access control information -->
+                    <access-control externalized="false" owner="undefined" private="false"/>
+              </portlet>
+           </portlet-app>
+        </web-app>
+    </portal>

+ 121 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2010.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+<request xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+	type="update" create-oids="true">
+	<portal action="locate">
+		<!-- uid must match uid attribute of portlet-app in portlet.xml -->
+		<web-app action="locate" uid="">
+			<!-- uid must match uid attribute of concrete-portlet-app in portlet.xml -->
+			<portlet-app action="locate" uid="">
+				<!-- name must match content of portlet-name subtag  of concrete-portlet in portlet.xml -->
+				<portlet action="locate" objectid="theExamplePortlet" name="Tag Cloud"></portlet>
+			</portlet-app>
+		</web-app>
+	<!-- Parent element under which the new page is inserted -->
+        <content-node action="locate" objectid="parentPage" uniquename="ibm.portal.Home"/>
+         <content-node action="update" active="true" allportletsallowed="true" content-parentref="parentPage" create-type="explicit" domain="rel" 
+	               ordinal="last" type="staticpage" objectid="SamplePage4101" uniquename="ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage.4101">
+	    <localedata locale="en">
+		<title>Sample Page 4101</title>
+	    </localedata>
+            <!-- The content of static page in binary format 
+                 attribute markup can be set to one of portal server supported markups
+                 attribute display-option can be set to "inline" or "iframe" or "ajax".-->
+            <pagecontents markup="html" display-option="inline">
+                <content>UEsDBBQACAAIALKbTDcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAaW5kZXgxLmh0bWxtUE1rwzAMvQf6H0TuTeh1
+            </pagecontents>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[Yes]]></parameter>
+	    <parameter name="resourceaggregation.profile" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[profiles/profile_dojo_lightweight.json]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[staticpage1]]></parameter>
+            <!-- this parameter must match the name of static page -->
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[index1.html]]></parameter>
+            <access-control externalized="false" owner="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultwimfilebasedrealm" private="false"/>
+            <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="V" type="container">
+                <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="V" type="container"/>
+                <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="H" type="container">
+                    <!-- this parameter must match the portlet-container name in the static page -->
+                    <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletContainer1]]></parameter>
+                    <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" type="control">
+                        <!-- this parameter must match the portlet-window name in the static page -->
+                        <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletWindow1]]></parameter>
+                        <portletinstance action="update" domain="rel" portletref="theExamplePortlet" />
+                    </component>
+                </component>
+            </component>
+        </content-node>
+	<content-node action="update" active="true" allportletsallowed="true" content-parentref="parentPage" create-type="explicit" domain="rel" 
+	              ordinal="last" type="staticpage" objectid="SamplePage4102" uniquename="ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage.4102">
+	    <localedata locale="en">
+		<title>Sample Page 4102</title>
+	    </localedata>
+            <!-- The content of static page in binary format 
+                 attribute markup can be set to one of portal server supported markups
+                 attribute display-option can be set to "inline" or "iframe" or "ajax".-->
+            <pagecontents markup="html" display-option="inline">
+                <content>UEsDBBQACAAIALKbTDcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAaW5kZXgxLmh0bWxtUE1rwzAMvQf6H0TuTeh1
+            </pagecontents>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[Yes]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[staticpage2]]></parameter>
+            <!-- this parameter must match the name of static page -->
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[index1.html]]></parameter>
+            <access-control externalized="false" owner="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultwimfilebasedrealm" private="false"/>
+            <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="V" type="container">
+                <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="V" type="container"/>
+                <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="H" type="container">
+                    <!-- this parameter must match the portlet-container name in the static page -->
+                    <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletContainer1]]></parameter>
+                    <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" type="control">
+                        <!-- this parameter must match the portlet-window name in the static page -->
+                        <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletWindow1]]></parameter>
+                        <portletinstance action="update" domain="rel" portletref="theExamplePortlet" />
+                    </component>
+                </component>
+            </component>
+        </content-node>
+	<content-node action="locate" uniquename="ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage.4101" />
+	<content-node action="update" uniquename="ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage.4102" content-parentref="SamplePage4101" />
+	<!--   Note that this specifies a new parent that differs from the previous one.  -->
+	</portal>

+ 51 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+<request xmlns:xsi="" 
+         xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd" 
+         type="update" create-oids="true">
+    <!-- 
+         NOTE: This sample file needs to be modified before execution.
+    -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- Use the predeployed attribute to indicate that the URL of the Web application is the location in the file system 
+                to where the EAR file with the contained WAR file has been extracted. -->   
+        <web-app action="update" uid="my.test.web-app" active="true" predeployed="true">
+            <!-- In this case, the URL points to the root directory of the extracted WAR file in the portal server directory. -->
+            <url>file://localhost/D:/WebSphere/deploy_target_directory/installedApps/myapp.ear/myportletapp.war</url>
+            <!-- The context root that is assigned to the web application of the portlet application in the 
+                 predeployed EAR file (reference: application.xml). must start with a slash -->
+            <context-root>/my/context/root</context-root>
+            <!-- The name that is assigned to the application in the predeployed EAR file (reference: application.xml). -->
+            <display-name>My Web App</display-name>
+            <portlet-app action="update" active="true" name="My portlet app" uid="my.test.portlet-app">
+                <portlet action="update" active="true" name="My Portlet"/>
+            </portlet-app>
+        </web-app>
+    </portal>

+ 65 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+<request type="update" xmlns:xsi="" 
+	xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd">
+	<portal action="locate">
+<!-- This sample creates a scheduler task in the Application Server that will be running
+	 at the specified date/time.
+	 You can create multiple "run once" tasks but only one single task that is regularly
+	 scheduled. You cannot create a monthly and a weekly task.
+	 So please uncomment one of the following task definitions that best match your needs.
+	 The "run once" task is enabled by default.
+<!-- Runs once, starts immediately -->
+		<task action="create" name=""/>
+<!-- Runs daily at 12:30 
+		<task action="create" name="">
+			<startTime>12:30</startTime>
+		</task>
+<!-- Runs monthly, at the latest time possible
+		<task action="create"  name="">
+			<dayOfMonth>31</dayOfMonth>
+			<startTime>23:59</startTime>
+		</task>
+<!-- Runs weekly, on early Friday morning
+		<task action="create"  name="">
+			<dayOfWeek>5</dayOfWeek>
+			<startTime>7:00</startTime>
+		</task>
+	</portal>

+ 114 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2010.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update"
+    create-oids="true"
+    transaction-level="request">
+    <!-- Sample to demonstrate the different transaction levels. 
+         This sample is very similar to CreatePage.xml; the difference is that the portlet
+         is not deployed (update actions) but only found (locate action), and that there's 
+         a second page being created. 
+         The second page generates an error about the uniquename being used.
+		 With the transaction-level set to "request,"  none of the pages is being created, 
+		 whereas transaction-level="resource" creates the first page.
+		 After running this sample with transaction-level="resource," it can be cleaned up
+		 with the DeletePage.xml sample.
+	-->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- uid must match the uid attribute of portlet-app in portlet.xml -->
+        <web-app action="locate" uid="">
+           <!-- uid must match uid attribute of concrete-portlet-app in portlet.xml -->
+           <portlet-app action="locate" uid="">
+                <!-- name must match the content of portlet-name subtag of concrete-portlet in portlet.xml -->
+                <portlet action="locate" objectid="theExamplePortlet" name="Tag Cloud">
+                </portlet>
+            </portlet-app>
+        </web-app>
+        <!-- The parent element under which the new page is inserted. -->
+        <content-node action="locate" objectid="parentPage" uniquename="ibm.portal.Home"/>
+        <!-- Note that the preceding elements are needed because the XML request uses ID generating mode
+             and the new page must refer to the portlet and the parent place, so the object IDs
+             thePortlet and wps.content.root.My_Portal must be defined.
+             If you use ID preserving mode and have the correct objectid values for these two resources,
+             you do not need to locate them. -->
+        <!-- The new page. contentparentref attribute must match the objectid of parent. 
+             Change the uniquename attribute to create another page. -->
+         <content-node action="update" active="true" allportletsallowed="true" content-parentref="parentPage" create-type="explicit" domain="rel" ordinal="last" type="staticpage" uniquename="ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage.2">
+            <localedata locale="en" prefix="page.sample">
+                <url>file:///$server_root$/base/wp.xml/doc/xml-samples/</url>
+            </localedata>
+            <localedata locale="de" prefix="page.sample">
+                <url>file:///$server_root$/base/wp.xml/doc/xml-samples/</url>
+            </localedata>
+            <!-- The content of static page in binary format 
+                 attribute markup can be set to one of portal server supported markups
+                 attribute display-option can be set to "inline" or "iframe" or "ajax".-->
+            <pagecontents markup="html" display-option="inline">
+                <content>UEsDBBQACAAIALKbTDcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAaW5kZXgxLmh0bWxtUE1rwzAMvQf6H0TuTeh1
+            </pagecontents>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[Yes]]></parameter>
+	    <parameter name="resourceaggregation.profile" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[profiles/profile_dojo_lightweight.json]]></parameter>
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[staticpage2]]></parameter>
+            <!-- this parameter must match the name of static page -->
+            <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[index1.html]]></parameter>
+            <access-control externalized="false" owner="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultwimfilebasedrealm" private="false"/>
+            <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="V" type="container">
+                <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="V" type="container"/>
+                <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" orientation="H" type="container">
+                    <!-- this parameter must match the portlet-container name in the static page -->
+                    <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletContainer1]]></parameter>
+                    <component action="update" active="true" domain="rel" ordinal="100" type="control">
+                        <!-- this parameter must match the portlet-window name in the static page -->
+                        <parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[portletWindow1]]></parameter>
+                        <portletinstance action="update" domain="rel" portletref="theExamplePortlet" />
+                    </component>
+                </component>
+            </component>
+        </content-node>
+        <!-- This is the second page that will generate the error as we set the uniquename to one
+        	 that is already defined.
+        -->
+        <content-node action="update" uniquename="ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage.2"  ordinal="last" content-parentref="parentPage" active="true" create-type="explicit" type="staticpage">
+            <supported-markup markup="html" update="set"/>
+            <localedata locale="en">
+                <title>Page that should not appear</title>
+            </localedata>
+        </content-node>
+    </portal>

+ 93 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2010.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update"
+    create-oids="true">
+    <!-- Sample for setting access control on resources.
+         NOTE: This sample file needs to be modified before execution.
+               Update the file specifying existing users and groups.
+         NOTE: This sample expects that a page with the unique name 'ibm.portal.SamplePage' exists.
+               For example the DeployPortlet.xml sample creates such a page.
+     -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- Virtual resources allow you to set access control on all resources of a certain type.
+             The following example assigns the administrator privileges on all user groups -->
+        <virtual-resource action="update" domain="rel" name="USER_GROUPS">
+            <access-control>
+                <role actionset="Administrator" update="set">
+                    <mapping subjectid="wpsadmin" subjecttype="USER" update="set"/>
+                </role>
+            </access-control>
+        </virtual-resource>
+        <!-- Set access control on a portlet - the portlet is  not redeployed.
+             The same syntax can be used to set access control on a new deployed portlet -->
+       <web-app action="locate" uid="">
+          <portlet-app action="locate" uid="">
+              <access-control>
+                  <!-- The user role should not automatically propagate to portlets in this application. -->
+                  <role-block type="propagation" actionset="User"/>
+              </access-control>
+               <portlet action="update" active="true" name="Welcome Portlet">
+                   <access-control>
+                       <!-- Remove all role blocks on this resource. -->
+                       <role-block type="none"/>
+                       <role actionset="Administrator" update="set">
+                           <!-- depending on your directory used, the DN must be changed -->
+                           <mapping subjectid="uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultwimfilebasedrealm" subjecttype="USER" update="set"/>
+                       </role>
+                       <role actionset="Privileged User" update="set">
+                           <mapping subjectid="all authenticated portal users" subjecttype="USER_GROUP" update="set"/>
+                       </role>
+                       <role actionset="User" update="set">
+                           <mapping subjectid="anonymous portal user" subjecttype="USER" update="set"/>
+                       </role>
+                   </access-control>
+               </portlet>
+           </portlet-app>
+       </web-app>
+       <!-- Set access control on a page - the layout of the page is not modified.
+            The same syntax can be used to set access control on a new created page. -->
+       <content-node action="update" uniquename="ibm.portal.ssa.SamplePage">
+            <access-control>
+                <!-- The manager role should not be inherited automatically from parents of this page.  -->
+                <role-block type="inheritance" actionset="Manager"/>
+                <!-- The manager role is set explicitly on this page. -->
+                <role actionset="Manager" update="set">
+                    <mapping subjectid="wpsadmin" subjecttype="USER" update="set"/>
+                </role>
+                <role actionset="User" update="set">
+                    <mapping subjectid="anonymous portal user" subjecttype="USER" update="set"/>
+                </role>
+            </access-control>
+        </content-node>
+    </portal>

+ 37 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi="" 
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update">
+    <!-- Sample for updating a filter with some sample entries.
+         NOTE: This sample expects that the CreateFilter.xml sample was executed before.  
+     -->
+	<portal action="locate">
+        <filter-instance action="update" id="DefaultBlacklistFilter">
+            <filter-data value="badword1" action="delete"/>
+            <filter-data value="badword3" action="update"/>        
+		</filter-instance>
+	</portal>

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update"
+    create-oids="true">
+    <!-- sample for updating a portlet from a new version of the WAR file -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+        <!-- uid must match uid attribute of portlet-app in portlet.xml -->
+       <web-app action="update" active="true" uid="">
+          <url>file:///$server_root$/ap/wp.ap.welcome/installableApps/WelcomePortlet.war</url>
+          <!-- uid must match uid attribute of concrete-portlet-app in portlet.xml -->
+          <portlet-app action="update" active="true" uid="">
+               <!-- name must match content of portlet-name subtag  of concrete-portlet in portlet.xml -->
+               <portlet action="update" active="true" objectid="thePortlet" name="Welcome Portlet">
+               </portlet>
+           </portlet-app>
+       </web-app>
+    </portal>

+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ =================================================================
+ * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
+ * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003, 2006.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
+ * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM
+ * Corp.
+ *
+ * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES.  The following [enclosed] code is
+ * sample code created by IBM Corporation.  This sample code is
+ * not part of any standard or IBM product and is provided to you
+ * solely for the purpose of assisting you in the development of
+ * your applications.  The code is provided "AS IS", without
+ * warranty of any kind.  IBM shall not be liable for any damages
+ * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have
+ * been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ =================================================================
+    xmlns:xsi="" 
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_8.0.0.xsd"
+    type="update" create-oids="true">
+    <!-- Sample for updating the credential vault. This script creates a new segment containing one slot in the portal
+         credential vault.
+         The credentials (userid and password pairs) that are stored in the vault cannot be accessed using the XML configuration
+         interface. You can only set the credentials using the administration portlets for the credential vault. -->
+    <portal action="locate">
+		<credential-segment action="update" adapter-type="default" name="CorporateSegment" user-mapped="false">
+			<description>Segment containing credentials for corporate backends</description>
+			<credential-slot action="update" name="CorporateFtpServer" active="false" system="true" resource="none" secrettype="userid-password">
+                <localedata locale="en">
+                    <description>Credentials for accessing the Corporate FTP server</description>
+                    <keywords>FTP Backend Corporate</keywords>
+                </localedata>
+            </credential-slot>
+		</credential-segment>
+	</portal>


+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=النموذج 2
+page.sample.description=صفحة نموذج أخرى
+page.someotherpage.title=صفحة غير مرتبطة على الاطلاق

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=Mostra 2
+page.sample.description=Una altra pàgina de mostra
+page.someotherpage.title=Una pàgina sense cap relació

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=Ukázka 2
+page.sample.description=Jiná ukázková stránka
+page.someotherpage.title=Jiná zcela nepříbuzná stránka

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=Eksempel 2
+page.sample.description=En anden eksempelside
+page.someotherpage.title=En helt anden side

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=Muster 2
+page.sample.description=Eine weitere Musterseite
+page.someotherpage.title=Eine Seite ganz ohne einen Bezug

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=Δείγμα 2
+page.sample.description=Άλλο δείγμα σελίδας
+page.someotherpage.title=Κάποια μη σχετική σελίδα

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=Sample 2
+page.sample.description=Another sample page
+page.someotherpage.title=Some completely unrelated page

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=Ejemplo 2
+page.sample.description=Otra página de ejemplo
+page.someotherpage.title=Una página sin ninguna relación

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=Malli 2
+page.sample.description=Toinen mallisivu
+page.someotherpage.title=Täysin asiaan liittymätön sivu

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=Modèle 2
+page.sample.description=Un autre modèle de page
+page.someotherpage.title=Page sans aucun lien.

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=Primjer 2
+page.sample.description=Stranica drugog primjera
+page.someotherpage.title=Neka potpuno nepovezana stranica

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=2. minta
+page.sample.description=Egy másik mintaoldal
+page.someotherpage.title=Egy teljesen független oldal

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=Esempio 2
+page.sample.description=Un'altra pagina di esempio
+page.someotherpage.title=Una pagina del tutto non correlata

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=דוגמה 2
+page.sample.description=עוד דף לדוגמה
+page.someotherpage.title=דף לא קשור

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=サンプル 2

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.description=Басқа үлгі беті
+page.someotherpage.title=Мүлде қатысы жоқ бір бет

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=샘플 2
+page.sample.description=다른 샘플 페이지
+page.someotherpage.title=일부 완전히 관련 없는 페이지

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=Voorbeeld 2
+page.sample.description=Een andere voorbeeldpagina
+page.someotherpage.title=Een pagina die hier niets mee te maken heeft

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=Eksempel 2
+page.sample.description=Ny eksempelside
+page.someotherpage.title=En helt urelatert side

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=Przykład 2
+page.sample.description=Inna przykładowa strona
+page.someotherpage.title=Pewna zupełnie niepowiązana strona

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=Exemplo 2
+page.sample.description=Outra página de exemplo
+page.someotherpage.title=Uma página sem qualquer relação

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# cmvc_en_version_level =, 1, 08/08/13, 05:35:35
+page.sample.title=Amostra 2
+page.sample.description=Outra página de amostra
+page.someotherpage.title=Alguma página não relacionada completamente

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff