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* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
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<!-- Sample for creating a legacy page that contains an existing portlet.
This sample is very similar to DeployPortlet; the difference is that the portlet
is not deployed (update actions) but only found (locate action).
This sample also demonstrates how to set the skin for the new portlet and how
NLS settings (page title and description) can be read from property files. -->
<portal action="locate">
<skin action="locate" objectid="Standard" uniquename="ibm.portal.85Standard"/>
<web-app action="locate" uid="com.ibm.wps.portlets.welcome">
<!-- uid must match uid attribute of concrete-portlet-app in portlet.xml -->
<portlet-app action="locate" uid="com.ibm.wps.portlets.welcome.1">
<!-- name must match content of portlet-name subtag of concrete-portlet in portlet.xml -->
<portlet action="locate" objectid="theExamplePortlet" name="Welcome Portlet">
<!-- Parent element under which the new page is inserted -->
<content-node action="locate" objectid="parentPage" uniquename="ibm.portal.Home"/>
<content-node action="update" uniquename="ibm.portal.legacy.SamplePage.2" ordinal="last" content-parentref="parentPage" active="true" create-type="explicit" type="page">
<supported-markup markup="html" update="set"/>
<!-- The title and description for the page are read from property files. The property keys must end with the strings
title, description, and keywords. (Pages do not support keywords.) The prefix attribute specifies a string that is
prepended to the property key so that you can keep titles for different resources in the same property file. -->
<localedata locale="en" >
<title>Legacy page example</title>
<component action="create" ordinal="100" type="container" orientation="H">
<component action="create" ordinal="100" type="control" skinref="Standard">
<!-- portletref must match the objectid attribute of portlet -->
<portletinstance action="update" portletref="theExamplePortlet"/>