Kaynağa Gözat

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pr/257'

* origin/pr/257:
  tests: AdminVM.run_service*()
  tests: QubesVM.run_service function
  vm/adminvm: add run_service* functions
Marek Marczykowski-Górecki 5 yıl önce
4 değiştirilmiş dosya ile 322 ekleme ve 2 silme
  1. 1 0
  2. 107 1
  3. 137 0
  4. 77 1

+ 1 - 0

@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ system_path = {
     'qubes_guid_path': '/usr/bin/qubes-guid',
     'qrexec_daemon_path': '/usr/sbin/qrexec-daemon',
     'qrexec_client_path': '/usr/bin/qrexec-client',
+    'qrexec_rpc_multiplexer': '/usr/lib/qubes/qubes-rpc-multiplexer',
     'qubesdb_daemon_path': '/usr/sbin/qubesdb-daemon',
     # Relative to qubes_base_dir

+ 107 - 1

@@ -17,10 +17,14 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 # License along with this library; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import subprocess
 import unittest
 import unittest.mock
+import functools
+import asyncio
 import qubes
 import qubes.exc
 import qubes.vm
@@ -44,6 +48,24 @@ class TC_00_AdminVM(qubes.tests.QubesTestCase):
             self.skipTest('setup failed')
+    def tearDown(self) -> None:
+        self.app.domains.clear()
+    def add_vm(self, name, cls=qubes.vm.qubesvm.QubesVM, **kwargs):
+        vm = cls(self.app, None,
+                 qid=kwargs.pop('qid', 1), name=qubes.tests.VMPREFIX + name,
+                 **kwargs)
+        self.app.domains[vm.qid] = vm
+        self.app.domains[vm.uuid] = vm
+        self.app.domains[vm.name] = vm
+        self.app.domains[vm] = vm
+        self.addCleanup(vm.close)
+        return vm
+    @asyncio.coroutine
+    def coroutine_mock(self, mock, *args, **kwargs):
+        return mock(*args, **kwargs)
     def cleanup_adminvm(self):
         del self.vm
@@ -82,3 +104,87 @@ class TC_00_AdminVM(qubes.tests.QubesTestCase):
     def test_311_suspend(self):
         with self.assertRaises(qubes.exc.QubesException):
+    @unittest.mock.patch('asyncio.create_subprocess_exec')
+    def test_700_run_service(self, mock_subprocess):
+        func_mock = unittest.mock.Mock()
+        mock_subprocess.side_effect = functools.partial(
+            self.coroutine_mock, func_mock)
+        self.add_vm('vm')
+        with self.subTest('running'):
+            self.loop.run_until_complete(self.vm.run_service('test.service'))
+            func_mock.assert_called_once_with(
+                '/usr/lib/qubes/qubes-rpc-multiplexer',
+                'test.service', 'dom0', 'name', 'dom0')
+        func_mock.reset_mock()
+        with self.subTest('other_user'):
+            self.loop.run_until_complete(
+                self.vm.run_service('test.service', user='other'))
+            func_mock.assert_called_once_with(
+                'runuser', '-u', 'other', '--',
+                '/usr/lib/qubes/qubes-rpc-multiplexer',
+                'test.service', 'dom0', 'name', 'dom0')
+            func_mock.reset_mock()
+        with self.subTest('other_source'):
+            self.loop.run_until_complete(
+                self.vm.run_service('test.service', source='test-inst-vm'))
+            func_mock.assert_called_once_with(
+                '/usr/lib/qubes/qubes-rpc-multiplexer',
+                'test.service', 'test-inst-vm', 'name', 'dom0')
+    @unittest.mock.patch('qubes.vm.adminvm.AdminVM.run_service')
+    def test_710_run_service_for_stdio(self, mock_run_service):
+        func_mock = unittest.mock.Mock()
+        mock_run_service.side_effect = functools.partial(
+            self.coroutine_mock, func_mock)
+        communicate_mock = unittest.mock.Mock()
+        func_mock.return_value.communicate.side_effect = functools.partial(
+            self.coroutine_mock, communicate_mock)
+        communicate_mock.return_value = (b'stdout', b'stderr')
+        func_mock.return_value.returncode = 0
+        with self.subTest('default'):
+            value = self.loop.run_until_complete(
+                self.vm.run_service_for_stdio('test.service'))
+            func_mock.assert_called_once_with(
+                'test.service',
+                stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+                stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
+            communicate_mock.assert_called_once_with(input=None)
+            self.assertEqual(value, (b'stdout', b'stderr'))
+        func_mock.reset_mock()
+        communicate_mock.reset_mock()
+        with self.subTest('with_input'):
+            value = self.loop.run_until_complete(
+                self.vm.run_service_for_stdio('test.service', input=b'abc'))
+            func_mock.assert_called_once_with(
+                'test.service',
+                stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+                stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
+            communicate_mock.assert_called_once_with(input=b'abc')
+            self.assertEqual(value, (b'stdout', b'stderr'))
+        func_mock.reset_mock()
+        communicate_mock.reset_mock()
+        with self.subTest('error'):
+            func_mock.return_value.returncode = 1
+            with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as exc:
+                self.loop.run_until_complete(
+                    self.vm.run_service_for_stdio('test.service'))
+            func_mock.assert_called_once_with(
+                'test.service',
+                stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+                stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
+            communicate_mock.assert_called_once_with(input=None)
+            self.assertEqual(exc.exception.returncode, 1)
+            self.assertEqual(exc.exception.output, b'stdout')
+            self.assertEqual(exc.exception.stderr, b'stderr')

+ 137 - 0

@@ -21,11 +21,16 @@
 import base64
 import os
+import subprocess
 import tempfile
 import unittest
 import uuid
 import datetime
+import asyncio
+import functools
 import lxml.etree
 import unittest.mock
@@ -1463,3 +1468,135 @@ class TC_90_QubesVM(QubesVMTestsMixin, qubes.tests.QubesTestCase):
                     lambda _: True):
             self.assertEqual(test_qubesdb.data, expected)
+    @asyncio.coroutine
+    def coroutine_mock(self, mock, *args, **kwargs):
+        return mock(*args, **kwargs)
+    @unittest.mock.patch('asyncio.create_subprocess_exec')
+    def test_700_run_service(self, mock_subprocess):
+        func_mock = unittest.mock.Mock()
+        mock_subprocess.side_effect = functools.partial(
+            self.coroutine_mock, func_mock)
+        start_mock = unittest.mock.Mock()
+        vm = self.get_vm(cls=qubes.vm.standalonevm.StandaloneVM,
+                         name='vm')
+        vm.is_running = lambda: True
+        vm.is_qrexec_running = lambda: True
+        vm.start = functools.partial(self.coroutine_mock, start_mock)
+        with self.subTest('running'):
+            self.loop.run_until_complete(vm.run_service('test.service'))
+            func_mock.assert_called_once_with(
+                '/usr/bin/qrexec-client', '-d', 'test-inst-vm',
+                'user:QUBESRPC test.service dom0')
+            self.assertFalse(start_mock.called)
+        func_mock.reset_mock()
+        start_mock.reset_mock()
+        with self.subTest('not_running'):
+            vm.is_running = lambda: False
+            with self.assertRaises(qubes.exc.QubesVMNotRunningError):
+                self.loop.run_until_complete(vm.run_service('test.service'))
+            self.assertFalse(func_mock.called)
+        func_mock.reset_mock()
+        start_mock.reset_mock()
+        with self.subTest('autostart'):
+            vm.is_running = lambda: False
+            self.loop.run_until_complete(vm.run_service(
+                'test.service', autostart=True))
+            func_mock.assert_called_once_with(
+                '/usr/bin/qrexec-client', '-d', 'test-inst-vm',
+                'user:QUBESRPC test.service dom0')
+            self.assertTrue(start_mock.called)
+        func_mock.reset_mock()
+        start_mock.reset_mock()
+        with self.subTest('no_qrexec'):
+            vm.is_running = lambda: True
+            vm.is_qrexec_running = lambda: False
+            with self.assertRaises(qubes.exc.QubesVMError):
+                self.loop.run_until_complete(vm.run_service('test.service'))
+            self.assertFalse(start_mock.called)
+            self.assertFalse(func_mock.called)
+        func_mock.reset_mock()
+        start_mock.reset_mock()
+        with self.subTest('other_user'):
+            vm.is_running = lambda: True
+            vm.is_qrexec_running = lambda: True
+            self.loop.run_until_complete(vm.run_service('test.service',
+                                                        user='other'))
+            func_mock.assert_called_once_with(
+                '/usr/bin/qrexec-client', '-d', 'test-inst-vm',
+                'other:QUBESRPC test.service dom0')
+            self.assertFalse(start_mock.called)
+        func_mock.reset_mock()
+        start_mock.reset_mock()
+        with self.subTest('other_source'):
+            vm.is_running = lambda: True
+            vm.is_qrexec_running = lambda: True
+            self.loop.run_until_complete(vm.run_service('test.service',
+                                                        source='test-inst-vm'))
+            func_mock.assert_called_once_with(
+                '/usr/bin/qrexec-client', '-d', 'test-inst-vm',
+                'user:QUBESRPC test.service test-inst-vm')
+            self.assertFalse(start_mock.called)
+    @unittest.mock.patch('qubes.vm.qubesvm.QubesVM.run_service')
+    def test_710_run_service_for_stdio(self, mock_run_service):
+        vm = self.get_vm(cls=qubes.vm.standalonevm.StandaloneVM,
+                         name='vm')
+        func_mock = unittest.mock.Mock()
+        mock_run_service.side_effect = functools.partial(
+            self.coroutine_mock, func_mock)
+        communicate_mock = unittest.mock.Mock()
+        func_mock.return_value.communicate.side_effect = functools.partial(
+            self.coroutine_mock, communicate_mock)
+        communicate_mock.return_value = (b'stdout', b'stderr')
+        func_mock.return_value.returncode = 0
+        with self.subTest('default'):
+            value = self.loop.run_until_complete(
+                vm.run_service_for_stdio('test.service'))
+            func_mock.assert_called_once_with(
+                'test.service',
+                stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+                stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
+            communicate_mock.assert_called_once_with(input=None)
+            self.assertEqual(value, (b'stdout', b'stderr'))
+        func_mock.reset_mock()
+        communicate_mock.reset_mock()
+        with self.subTest('with_input'):
+            value = self.loop.run_until_complete(
+                vm.run_service_for_stdio('test.service', input=b'abc'))
+            func_mock.assert_called_once_with(
+                'test.service',
+                stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+                stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
+            communicate_mock.assert_called_once_with(input=b'abc')
+            self.assertEqual(value, (b'stdout', b'stderr'))
+        func_mock.reset_mock()
+        communicate_mock.reset_mock()
+        with self.subTest('error'):
+            func_mock.return_value.returncode = 1
+            with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as exc:
+                self.loop.run_until_complete(
+                    vm.run_service_for_stdio('test.service'))
+            func_mock.assert_called_once_with(
+                'test.service',
+                stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+                stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
+            communicate_mock.assert_called_once_with(input=None)
+            self.assertEqual(exc.exception.returncode, 1)
+            self.assertEqual(exc.exception.output, b'stdout')
+            self.assertEqual(exc.exception.stderr, b'stderr')

+ 77 - 1

@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
 ''' This module contains the AdminVM implementation '''
+import asyncio
+import subprocess
 import libvirt
 import qubes
@@ -212,6 +213,81 @@ class AdminVM(qubes.vm.BaseVM):
             self._qdb_connection = qubesdb.QubesDB(self.name)
         return self._qdb_connection
+    @asyncio.coroutine
+    def run_service(self, service, source=None, user=None,
+            filter_esc=False, autostart=False, gui=False, **kwargs):
+        '''Run service on this VM
+        :param str service: service name
+        :param qubes.vm.qubesvm.QubesVM source: source domain as presented to
+            this VM
+        :param str user: username to run service as
+        :param bool filter_esc: filter escape sequences to protect terminal \
+            emulator
+        :param bool autostart: if :py:obj:`True`, machine will be started if \
+            it is not running
+        :param bool gui: when autostarting, also start gui daemon
+        :rtype: asyncio.subprocess.Process
+        .. note::
+            User ``root`` is redefined to ``SYSTEM`` in the Windows agent code
+        '''
+        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+        source = 'dom0' if source is None else self.app.domains[source].name
+        if filter_esc:
+            raise NotImplementedError(
+                'filter_esc=True not supported on calls to dom0')
+        if user is None:
+            user = 'root'
+        yield from self.fire_event_async('domain-cmd-pre-run', pre_event=True,
+            start_guid=gui)
+        if user != 'root':
+            cmd = ['runuser', '-u', user, '--']
+        else:
+            cmd = []
+        cmd.extend([
+            qubes.config.system_path['qrexec_rpc_multiplexer'],
+            service,
+            source,
+            'name',
+            self.name,
+            ])
+        return (yield from asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
+            *cmd,
+            **kwargs))
+    @asyncio.coroutine
+    def run_service_for_stdio(self, *args, input=None, **kwargs):
+        '''Run a service, pass an optional input and return (stdout, stderr).
+        Raises an exception if return code != 0.
+        *args* and *kwargs* are passed verbatim to :py:meth:`run_service`.
+        .. warning::
+            There are some combinations if stdio-related *kwargs*, which are
+            not filtered for problems originating between the keyboard and the
+            chair.
+        '''  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
+        kwargs.setdefault('stdin', subprocess.PIPE)
+        kwargs.setdefault('stdout', subprocess.PIPE)
+        kwargs.setdefault('stderr', subprocess.PIPE)
+        p = yield from self.run_service(*args, **kwargs)
+        # this one is actually a tuple, but there is no need to unpack it
+        stdouterr = yield from p.communicate(input=input)
+        if p.returncode:
+            raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode,
+                args[0], *stdouterr)
+        return stdouterr
 #   def __init__(self, **kwargs):
 #       super(QubesAdminVm, self).__init__(qid=0, name="dom0",