backup: fixes to use the backup GUI

This commit is contained in:
Olivier MEDOC 2013-09-27 09:41:40 +02:00
parent af230b33a9
commit 26fb5b3d25

View File

@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@ def backup_do_copy(base_backup_dir, files_to_backup, progress_callback = None, e
global blocks_backedup
blocks_backedup += new_size
progress = blocks_backedup / float(total_backup_sz)
to_send = Queue()
send_proc = Send_Worker(to_send, backup_tmpdir, backup_stdout)
@ -1298,15 +1298,14 @@ def wait_backup_feedback(progress_callback, in_stream, streamproc, backup_target
return run_error
def restore_vm_dirs (backup_dir, backup_tmpdir, passphrase, vms_dirs, vms, vms_size, print_callback=None, error_callback=None, encrypted=False, appvm=None):
def restore_vm_dirs (backup_dir, backup_tmpdir, passphrase, vms_dirs, vms, vms_size, print_callback=None, error_callback=None, progress_callback=None, encrypted=False, appvm=None):
# Setup worker to extract encrypted data chunks to the restore dirs
from multiprocessing import Queue,Process
class Extract_Worker(Process):
def __init__(self,queue,base_dir,passphrase,encrypted,total_size):
def __init__(self,queue,base_dir,passphrase,encrypted,total_size,print_callback,error_callback,progress_callback):
super(Extract_Worker, self).__init__()
self.queue = queue
self.base_dir = base_dir
@ -1316,6 +1315,10 @@ def restore_vm_dirs (backup_dir, backup_tmpdir, passphrase, vms_dirs, vms, vms_s
self.blocks_backedup = 0
self.tar2_command = None
self.print_callback = print_callback
self.error_callback = error_callback
self.progress_callback = progress_callback
self.restore_pipe = os.path.join(self.base_dir,"restore_pipe")
print "Creating pipe in:",self.restore_pipe
print os.mkfifo(self.restore_pipe)
@ -1323,22 +1326,24 @@ def restore_vm_dirs (backup_dir, backup_tmpdir, passphrase, vms_dirs, vms, vms_s
def compute_progress(self, new_size, total_size):
self.blocks_backedup += new_size
progress = self.blocks_backedup / float(self.total_size)
progress = int(round(progress*100,2))
def run(self):
print "Started extracting thread"
self.print_callback("Started sending thread")
print "Moving to temporary dir",self.base_dir
self.print_callback("Moving to temporary dir "+self.base_dir)
for filename in iter(self.queue.get,None):
if filename == "FINISHED":
print "Extracting file",filename,"to",self.base_dir
self.print_callback("Extracting file "+filename+" to "+self.base_dir)
if self.tar2_command == None:
self.tar2_command = ['tar', '--tape-length','1000000', '-xvf', self.restore_pipe]
self.print_callback("Running command "+str(self.tar2_command))
self.tar2_command = subprocess.Popen(self.tar2_command,stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
pipe = open(self.restore_pipe,'r+b')
@ -1351,11 +1356,8 @@ def restore_vm_dirs (backup_dir, backup_tmpdir, passphrase, vms_dirs, vms, vms_s
run_error = wait_backup_feedback(self.compute_progress, open(filename,"rb"), None, pipe, self.total_size, hmac=None, vmproc=None, addproc=self.tar2_command)
print "Run error:",run_error
print self.tar2_command.poll(),
# Close named pipe so that tar knowns the file has been entirely read
self.print_callback("Run error:"+run_error)
if self.tar2_command.poll() != None:
if self.tar2_command.poll() != 0:
@ -1363,22 +1365,24 @@ def restore_vm_dirs (backup_dir, backup_tmpdir, passphrase, vms_dirs, vms, vms_s
# Finished extracting the tar file
self.tar2_command = None
print "Releasing next chunck"
self.print_callback("Releasing next chunck")
# Delete the file as we don't need it anymore
print "Removing file",filename
self.print_callback("Removing file "+filename)
print "Finished extracting thread"
self.print_callback("Finished extracting thread")
to_extract = Queue()
extract_proc = Extract_Worker(to_extract, backup_tmpdir, passphrase, encrypted, vms_size)
extract_proc = Extract_Worker(to_extract, backup_tmpdir, passphrase, encrypted, vms_size, print_callback, error_callback, progress_callback)
#backup_src_dir = src_dir.replace (qubes_base_dir, backup_dir)
print "Restore vm dirs:",backup_dir, vms_dirs, vms, vms_size
print_callback("Working in temporary dir:"+backup_tmpdir)
print_callback(str(vms_size)+" bytes to restore")
vmproc = None
if appvm != None:
@ -1403,29 +1407,35 @@ def restore_vm_dirs (backup_dir, backup_tmpdir, passphrase, vms_dirs, vms, vms_s
backup_stdin = open(backup_dir,'rb')
# FIXME: Use a safer program such as cpio, modified uncompress.c, or try to extract it from the APPVM directly based on Joana recommendation.
# FIXME: Use a safer program such as cpio, modified uncompress.c, or try to extract it from
tar1_command = ['tar', '-i', '-xv', '-C', backup_tmpdir]
print "Running 'safe' command",tar1_command
print_callback("Run command"+str(tar1_command))
command = subprocess.Popen(tar1_command, stdin=backup_stdin, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
while command.poll() == None and vmproc.poll() == None:
filename = command.stdout.readline().strip(" \t\r\n")
print "Getting new file:",filename
print_callback("Getting new file:"+filename)
hmacfile = command.stdout.readline().strip(" \t\r\n")
print "Getting hmac:",hmacfile
print_callback("Getting hmac:"+hmacfile)
print "Verifying file",filename
print_callback("Verifying file"+filename)
hmac_proc = subprocess.Popen (["openssl", "dgst", "-hmac", passphrase], stdin=open(os.path.join(backup_tmpdir,filename),'rb'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout,stderr = hmac_proc.communicate()
if len(stderr) > 0:
raise QubesException("ERROR: verify file {0}: {1}".format((filename,stderr)))
print "Loading hmac for file",filename
print_callback("Loading hmac for file"+filename)
hmac = load_hmac(open(os.path.join(backup_tmpdir,filename+".hmac"),'r').read())
if len(hmac) > 0 and load_hmac(stdout) == hmac:
print "File verification OK. Sending",filename,"to extraction thread"
print_callback("File verification OK -> Sending file "+filename+" for extraction")
# Send the chunk to the backup target
@ -1438,7 +1448,7 @@ def restore_vm_dirs (backup_dir, backup_tmpdir, passphrase, vms_dirs, vms, vms_s
raise QubesException("ERROR: unable to read the qubes backup {0} because of a VM error: {1}".format(restore_target,
def backup_restore_set_defaults(options):
if 'use-default-netvm' not in options:
@ -1775,7 +1785,7 @@ def backup_restore_print_summary(restore_info, print_callback = print_stdout):
def backup_restore_do(backup_dir, restore_tmpdir, passphrase, restore_info, host_collection = None, print_callback = print_stdout, error_callback = print_stderr, encrypted=False, appvm = None ):
def backup_restore_do(backup_dir, restore_tmpdir, passphrase, restore_info, host_collection = None, print_callback = print_stdout, error_callback = print_stderr, progress_callback = None, encrypted=False, appvm=None):
lock_obtained = False
if host_collection is None:
@ -1798,7 +1808,7 @@ def backup_restore_do(backup_dir, restore_tmpdir, passphrase, restore_info, host
vms[] = vm
restore_vm_dirs (backup_dir, restore_tmpdir, passphrase, vms_dirs, vms, vms_size, print_callback, error_callback, encrypted, appvm)
restore_vm_dirs (backup_dir, restore_tmpdir, passphrase, vms_dirs, vms, vms_size, print_callback, error_callback, progress_callback, encrypted, appvm)
# Add VM in right order